partiel Flashcards
Corporate real estate asset management. property occupied by a company for it’s own (non property) business
Property manager skills ?
TECHNICAL (construction tech, valuation)/ LEGAL (contract/landlord & tenant /town planning/employment/safety at work) / FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS SKILLS (economics, strategy and planning, accountin, investment)/COMMUNICATION (report writing/ presentations/negociations/property marketing) and project evaluation/supervision. + COMMON SENSE
corporate relationships ?
Virtuous triangle (people, property, finance) = cooperation and trust.
strategic planning structure ?
links business with property planning : cooperate strategic plan -> strategic property plan -> property portfolio management -> property management
aid to strategy formulation ?
view picture
strategic planning process ?
Strategic planning process : establish position – set objectives – evolve strategy – prepare plan – implement plan – monitor and review progress –
the portfolio functional spectrum ?
substancial and direct (land/ building) – important and direct (dorm stadium) – significant but indirect (office) – marginal and little connection (cantine – gym)
linear projection ?
passive - straight line growth is the best
pressure absorbtion ?
passive - we take what hits us and survive
scenario building ?
active - the future is in our hands
Future forward ?
100% chance you fail or succeed- dream – fonceur but the people don’t buy it – in property : match property to scenario/ agree plan and then put deadline
Future backward ?
analyse trends – calculate « general direction »but they can miss the step of change – in property : identify current pressures and react, performance indicators- slowly to do not make mistakes.
Performance indicators (Pls) : efficiency
input measure : use of space
Performance indicators (Pls) : effictiveness
output measure : turnover ration – goal attaitnement
Performance indicators (Pls) : efficacity
output qualitative : how much they buy for how much visit
three stage strategic planning process
where we are now - where do we want to be - how do we get there ?
Company life cycle
product based (new idea/research dependant) / acquisition based (mature business buy new idea, new competitors, vertical integration)
product/company life cycle ?
property management cycle :
Acquire/ growth - (re)develop/ exploit - dispose: maturity/decline
What happens at maturity
review effectiveness of property -> recycle or replaces.
business economic social technological environmental and legal
Corporate business phases
scenario selection ?
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time based
strategic reasons : security , unique location or design - space for extension // economic : cost control - tax allowances.
owning or leasing ?
Operation : Own = if stable // Lease = if changing
Accomodation needs : Own = if unique // lease : if ordinary
management : own = control // lease if flexibility
inflation : own = high // lease : low
capital : own = available // lease : restricted
lease lenght and security ?
england (landlord and tenant act 1954 gives security of tenure. Typical lenghts is 5-20 years (but recent less than 5) // china : local leases short, simple contract, local authorities may impose own rules.
rent review basis and security
market value = every 5 years more or less/ index linking (doesn’t take count of inflation) : often annual / turnover : continuous review above a minimum – when it’s not effective enough
repairs insurance and improvements
full repairing and insuring (FRI) -> tenants does all // tenant’s internal repairing (TIR) -> more often in shared building – tenant’s improvement : landlord’s consent
assignement -> complete change of tenants or sublet of whole or part but landlord’s consent is required.
: OWN (freehold)
in china means long lease from the state (30-50 years) (+inflation protection –ties up capital)
lease (sale and leaseback)
A private deal between : a owner that occupies a property and a potential property investor. A sale is arranged together with an immediate lease to the previous owner : business operations continue as before. : liquidité rapidement
can be seen as opposite of the vertical integration strategy- risk easily overlooked - externalisation
outsourcing PAM
effective linking of business and property plans, minimising cost – maximising value, provision of most appropriate business environment/technology – efficient day to day management of the operational portfolio : importance of these roles varies from company to company.
purpose is to record : what you have – used to have – happened to make the change – may happen next. To record from the cradle to the grave.
basic principles accountancy
prudence – record liabilities as soon as aware and income only when received // « true and fair view » : no bias « fair presentation ». // substance over form
international standards acounting
different to USA rules – sets out basic principles and details of expected outcome
where is property in balance sheet ./ income statement or statement of cash flows ?
property is considered as a tangible asset : that’s why it appears in both balance sheet and income statement (profit and loss account). We are concerned with the corporate occupied sector : most relevant is 16,17,37. Leases have been always a problem. Frequently left « off balance sheet ».
: internatinal financial reporting standards : work with 2 leases : operating lease and finance lease but recommended to treated both in the same way (as a finance lease) – does it depereciate, is there is material (significant) depreciation ?
communication barriers :
: a lot of barriers exists such as national culture, language, defensiveness, selective perception, information overload, emoition
communication process elements
schramm 1955 - voir graph
how what where who when why
Plan – what? Outline – to clarify Use – open questions/statements Reflect- is there a better way? Summarise - to ensure agreement
negociation 3 phases
three phases of negociation. Preparation : know what you want (clear objectives, bottom line,easy concessions)// action : the process ( 5 phases : exploration, bidding, bargainning, settling, ratifying)// maintenance : goodwill for the future (fair deal : both party should be equally (dis)satisfied , respect ethic and be professional).
Bidding : confrontation of position/not people – silence is gold – don’t justify yourself until the other party has made its pitch. B
Bargainning : summarise to obtain consent – or then report to superior or specialist. Setting and ratifying : offer to confirm by writing, be neutral brief and quick).