Part II Verse 2 Section B2 + Postlude Flashcards
What are the lyrics?
“Till I’m with you then, I’m with you there, Sweetly buried in your yellow hair.”
Vocal - mf then cresc. poco a poco (b35), ff (b37)
Accompaniment - mf then poco cresc. (b31), crescendo < (b34), f (35), ff (b37), fff. (39)
Syllabic word setting
Range of a major 9th
B31 - 34 is a variation of b15 - 18 of part II
8-bar vocal phrase
10-bar accompaniment phrase + 2-bar tag (postlude)
Melody on long dominant (V) pedal, supported by tonic (I) harmony
Segue - end of bar 40
Conjunct and disjunct
Phrase in b32 ends/lands on the 5th chord II7,9,11,13. This word paints “I’m with you there” in spirit.
When phrase ends in b38 it word paints their togetherness
Intervals - minor 3rds (rising and falling)
- Tritones word paint “Till I’m with you then”. He’s determined to rescue and be near her.
- Major 2nds - yearning/desire
- Major 9th (disjunct)
- Perfect 5th - sweetly
- Octaves - hope
Clarinets & violins - violin doubles melody
Horn, viola & cello as accompaniment
Tutti orchestra b35 shows he’s grand and desperate in his yearning
Tremolo strings - suspense/tenderness/yearning
Homophonic, dominant pedal in melody supported by tonic harmony, antiphonal answer by horn and viola
Maestoso (Majestic)
Eb major - key of love/determination
Tremolo strings - suspense/tenderness/yearning
Harmony (chord II7,9,11,13) in b31 & 32 word painting his yearning and desire to be with her
Tonic harmony supports dominant pedal in melody
1st perfect cadence V7,9,11 to I9 in b34 & 35 shows he’s got a plan to make them happy
Harmony in postlude (b39 - 40) matches performance “He throws the cage away, picks up his duffel bag, and runs off.”