Partnerships Flashcards
Partnership in relation to agency
Partnership is agency - every partner is a partner and agent then thus a reciprocal agency
What is a Partnership?
- An association of 2 or more people to
- Carry on as co-owners
- Sharing of ownership
- Sharing of control
- Business for profit
Limits to Partner’s Contracting Power
- Lack of authority know by contracting party
- Not carrying on bus in usual way
Liability for Partner’s Debts
- Each partner is 100% liable for partnership debts (no limited liability)
- This includes contract debts
- Should look at books before joining, don’t want to assume debt
- If you pay more than you share, you have a right to sue reimbursement for excess share you paid
- If partner is broke you bear loss
Liability for Partner’s Torts
Within course and scope
Partnership Management
- Share = profits
- = rights in management
- Need consent of all partners to become a partner
- Voting
- Ordinary matter - majority
- Matters contrary to partnership agreement - No act in contravention of consent of all the partner - need unanimous agreement
- You can change the rules through agreement by majority
- Each partner has an equal right to the management of the business and any business performed under the scope of the partnership can only be contravened by a majority of the partners.
What DOESN’T create a partnership?
- The sharing of profits does not alone create a partnership, despite the parties’ intentions.
- An agreement that offers a degree of control by a first party to protect first party’s assets should not be considered a partnership if factors as a whole indicate that the other party still maintains day-to-day control of the business.
- Ability to veto ideas
What to look for to determine there wasn’t a partnership:
- Not able to initiate
- Upside limited
- Limited downside
What is needed to create a partnership?
Intent to enter into the relationship with ownership and control
What does it mean to be sharing in control?
- Have to have power to participate in control, doesn’t mean she has to have her ideas enacted (power to be heard) - formal vote before being overruled
- 1% is enough
Partnership by Estoppel
If you rep to someone you are a partner, and someone relies on that, you are liable for that reliance because you are responsible for their belief you are a partner of that entity
Partnership or Joint-Venture?
Partnership or Joint Venture: (1) A partnership did NOT exist.
Here, the parties were not co-owners of a business – they entered into the leases for a set period of time and their activity, rather than being a series of acts, was limited to that occurrence. Also, their intention was to try to sell the leases, and the parties were involved in other oil and gas related undertakings with various other parties.
(2) A joint venture DID exist: Here, the court held that because the leases were purchased out of the parties’ checking account funds in equal shares, they were titled in Empire Oil’s name rather than each of the parties’ names, and profits were going to be shared if the leases were sold, a joint venture did exist.
Fiduciary Obligation to Partners
- Partners have a fiduciary duty to each other to make a full and fair disclosure to other partners for all information which may be of value to the partnership. The basic fiduciary duties are:
- Partners must account each other for any profits acquired in a manner injurious to the partnership, and
- A partner may not acquire partnership property without the consent of the other partners nor divert to his own use a partnership opportunity, he must not compete with the partnership within the scope of the business.
- Each partner in a partnership owes the other partners a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the partnership over the interests of the individual in matters concerning the partnership.
- in such a relationship, loyalty must be undivided and unselfish, and that a breach of fiduciary duty can occur by something less than fraud or intentional bad-faith
- Full disclosure is required
- must define scope upfront
- Partnership rules of duty apply to Joint Ventures
Expulsion of Partners
- If she was an employee she couldn’t be fired, but bcuz shes a partner she can be fired for any reason as long as its in good faith better for the partnership
- Partner has lesser protection than an employee
- The remaining partners must act in good faith, which would prohibit the wrongful withholding of money or property, when expelling a partner
How to determine whether a partner can be reimbursed or not: When analyzing a problem in which one partner wants to be reimbursed by another partner ask
- Who’s changing the status quo? and
- Is it in the normal course of the business?
Partnership Property
- Ownership belongs to the partnership
- No personal or specific property owned
- Need approval to hire helper
- A partner will not be permitted to recover expenses that benefit the partner individually rather than benefiting the partnership.
Partnership Accounting: Taxes
- The partnership doesn’t exist for tax purposes, it does not pay income taxes, the partners do even though the partnership owns the money
- Partners are aggregate, not entity
- Partnership property doesn’t get taxed until it is realized
- Distribution isn’t taxed
Partnership Accounting - Increase in Land Value
- Not reflected on books until property is sold or “realized” (unrealized is not reflected on book)
- They get taxed on it when it is realized
Partnership Accounting Rules
- Contributions increase partner accnts
- Distributions decrease partners acctns
- No tax
- Realized profits are allocated to capital accounts of partners
- Unrealized are not reflected in book value and capital accounts
Limited Partnership
- 1 or more general partner
- 1 or more limited partners
Limited Liability
only lose what you invest; not personally liable for partnership debts. Limited authority
Limited Partnership Liabilities
- A limited partner will be held liable as a general partner if the limited partner acts to take part in the control of the business
3 Stages in Partnership Death
- Dissolution
- Winding Up
- Termination
- change in relationship of partners
- Partnership Still not killed off
Winding Up
- Liquidation then pay off creditors
- Residue can be distributed to partners
Money Distribution in Winding Up
- Creditors paid
- Partners or contribute if not enough to pay creditors
Partnership is officially dead here
Right versus Power of Dissolution
Any partner at anytime can dissolve the partnership, even in contravention to the agreement, however he will be liable to the other partners for breach of contract. This is the power to dissolve. A party has the right to dissolve based on the breach of another party or behavior that makes carrying on the partnership impracticable.
Consequences of Wrongful Dissolution
- Owing damages for breach to other partners
- Remaining partners who did not wrongfully dissolve may elect to continue the partnership and buy out wrongfully dissolving partner
- No winding up or termination
- For amount of disslution menus damages
When can and can’t a partner move to dissolve?
Also what is required?
- A partner can move to dissolve a partnership if another partner’s conduct undermines or breaches the partnership agreement.
- 1 partner at fault and the not-fault partner seeks dissolution because the other Materially hinders the proper conduct of the partnership business
- Or both at fault
- A partner does not have the right to dissolve a partnership when his conduct is the only conduct that is adversely affecting the business.
- Unless specified, a partnership may be dissolved at will by any partner providing the partner is exercising good faith.
- Absent bad faith or an agreement that states otherwise, a partner may bid on the resale of the partnership
- A party responsible for the dissolution of a partnership is not entitled to collect for the value of goodwill.
Dissolution of Partnership at Will
A partnership at will can be terminated at anytime without penalty or violation.
Provision prejudgement remedy
Takes over and runs business by secured creditors
Intangible based on reputation quantified by:
If worth more than value of books, the difference is good will
Judicial Dissolution
- Judicial dissolution at request of good partner
- Not at bequest of breaching partner
- No or equal fault, judge can use his discretion
What are the assets of a law partnership?
- Physical Property
- Money
- Accounts Receivable (work that’s been done, but not yet paid & work done but not yet billed)
- Contingency Fee Cases
In the event of a termination of a professional partnership
- All clients and files remain property of the partnership
- So shall any fees realized in any such cases shall remain property of partnership
- Leaving partner loses everything
What happens after invalidating partnership clause?
- Partnership has election
- Wind up and terminate
- Elect to continue
Remedy for improper solicitation
- Burden to show client would have gone with them even if they properly solicted the case - if cant show they owe damages
- Have to show
- They brought client, great relationship, they solely dealt with client
- Have to show