Particle physics flashcards (not the big grid of facts)
What is the formula for specific charge?
Which force binds the nucleus together?
And which other forces act on the nucleus?
The strong nuclear force.
The other forces are: the electromagnetic force and gravitational attraction.
Why must the strong nuclear force be repulsive at very small separations?
If it was attractive it would crush the nucleus to a point.
Between what nucleon separation is the strong nuclear force repulsive?
0-0.5 fm
Between what nucleon separation is the strong nuclear force attractive?
0.5-3 fm
What happens to the proton number and the nucleon number after alpha decay takes place?
The proton number decreases by 2.
The nucleon number decreases by 4.
How do we know that alpha particles have a very short range?
By observing the tracks left by alpha particles in a cloud chamber.
In what kind of nucleus does beta minus decay take place?
Neutron rich nuclei
What is beta minus decay?
The emission of an electron from the nucleus, along with an antrineutrino.
One neutron is changed into a proton.
How were neutrinos discovered?
It was observed that the energy of the particles after the beta decay was less than it was before, which didn’t fit with the principle of conservation of energy. Pauli suggested that another particle was also being emitted, and was carrying away the missing energy. This particle must be neutral, or charge wouldn’t be conserved in beta decay, and had to have 0 or almost 0 mass, as it had never been detected. The neutrino was observed 25 years later, proving his hypothesis.
What is pair production?
High energy photons can produce a particle and its antiparticle.
When energy is converted into mass, you get equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
Eg if you fire two protons at each other at high speeds, you’ll end up with lots of energy at the point of impact, which may be converted into more particles. If an extra proton is formed, then there will also be an antiproton to go with it.
What is annihilation?
When a particle meets its antiparticle. All of the mass of the particle and antiparticle gets converted back to energy. Antiparticles can usually only exist for a fraction of a second before this happens, so you don’t get them in ordinary matter. An annihilation is between a particle-antiparticle pair, which both have a rest energy of mass E0. Both photons need to have minimum energy, Emin, which, when added together, equals at least 2E0, so
Emin = hf min = E0
What are forces caused by?
Particle exchange
What are exchange particles called?
Gauge bosons
What is the repulsion between two protons caused by?
The exchange of virtual photons, which are the gauge bosons of the electromagnetic force.
What is the gauge boson of the electromagnetic force?
Virtual photon