Part II Flashcards
why is it difficult to estimate current rate of extinction?
- difficult to say w/ certainty that a species is extinct
- most species unknown to scientists, therefore extinct species also unknown
cycles that generate climate changes short term
- earth revolves on its axis leading to alternating cooling and warming w/ solar radiation
- earth orbits sun, tilted axis generates annual climactic cycles b/w northern hemisphere tilted toward sun during half of the orbit, southern hemisphere tilted toward sun other half
- diurnal-nocturnal behaviour of animals
- seasonal growth and death of annual plants
cycles that generate climate changes long term
- variaration of tilt of earth’s axis
- variation of shape of earth’s orbit around sun
- procession of equinoxes: distance form earth to sun cna either accentuate or ameliorite effects of axial tilt on weather
3 concerning observations re:global warming
- greenhouse gases lead greenhouse effect
- increased concentration of gg lead to increase greenhouse effect
- mean global temperature has increased
greenhouse gases
water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.
greenhouse effect
gg allow solar radiation to penetrate atmosphere and warm earth’s surface and inhibit reradiation of energy back to space
causes of global warming
- increased consumption of fossil fuels
- devasation of ecosystems (release gg)
- astronomical factors, increased photosynthesis (unpopular)
will organisms be able to adapt to future climate change?
- have been able to adapt well in past but maybe not in future
- current pops. already stressed by habitat degradation and overexploitation
- stressed pops. are small and therefore have lower chance to produce offspring
- human alteration of landscapes has reduced quantity of suitable habitats and fragmented landscapes by roads, etc. decreasing odds of individuals arriving in new suitable habitat
- possible temps will rise to unprecedented levels
- melting ice caps reduce shoreline
- unprecedented rate of increase in temp
why are rare species more vulnerable to extinction than common species?
- greater chance of pushed to extinction by environmental change
- environmental event may encompass species’ entire range
- demographic problems
- unbalanced sex ratio can limit birth rate
- more likely to happen to small pops.
- genetic problems
- inbreeding
- genetic drift
- bottlenecks
- restricted ability to adapt
why are some species particularly sensitive to human-induced threats?
- limited adaptability and resilience
- may be due to low reproductive capacity, limited dispersal capabilities, inflexible habitat requirements, etc.
- human attention
- may be edible, extremely unpopular (e.g. bats)
- ecological overlap
- tied to human-preferred ecosystems (e.g. w/ fertile soil and benign climates)
- large home-range requirements
- cannot fit in among humans
groups of individuals of some species occupying a defined area at same time
meta populations
group of diff. patch pops.
subpopulations appearing and disappearing due to colonization and local extinction
population visibility analysis (PVA)
any systematic attempt to understand processes that make pop. vulnerable to extinction, technique used to measure minimum viable population
4 interacting factors that might contribute to pop’s extinction
- demographic stochasticity
- =uncertainty resulting from random variation in reproductive success and survivorship at individual level
- environmental stochasiticity
- =random variations in components of habitat quality
- e.g. climate, nutrients, water
- catastrophes
- =dramatic events that occur at random intervals
- e.g. droughts, hurricanes
- genetic stochasticity
- random variation in gene frequencies of a pop. resulting from genetic drift, bottlenecks, inbreeding, etc.