Partnership Flashcards
a partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit.
creation of partnership
only requires intent. oral partnerships and implied from conduct partnerships are common.
factors that show intent to carry on as partners
sharing of profits - presumption of partnership sharing of losses contribution of money/property agreement of responsibilities/rights extensive activity business name
SOF length of term of durational partnership
if the partnership is time-limited, that shit better be in writing if it’s over 1 year.
transfers of partnership interests
when transferred, the transferee only has the right to profits that the original partner had, but does not become partner. Cannot participate in management.
involuntary transfers (creditors)
a creditor can attach a partner’s interests and is treated as a transferee. creditor does not become a partner.
partnership rights
equality in all powers: management rights profits distribution on liquidation access to books and info losses shared the same as profits.
duties of partners
owe each other fiduciary duties of:
good faith and fair dealing
partner liability
each partner is liable personally but secondarily for all partnership debts, meaning creditor must first exhaust all partnership assets before moving in on personal assets.
terminating a partnership (4)
- disassociation: change in the legal partnership
- dissolution: kill the business entity.
- wind-up: finish all pending business transactions
- termination: completion of winding up
change in the legal relationship
- exit of any partner
- death/bankruptcy of a partner
- expulsion of the partner by other partners or by the courts
partnership at will: dissolution will result from ANY disassociation event, UNLESS the remaining partners waive dissolution.
partnership for a definite term: dissolution occurs after disassociation events if the majority elect dissolution; upon completion of the task; or if all partners agree to end.
order of partnership assets distribution
debts to outside creditors
debts to partners
return of partners’ capital