Partnerships Flashcards
A limited liability partnership is a partnership in which a partner’s personal liability for obligations of the partnership is eliminated.
In other respects, an LLP is governed by the same rules as a partnership.
-Must file with state of qualification
-Must have name ending with LLP or RLLP
-Must vote to authorize transformation
Liability in an LLP
A limited partner in an LLP is not personally liable for an obligation of an LLP, regardless of the type of obligation.
A limtied partner is personally liable for his own misconduct
Does conversion from a partnership to a limited liability partnership (LLP) relieves the LLP of obligations incurred by the partnership?
No. Still liable. The filing of a statement of qualification, which transforms a partnership into an LLP, does not create a new partnership.
Can the partners be personally liable for obligations that pre-existed their conversion to an LLP??
Yes. A partner is jointly and severally liable for all partnership obligations. Though a limited partner in an LLP is not personally liable for an obligation of an LLP, limited liability partnership status is generally only effective on the date that the statement of qualification is filed with the state and not before.
Can a new partner who joins an existing LLP be held personally liable for the judgment incurred by the former partnership?
A person admitted as a partner into an existing partnership is not personally liable for any prior partnership obligations. However, any capital contribution made by an incoming partner to the partnership is at risk for the satisfaction of such partnership obligation.
A partnership is
A partnership is an association of two or more legal persons to carry on a for-profit business as co-owners.
They do not need to have intended to form the Partnership.
Whats the key test to determine whether a business arrangement is a partnership?
The key test applied to ascertain whether a business arrangement is a partnership is whether there is a sharing of the profits from the business; if so, such an arrangement generally is presumed to be a partnership, and persons who share in the profits are partners.
Its a rebuttable presumption.
Other factors that are important are joint ownership of property, sharing of control, capital investment, division of labor.
What things that look like sharing of profits are actually not for purposes of existence of Parntership?
The sharing of profits from a business does not create a rebuttable presumption that the arrangement is a partnership and the recipients are partners in six statutorily enumerated circumstances:
i) Debt payments, including installment payments; (they are just a creditor)
ii) Interest or other loan charges, even though the payment varies with the profits of the business;
iii) Rent;
iv) Wages or other compensation paid to an employee or independent contractor;
v) Goodwill payments stemming from the sale of a business, including installment payments; and
vi) Annuities or other retirement or health benefits paid to a beneficiary, representative, or designee of a deceased or retired partner.
Transferability of partnership interest
A partner has a transferable partnership interest, i.e., a partner may transfer the right to share in the profits and losses of the partnership and to receive distributions. The transfer of that partnership interest creates in the transferee a right to receive distributions to which the transferor would otherwise be entitled.
*This right to transfer can be changed to required majroity vote of the partners
Who is entitled to inspect books and records of a partnership??
A partnership must provide its partners and their agents with access to all its records.
But a transferee is not entitled to participate in the management or conduct of the partnership business or access partnership records.
How does transferee of partnership interest become partner?
A transfer of a partner’s partnership interest does not make the transferee a partner unless the other partner or partners consent to making the transferee a partner
Requirements for bringing in a new partner
All existing partners must consent to the new partner.
Property of the partnership
Property is partnership property if it is acquired in the name of the partnership or with partnerships assets. It is property of the partnership and not of the partners individually.
When is property presumed to be the partner’s separate property (not partnership property)?
By contrast, property is rebuttably presumed to be a partner’s separate property when
(i) the property is acquired in the name of one or more partners,
(ii) the instrument transferring title to the property does not indicate the person’s capacity as a partner or the existence of a partnership, and
(iii) partnership assets were not used to acquire the property.
The use of property for partnership purposes is not enough to overcome this presumption.
Management rights
Each partner has equal rights in the management and conduct of the partnership.
Use of Partnership Property
Partner may use or possess partnership property only on behalf of the partnership. RUPA 401(g). A partner who derives a personal benefit from the use or possession of partnership property is required to compensate the partnership for such benefit. RUPA 404(b).
Partners as Agents
A partner is an agent of the partnership for the purpose of its business and can contractually bind the partnership when the partner acts with either actual or apparent authority. Partnership can also be liable fro the torts.
A partner’s act that was authorized by the partnership binds the partnership.
Actual authority in a partnership
Actual authority includes both express authority and implied authority. Express authority can arise from the partnership agreement itself, an authorization of the partners, or a statement of authority filed with the state.
When partner does NOT have actual authority…
A partner’s act that was not authorized by the partnership may nevertheless bind the partnership under the principle of apparent authority. For apparent authority to apply, the partner must perform the unauthorized act in the ordinary course of apparently carrying on either the partnership business or business of a kind carried on by the partnership.
The third party with whom the partner was dealing cannot hold the partnership liable when that party knew or had received notification that the partner lacked authority. For the partnership to escape liability, the third party generally must possess actual knowledge of the partner’s lack of actual authority.
To enjoy LLP status….
To enjoy LLP status, the partnership must file a statement with the state. In other respects, an LLP
Is a limited partner personally liable for their own misconduct ??
YES of course.
A limited partner is personally liable for his own personal misconduct.
Fiduciary duties in a Partnership incl LLP andLP (?)
A partner owes the partnership and the other partners two fiduciary duties—the duty of loyalty and the duty of care.
Duty of Loyality
Under the duty of loyalty, a partner is prohibited from
i) Competing with the partnership business;
ii) Advancing an interest adverse to the partnership; and
iii) Usurping a partnership opportunity or
iv) otherwise using partnership property or business to derive a personal benefit, without notifying the partnership.
Partners Duty of Care
Under the duty of care, a partner is prohibited from engaging in grossly negligent or reckless conduct, intentional misconduct, or a knowing violation of the law.
To whom is a partner who breaches their duty liable?
A partnership may pursue a legal action against a partner for breach of the partnership agreement or for violating a duty owed to the partnership that caused the partnership harm. A partner may pursue a legal action against the partnership or another partner to enforce the partner’s rights under the partnership agreement or the RUPA.
LP Formation
Limited partners + atleast one general p
Formation: must file a certificate of limited partnership with secretary of state that has
- pship name
- prinicpal office address
- name and addr. of registered agent
- name and address of each GP
- if LLLP or not and
- Signed by all GPs
GP Formation
super informal
- 2 or more persons
- acting as co-owners
- to carry on a business for profit.
Intent to form not reqd
Presumpiton - sharing profits
If person receiving a share of profits –> presumed to be a parnter
unless payment received as
1. debt
2. wages/fees
3. rent
4. annuinty
5. interest on loan
6. sale of goodwill?
Partnership Agreement amendment
Unless agreed otherwise, the Pship agreement may be amended at any time with a unanimous vote.
Creation of LLP
In an LLP, all partners have limited personal liability.
1) It must be approved by the same vote necessary
to amend the Pship Agreement; AND
2) A Statement of Qualification must be filed with
the Secretary of State containing:
i. name and address of Pship;
ii. statement that the Pship elects to become an LLP; and
iii. a deferred effective date (if any).
Does filing statement of qualif for LLC create a new partnership?
Filing DOES NOT create a new partnership (if a GP or LP existed prior to filing).
− The Pship remains liable for any obligations before it became an LLP.
Authority to Bind Partnership AFTER Dissolution
A partner’s authority is limited after dissolution.
Actual Authority → limited only to acts appropriate for winding up the business.
Apparent Authority → a partner has apparent authority to bind the Pship if the:
1) Partner’s acts would have normally bound the Pship; AND
2) Third-party did not have notice of dissolution.