Particle physics (Baryons and mesons) Flashcards
Define a hadron
A hadron is a particle that is made of quarks and can experience the strong nuclear force
Which type of particle is made of quarks and can experience the strong nuclear force?
A hadron
Define a baryon
A baryon is a particle made up of 3 quarks
An antibaryon is a particle made up of 3 antiquarks
Which particle is made of 3 quarks?
A baryon
Define a meson
A particle made of a quark and an antiquark
Which type of particle is made of a quark and an antiquark?
A meson
What is the most stable hadron?
A proton
Which mesons have no strange quarks or antiquarks
Pions (π)
Which meson contains an up quark and an antidown quark?
What is a π⁺ meson made of?
An up quark and an antidown quark
Which meson contains an up quark and an antiup quark?
Which meson contains a down quark and an antidown quark?
What is a π⁰ meson made of?
An up quark and an antiup quark or a down quark and an antidown quark
Which type of meson contains 1 strange or antistrange quark?
Kaons (K)
Which meson contains an up and an antistrange quark?
What is a K⁺ meson made of?
An up quark and an antistrange quark
Which meson contains a down and an antistrange quark?
Which meson contains a strange and an antidown quark?
What is a K⁰ meson made of?
A down and an antistrange quark or a strange and an antidown quark
Which meson contains a strange and an antiup quark?
What is a K⁻ meson made of?
A strange and an antiup quark
Which meson is made of a strange and an antistrange quark?
Eta particle (η⁰)
(Like a high energy π⁰)
What is the name for the hadrons that aren’t protons or neutrons?
What is the baryon number of a baryon?
B = +1
What is the baryon number of a meson?
B = 0
Mesons are their own _____