Participate in safe work practices Flashcards
The cost to the human because of a workplace injury
A workplace injury can have permanent effects on the quality of life of the worker, which can also cause a strain on family, friends and co-workers.
The cost to the organisation because of a workplace injury
When an employee is injured, it may mean they cannot work. Whether this is for a day, a month or a year, the time off can cost the company money through sick pay obligations and a loss of productivity. Other employees may be required to take on a greater workload until another worker can be trained to replace injured worker. The morale and reputation of the establishment may also be negatively affected.
The cost to the society because of a workplace injury
An employee who has been injured at work often has to be supported by the community through treatment, in some cases for quite a long time. The injured person’s family’s lifestyle may be temporarily or permanently altered as a result of the injury.
The cost to the economy because of a workplace injury
Economic costs, including costs for medical and injury rehabilitation consultations needed as a result of injury, as well as loss of wages, may affect the individual and their family and cause a dramatic change in their lifestyle and living arrangements. Each year, workplace injuries and deaths cost Australians $2 billion. Economic costs are financial burdens imposed on the workplace, family and health system as a result of the injury.
What does SafeWork NSW do
o Offers advice on ways to improve health and safety
o Conduct investigations into workplace incidents
o Enforces health and safety laws and administers licensing and registration for dangerous work such as jobs in the construction industry.
What does SafeWork Australia do
o Develops national policies to improve health and safety and workers compensation arrangements across the country
o Assist states in reforming their legislation
o Conducts research and analysis of data on workplace safety
What do local councils do in response to work place incidents
o Provide hospitality enterprises with WHS information that relates directly to council guidelines and expectations
o These expectations may include design of outdoor eating areas, particularly those that occupy pathways, or the design or layout of a building.
What do unions do
o The role of the union in work health and safety is to provide advice on WHS issues to workers
o To obtain advice, workers who are members of the union can call and talk to their union representative.
What do professional associations do in response to work place incidents
o Organisations such as the Australian Hotels Association, Restaurant and Catering NSW and Clubs NSW provide information on WHS issues for the PCBU, including risk management, training, hazardous chemicals and WHS consultation.
What does the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 do
o Designed to make sure workers health and safety is protected at work
o It covers all categories of employment such as full-time, casual, volunteer, apprentices, employers.
o Aim to eliminate or minimise risks in the workplace that threaten the health and safety of workers.
o Providing a framework for continuous improvement and progressively high standards of work health and safety.
What does Work Health and Safety regulation 2011 do
o Detail the guidelines that workplaces need to follow in order to comply with work health and safety legislation.
o Includes details on WHS inspections, application of risk assessment procedures, provisions of facilities for staff, first aid, emergency procedures, use of PPE and working in potentially hazardous environments.
What are the responsibilities of a PCBU
o Provide safe systems of work and a safe work environment.
o Eliminate or minimise workplace risks as far as reasonably practicable.
o Ensure workers are trained.
o Chemicals are used, handled and stored safely
o Provide facilities that are adequate for the welfare of workers e.g bathroom
o Provide adequate information, training, instruction and supervision.
o Comply with the requirements covered under the work health and safety regulation.
o Consult with workers on issues of hazard and risk
o Making changes to processes that may impact on the health and welfare of workers
What are WHS audits
An audit checklist examines every aspect of a premises, identifying possible risks to health and safety for example, an audit might identify trip hazards such as frayed carpet, missing or damaged safety signage or lighting hazards such as flickering lights.
What is a WHS inspection
Work health and safety inspections can be carried out by SafeWork NSW. This means inspectors are invited to observe and provide feedback on processors or policies in a workplace. Inspections are also conducted in the event of an incident or serious near miss.
What is a hazard
a situation that has the potential to pose a threat to life or health
What is a risk
A risk is the level of exposure to danger. In terms of work safety, the hazard is the situation that can cause the injury and the level of risk measures the likelihood of the injury occurring.
What are the 5 steps to a risk assessment
- Identify Hazards.
- Assess risks.
- Decide control measures.
- Implement control measures.
- Monitor and review.
What is WHS induction training
A WHS induction is a program that introduces new employees to the workplace and alerts them to potential risks and hazards in the environment. An induction is usually carried out by a supervisor or team leader and will help the new worker understand and become familiar with the policies and procedures of the workplace.
Manual handling techniques
o This may involve lifting, pushing or pulling an object and carrying and placing items down.
o Bending and twisting can be reduced by raising workstation levels, positioning all work at the same level, eliminating long reaches in work stations and using lifting aids to lift items from low levels, such as the floor and low shelving.
o Repetitive tasks - Taking regular breaks and changing tasks can reduce the risk of injury and permanent damage such as occupational overuse syndrome (OOS) or (RSI).
o Legal weight limits are designed to prevent injury when lifting items in the workplace.
o Mechanical aids and lifting equipment are regularly used in the hospitality industry and include hand, lever and service trolleys.
Ergonomics and posture
o Correct ergonomics and posture can be adopted by correctly placing equipment when working, adopting good posture when sitting or standing for a task, rotating tasks so that different parts of the body are being used, and the implementation of adjustable furniture in the workplace so that people of all heights and sizes are able to work ergonomically.
o Standing positions - When standing at a workstation, the height of the station should be suitable for the height of the worker.
o Sitting positions - When working in a sitting position, the desk and chair should be at the correct height and computer screens should be adjusted to suit the user.
o Rotating tasks among team members prevents repetitive or overuse injuries and helps ease boredom, which can lead to accidents
o Use adjustable furniture