Particles Flashcards
Charge plus mass of particles
Proton - charge = +1.6x10^-19. Mass-1.67x10^-27
Neuton has no charge and same mass as proton
Electron=-1.6x10^-19 charge and mass-9.11x10^-31
Specific charge
The specific charge of a particle is the charge-mass ratio, and is calculated by dividing a particle’s charge by its mass.
Placeholder element
The specific charge of a particle is the charge-mass ratio, and is calculated by dividing a particle’s charge by its mass.
Strong nuclear force
The strong nuclear force (SNF) keeps nuclei stable by counteracting the electrostatic force of repulsion between protons in the nucleus (as they have the same charge). It only acts on nucleons and has a very short range, where it is attractive up to separations of 3 fm, but repulsive below separations of 0.5 fm,
Unstable nuclei
Unstable nuclei are those which have too many of either protons, neutrons or both causing the SNF to not be enough to keep them stable, therefore these nuclei will decay in order to become stable. The type of decay the nuclei will experience depends on the amount of each nucleon in them.
Alpha decay
Alpha decay occurs in large nuclei, with too many of both protons and neutrons.
The proton number decreases by 2.
The nucleon number decreases by 4
Beta minus decay
Beta-minus decay occurs in nuclei which are neutron-rich (have too many neutrons).
The proton number increases by 1.
• The nucleon number stays the same.
History of beta minus decay
At first, scientists believed that only an electron (beta-minus particle) was emitted from the nucleus during beta-minus decay, however observations of the energy levels of the particles before and after the decay showed that energy was not conserved. This does not follow the principle of conservation of energy, and therefore neutrinos were hypothesised to account for this, and later they were observed.
For every type of particle there is an antiparticle which has the same rest energy and mass but all its other properties are opposite the particles.
Electromagnetic radiation travels in packets called photons, which transfer energy and have no mass.
Annihilation is where a particle and its corresponding antiparticle collide, as a result their masses are converted into energy. This energy, along with the kinetic energy of the two particles is released in the form of 2 photons moving in opposite directions in order to conserve momentum.
Application of annihilation
PET scanner, which allows 3D images of the inside of the body to be taken, therefore making medical diagnoses easier.
This is done by introducing a positron-emitting radioisotope into the patient, as positrons are released they annihilate with electrons already in the patients system, emitting gamma photons which can easily be detected.
Pair production
Pair production is where a photon is converted into an equal amount of matter and antimatter. This can only occur when the photon has an energy greater than the total rest energy of both particles, any excess energy is converted into kinetic energy of the particles.
The four fundamental forces
There are four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear.
Exchange particles
Exchange particles carry energy and momentum between the particles experiencing the force and each fundamental force has its own exchange particles.