Partial Dentures Flashcards
What are some aspects to be included in the dental history?
CC, attitutes, expectations and previous experience
What are the steps involved in the faveication of removable partial denyures?
1) hx and examination
2) tooth peeperation
3) master impressions
4) frame conatruction
5) occlusal records and trial denture
6) process denture
7) insertion
8) review and maintainence
How should an examination for rem pros be carried out systematically?
1) general
2) soft tissues
• extra oral
• intra oral
3) occlusion
4) existing removable prostheses
5) dentition and reatorations
6) periodontal health
7) radiographic examination
8) study casts
What extra-oral soft tissue aspects should be included in the examination?
Facial form, lip form and support, facial height, appearance, interocclusal distance
What intra-oral soft tissue aspects should be examined?
Oropharynx, hard snd soft palates
Upper and lower ridges in edentulous areas
Cheeks and lips
Tongue and floor of mouth
What aspects of occlusion shpuld be checked?
Arch form Axial inclination of teeth Interocclusal distance Intercuspal and retruded contact points Movement to eccentric contact positions Inyerfering contacts Tmj movements Mandibular movements
How should existing dentures be evaluated?
Out of mouth: Denture design and materials used Denture maintainence and modifications Unusual patterns and rates of wear Denture hygiene In mouth: Extensions Retrntion and stability Compatibility with neutral zone Appearance
What is the sequence in the design of a rem. pat. Denture?
Saddles • teeth that need to be replaced Support • ability of remaining teeth and tissues to support proposed saddles Retention • provided by clasps or mucosa or both Connectors • outline should be drawn in green pencil Simplification
How should support be designed for removable partial dentures?
Short saddles bound by teeth:
Tooth support. Distsl rests on me abutments and me rests on distal abutments
Free-end saddles:
Requires considerable tissue support. Rests should be on the mesial aspect of occlusal of abutments
Rests shouldd be drawn using a red pencil
When employing clasps for retention, what factors need to be conaidered?
1) location of retentive undercuts
• gingivally approaching for canine and premolars
• occlusally approaching for molars
• co-cr alloy clasps - length needs to be about 15 mm in length for resilience
• undercuts need to be 2mm clear of gingival margins
2) depth of undercuts
• co-cr about 0.25mm while for stainless steel its about 0.75mm
3) undesirable undercuts
• buccal tissue undercuts may prevent use of gingivally approaching clasps
4) aesthetics
5) number of clasps
How should one decide on the number of clasps to use?
- bilateral tooth borne - diagonal clasping. Can use three clasps if saddles are long.
- free end saddles - use bilateral gingivally approaching clasps
The use of a clasp necessitates the use reciprocation. How can this be achieved?
Reciprocating arms or extension of the denture base above the survey line.
What connecters for a co-cr partial denture should be used?
Lower: lingual bar
Upper: mid-palatal plate
When recording secondary impressions, what steps should be carried out?
1) assess special tray on study models
2) check for appropriate location in patients mouth
3) check tray extensions
4) adhesive
5) retract lips and cheeks to avoid air bubbles