Participation And Objectjves Of Sport. Flashcards
Characteristics of play (5)
Non competitive Social- no extrinsic rewards Fun Healthy Voluntary
Objectives for children in sport (4)
Social interaction.
Develop decision making.
Develop independence and self esteem.
Learn to respect others.
Objectives for adults in sport (3)
Be childlike.
Escape reality.
Relive stress.
Physical education (definition)
A formalised body of knowledge and expierence. Taught within educational establishments.
Objectives of PE.
Different at each key stage.
All children expierence: games, athletics, water based activities, OAA, gymnastics and dance.
PE is…… (5)
Good for health. Compulsory Introduces you to new sports. Provides qualifications. Develops critical analysis.
Leisure (definition)
Time in which you have no other obligations to work or family and are free to engage in self directed and chosen activities.
Characteristics of leisure time (5)
No obligations. Socialisation. Relief stress. Life enhancing. Enjoyment.
Functions of leisure.
For the individual) (5
Cathartic- relief from stress. Entertainment. Health and fitness. New skills. Social time.
What three factors affect leisure time?
Job type.
Work patterns.
Active leisure (definition)
Doing something active in your free time.
Characteristics of active leisure.
Ease and relaxation.
Free time.
Freely chosen activities.
Three examples of active leisure.
Cycling, walking, running.
Recreation (definition)
Engaging in activities which refresh, relax or enable the recreation of ones self after the rigorous day to day life.
Characteristics of recreation (5)
Freedom and free time. Self fulfilment. No pressure. Range of activities. Self expression.
OAA (definition)
Activities that take place in the natural environment, often in situations which are dangerous and challenging, which may involve the conquest of natural obstacles or terrain.
Purpose of OAA (2)
Testing and team building.
Easily adapted for individuals.
Outdoor recreation (definition)
Participation in outdoor activities within the natural environment in an individuals free time.
Adventure activities.
Uses natural environment but with an element of challenge or risk.
Outdoor/ adventure education (definition)
Using the natural environment as a classroom so children can expierence risk in a controlled way. Learn skills such as map reading.
OAA characteristics (5)
Outdoor Tea building Leadership Challenging Problem solving
What do OAA (5)
Challenge yourself Out of comfort zone. Learn new skills. Handle risk Relaxation
Adventure (definition)
An undertaking that involves risk and may have an unknown outcome.
4 stages.
Play- little risk or challenge.
Adventure- placing individuals in a challenging situation in relation to their skill.
Frontier adventure- individual is expierenced and skilful.
Misadventure- something has gone wrong e.g. A accident.
Types of risk.
Perceived risk.
Where the participant believes that there is an element of danger and there is a risk. Safety depends on skills and actions.
Types of risk.
Actual/ real risk
A situation where there’s a real risk of danger. Real risk and may not be eliminated no matter how skilful e.g. Environment conditions.
Urban adventure.
Not all schools can afford natural wilderness for OAA.
Schools use local facilities e.g. Local parks.
Characteristics of sport.
Institutionalised- fixed competitive structures organised by regulatory bodies.
Standardised rules- set by regulatory governing bodies and enforced by officials.
Benefits of sport to the individual (5)
Health and fitness. Socialise. Release tension. Achieve success. Accept rules.
Benefits of sport to the society (5)
Healthy society. Skills for life. Social control. Prevent anti social behaviour Economics.
Negative values of sport (4)
Aggression (cause harm)
Gamesmanship- bend the rules to your advantage.
Win at all costs.
Positive values of sport (5)
Competitive (goals to achieve) Learn to win and loose. Sportsmanship Love it (amateurism) Assertive (goal directed)
Amateur code.
Playing sport for the love with no financial gain.
19th century amateurs.
Enjoyed variety of sports and were all rounders.
Participation pyramid.
Performers- regional levels.
Participation- extra curricular.
Foundation- basic skills.
Play (definition)
Is an activity that is undertaken purely for enjoyment or amusement and has no objective.