Particles Flashcards
Ashita wa do-yōbi desu.
明日 (あした), 土曜日 (どようび)
(lit.) As for tomorrow, Saturday is.
Saturday is tomorrow.
Used to mark the topic of a sentence.
Inu wa suki desu. Demo, neko wa kirai desu.
犬 (いぬ), 好き (すき), 猫 (ねこ), 嫌い (きらい)
(lit.) As for dogs, I like, but as for cats, I dislike.
I like dogs, but I don’t like cats.
Puts emphasis on that object, often in comparison to other objects.
Petto ga imasu.
(lit.) There is a pet.
I have a pet.
Use “います” (imasu) when dealing with the existance of animate subjects.
Shukudai ga arimasu.
宿題 (しゅくだい)
(lit.) There is homework.
I have homework.
Use “あります” (arimasu) when dealing with the existance of inanimate subjects.
Kyōdai ga imasen.
兄弟 (きょうだい)
(lit.) There aren’t (any) siblings.
I don’t have any siblings
Use “いません” (imasen) when dealing with the inexistance of inanimate subjects.
Watashi wa pinku no kuruma ga hosii desu.
私 (わたし), 車 (くるま), 欲しい (ほしい)
I want a pink car.
“が欲しいです。” (ga hoshii desu) means “I want”.
Watashi wa mizu ga nomitai desu.
私 (わたし), 飲み (のみ)
I want to drink water.
“が…たいです” (ga …tai desu) means “I want to …”.