Part One Transport Plants Flashcards
Why plants need transportation system
- transport water and minerals from the roots to leaves
- transport sugars from the leaves to the rest of plant
Vascular tissue
Xylem - water and soluble mineral ions upwards
Phloem - assimilates, such as sugars, travel up or down
Xylem and phloem in young root
Xylem core
Phloem found between arms of x like xylem bundle
This arrangement provides strength - w/ stand pushing forces roots exposed to.
Endodermis - meristem cells (pericycle)
Xylem and phloem in the stem
Non- woody and young woody plants bundles separate and discrete.
Older Woody plants continuous ring - strength and flexibility to withstand bending forces of stems and branches
Xylem inside
Cambium middle (meristem)
Phloem outside
Xylem and phloem in the leaf
Bundles from the midrib and veins of a leaf
Xylem on top of phloem
Xylem consists of
Vessels to carry water and dissolved mineral ions
Fibres support
Living parenchyma cells (packing tissue) - separate and support vessels
Xylem vessels
Lignin impregnates walls
Lignin may be spiral, annular(rings) or reticulate (network broken rings).
Lignification not complete – boarded pits.
Xylem adaptations
Dead cells aligned end to end to form a continuous column
The tubes are narrow so watercolour doesn’t break easily and capillary action affective
Border pits allow side movement of water
Lignin patterned to allow plant to grow and stretch
Flow of water in xylem not impeded because
No cross walls
No cell contents, nucleus or cytoplasm
Lignin thickening prevents walls from collapsing
Phloem made up of
Sieve tubes
Made up of
Sieve tube elements and companion cells
Sieve tube elements
Lined end to end No nucleus no cytoplasm Perforated sieve plates Perforations allow movement of sap Sieve tubes very thin walls and usually five or six sided
Companion cells
Large nucleus and dense cytoplasm
Numerous mitochondria to produce ATP needed for the active processes needed to load assimilate actively into sieve tubes
Pathways of water
Water can pass through cellulose molecules in cell e the wall
Many plants housetrained by cytoplasmic bridges with plasmodesmata joining cytoplasms
Three pathways
Spaces in cells and between the cells
Mass flow not osmosis
Dissolved mineral ions and salts can be carried in the water
Cytoplasm through the plasma membrane and then passes through the. Plasmodesmata to next cytoplasm
Same as symplast but water can enter that vacuoles also
Pathway of water leaving the leaf
Xylem to leaf
Osmosis to spongy mesophyll and also apoplast pathway
Water evaporates from the walls are spongy Mesophyll
Water defuses out leave by open stomata
Movement dependent on the water vapour potential gradient
Transpiration stream important because
Transports useful mineral ions up plant
Maintained so turgidity
Supplies water for growth so elongation and photosynthesis
Supplies that water that can evaporate and keep plant cool and hot day
Factors affecting transpiration
Light intensity Temperature Relative humidity Air movement Water availability
Water uptake across roots
Root hair cell - water and minerals
Down the water potential gradient to endodermis of the vascular bundle
Apoplast pathway to endodermis and then Casparian strip blocks so symplast pathway used
Casparian strip ensures
Water and dissolved minerals have to pass the cell cytoplasm through plasma membranes
Plasma membrane contains transporter proteins which actively pump mineral ions from the cytoplasm of the cortex house into the medulla and xylem.
So water potential of Majilla more negative so water moves into them by osmosis
Water can’t pass back into the cortex after entering medulla as endodermal cells is blocked by Casparian strip
3 things that help movement of water up stem
Root pressure - medulla water pressure builds up and forces water into xylem
Transpiration pull - cohesion tension theory - water lost at the top of Column
Capillary action - adhesion can pull water against side of vessel