Part VIII: Income Flashcards
constructive receipt
A taxpayer is required to include in gross income (GI) the value of property in the period in which they gained right to the property.
tax-benefit rule
If a taxpayer deducted an expense in yr. 1, and was then reimbursed for the expense in yr. 2, the reimbursement needs to be included in yr. 2 income b/c the original expense provided a tax benefit.
stock and dividend splits
- Not a taxable event b/c no new property is received.
2. but, the taxpayer must adjust their basis in each share.
option to receive cash on stock and dividend splits
If there is an option to receive cash, the event triggers income to all recipients, whether recipients choose cash or more shares.
Interest on EE savings bonds
- can be excluded from income in the same year that the taxpayer incurs higher ed. expenses.
- Exclusion only available to individuals 24+ yrs. old.
- taxable to recipient
2. deductible for AGI to payor
requirements to be labeled as alimony
- Must be cash or expense pmt.
- Contingent on recipient still being alive.
- Required by written agreement or court decree.
- Not identified as non-alimony.
for AGI
above the line deduction
from AGI
below the line deduction
child support
- not taxable to recipient
2. not deductible for payor
Monies excluded from income:
- Money received as compensation for physical injuries or sickness.
- Proceeds from life insurance due to death.
- Gifts.
- Scholarships (up to the amount of tuition and expenses).
taxable amount of life insurance policy
- None if proceeds are collected due to death of the insured.
- If the policy is sold to an individual other than the original beneficiary, the policy is an investment to the new buyer and the regular basis and gains apply.
taxable amount of scholarships
- Tax-free up to the amount of tuition and expenses.
2. If the student is required to work as part of the scholarship, then the money is taxable.
jury duty
If an employee is required to give the employer any funds paid to them for jury duty in exchange for regular payment from employer, jury duty funds given to the employer are a for AGI deduction.
The value of an employee discount can be excluded from income if:
- The value is up to 20% of services.
2. OR, no more than the avg. gross profit % for goods.
Insurance premiums paid by employer for employee that can be excluded from employee’s income include:
- Group term life insurance up to $50,000 of coverage.
1a. Amounts > $50,000 are taxable. - Health insurance premiums.
- Disability insurance premiums.
Fringe benefits that can be excluded from employee income:
- Meals and lodging for employer convenience.
- Working condition expenses.
- De minimus fringes
- Employee discounts
- Employee gifts under $25.
- Safety or achievement awards.
Max. contribution that can be made to a 401(k) plan to reduce taxable salary is…
Max. contribution that can be made to a Traditional or Roth IRA in 2015 is…
Deductible or not deductible?
- Traditional IRA contributions
- Roth IRA contributions
- Deductible (pay taxes when funds are withdrawn after retirement)
- Not deductible (pay taxes now)
Late IRA contributions
Can be made up until the due date of that year’s tax return (April 15).
1. You can contribute your $5,500 for 2014 only up to April 15, 2015, even if an extension is filed.
early withdrawal of Traditional IRA funds
Barring any exceptions, there is a 10% penalty tax on the amount withdrawn.