Parts of Mass Flashcards
What was Mass like before 1964?
Before 1964, priests had celebrated the Mass with their backs to the assembly. Also, Mass would be celebrated in Latin because it was the official language of the Church. Changes were made so Mass could be celebrated in local languages.
What are the 4 “sections” of the Mass?
The 4 “sections” of the Mass are Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites.
Entrance Chant
Altar servers, readers, and the priest make their way toward the altar.
A prayer that concludes the opening rites of Mass. We pray in silence for a moment.
First Reading
This is from the Old Testament, about people before Christ.
Second Reading
This is about the disciples, from the New Testament letters.
The deacon or priest talks about the reading and helps us understand God’s words and what they mean.
Prayer of the Faithful
We pray for the needs of those great and poor. This is the last part of the Liturgy of the Word.
Eucharistic Prayer
It is the greatest prayer of praise and Thanksgiving. The priest recalls what Jesus says on the Last Supper.
Holy Communion
Everyone gets the Body and Blood of Jesus. This is what Jesus did to his disciples.