Partnership Taxation Flashcards
Reg Tax
True or false? Partnerships are a taxable entity.
False. Income and expenses flow through to the partner to be taxed via a
Form K-1.
Reg Tax
When exchanging property for a partnership interest; how is gain or loss recognized?
Neither gain nor loss is recognized in an exchange of property for a partnership interest. It is a non-taxable event.
Reg Tax
What is a partner’s basis in partnership property?
Initial basis for partnership property is the basis of the property that was contributed or exchanged for the partnership interest.
Reg Tax
When services are exchanged for a partnership interest; how is this treated for tax purposes?
It is a taxable event; treated the same as compensation for the services. The taxable income equals the % of partnership interest received times the FMV of the partnership.
i.e. the FMV of the interest received is the taxable income for the service provider.
Reg Tax
What is the partner’s basis in a partnership when they provide a service in exchange for the interest?
The basis in the partnership interest is the amount of taxable service revenue provided by service provider.
Reg Tax
What is the holding period of an asset that has been contributed to a partnership?
The partnership inherits the holding period of the asset contributed.
The exception of inventory- the holding period begins when contributed.
Reg Tax
What is the tax treatment of startup costs for a partnership?
Tax treatment is the same as that of an individual taxpayer.
However syndication fees are not deductible or amortized.
Reg Tax
What deductions are subtracted from gross revenues to arrive at partnership income?
Wages - except for partners
Guaranteed payments to partners
Business bad debt (if on accrual basis)
Interest paid
Depreciation (except section 179)
Amortization (Startup costs; goodwill; etc)
Reg Tax
How are partnership losses taken on an individual’s return?
Losses cannot be taken beyond a partner’s basis in the partnership
Losses in excess of basis are carried forward until basis is available
Reg Tax
When are guaranteed payments to a partner includable in taxable income?
They appear in partner’s income during the year in which the partnership’s fiscal year CLOSES.
Reg Tax
How are partner benefits paid by the partnership treated?
Health insurance; life insurance and other benefits paid on behalf of the partner are treated as guaranteed payments and are includable as self-employment income.
Reg Tax
How is net self-employment income from a partnership interest calculated?
Partner’s % share of ordinary income from partner’s K-1
+ Guaranteed payments
- Partner’s % share of section 179 expense from K-1
= Self-employment income (subject to SE tax)
Reg Tax
In general; what is a partner’s basis in partnership property purchased?
Partner’s basis is basis of goods exchanged or for services exchanged is FMV of partnership interest received.
If purchased; purchase price less liabilities incurred = basis.
For a gifted interest in a partnership; gift basis rules apply.
Reg Tax
Which items are not deductible on Schedule K of form 1065?
Foreign tax paid
Investment interest expense
Section 179 expense
Charitable contributions
Mnemonic: IFC179
Reg Tax
Which items are not counted as income on Schedule K of form 1065?
Passive Income
Portfolio Income
1231 Gain or Loss
Mnemonic: PP1231
Reg Tax
How is adjusted partnership basis calculated?
Beginning partnership basis
+ Capital contributions
+ Share of ordinary partnership income
+ Capital gains
+ Tax-exempt partnership income (DON’T FORGET!)
= Ending partnership basis
Reg Tax
What items DECREASE partnership basis?
Money distributed
Adjusted basis of property distributed
Partners’s share of ordinary losses
Partnership is relieved of a liability (considered a distribution)
Reg Tax
What INCREASES partnership basis?
Partnership getting a loan
Capital contributions
Ordinary income
Capital gains
Tax-exempt income
Reg Tax
How do liabilities either INCURRED or RELIEVED affect a partner’s basis in a partnership?
If the partnership gets a loan; this INCREASES basis.
If partnership is relieved of a liability; this DECREASES basis.
Reg Tax
How do guaranteed payments affect partnership basis?
They do not affect basis- they are already included in ordinary income; which affects basis.
Reg Tax
What is the order in which basis is adjusted in a partnership?
- Increase basis (all items; including tax-exempt income)
- Distributions
- Losses (limited to basis)
Reg Tax
How is the taxable year of a partnership determined?
It must be the same as 50% of the partners and use the same tax year for 3 years once adopted.
Reg Tax
How does death of a partner affect the partnership’s taxable year?
The taxable year closes with respect to the decedent partner’s interest ONLY.
Reg Tax
When CAN’T a partnership use cash basis?
- They have inventories
- Partnership is a tax shelter
- Has a corporate partner
- Gross receipts are $5 Million or more
Exception: If gross receipts are $1 Million or LESS and Partnership maintains inventories; Cash method is ok.
Reg Tax
When does a partnership terminate?
When there is less than 2 partners (only one partner)
When 50% of the partnership interests sell within a 12 month period- partnership IMMEDIATELY terminates.
Reg Tax
How is gain or loss on sale of a partnership interest calculated?
Gain or Loss = Amount realized on sale - basis in partnership interest
Reg Tax
What is the new basis of a partnership interest sold?
Basis = Capital account + Liabilities assumed
Reg Tax
How is the sale of non-capital partnership property treated?
As ordinary gain/loss.
Items that fall into non-capital category would be unrealized receivables; appreciated inventory; and similar.
Reg Tax
How is a partner’s share of an ordinary gain calculated?
FMV of Assets (non-capital)
- Adjusted basis of assets
= Ordinary gain
x Partner’s % interest
= Partner’s share of gain
Note: No gain or loss will be recognized by a partnership upon distribution of property.
Reg Tax
What is the order of basis reductions for distributions from a partnership?
- Money distributed
- Adjusted basis of unrealized receivables and inventory
- Adjusted basis of other property
Note: Only MONEY distributions will trigger a gain in a partnership distribution.
Reg Tax
When can a LOSS occur in a partnership distribution?
Only in a liquidating distribution.
Reg Tax
What are the requirements for recognizing a gain in a partnership liquidating distribution?
- Money was distributed
- Unrealized receivables were distributed
- Appreciated inventories were distributed
Otherwise; no loss recognized.