Part II Flashcards
Whate are recurring / multi-round auctions?
Indefinite number of rounds every day.
What’s “sealed bid”?
All bids are executed at once.
In auctions, what’s the price when pricing marginally? (Think of auctions)
Price = highest accepted bid
Auction vs. continuous trading on PX
- all bids and offers are collected by an auctioneer (e.g. PX)
- Matched (executed) at once – then all transactions are executed simultaneously
- One uniform market-clearing price for all transactions (for each time step)
Continuous trading:
- You can place bids at any time
- These are published anonymously in an “order book” (brokers: not anonymous)
- Any market participant can accept bids – then this individual transaction is executed immediately
- Individual price for every single transaction
- Markets for bonds, stocks, currencies, commodities
Why do firms hedge?
- Mitigate risk: sudden change of fortune may squeeze liquidity
Is hedging distortive?
It’s non-distortive. Hedging does not alter spot market behavior and asset dispatch. Even if you “sold” electricity forward, you’ll still turn off your generator if spot prices fall below your var. cost.
What is a PPA
Purchasing Power Agreement:
- Literally “electricity sales contract”
- long-term contract of 5-15 years, linked to a specific asset
Difference between PPA and forwards / futures
PPAs are asset-specific:
- A contract to sell electricity produced by a specific generator e.g. a wind park.
- Futures / forwards are stand-alone contracts, unrelated to an asset.
- PPAs sold by owner of generator, futures/ forwards may be traded by anyone
Flexibility and system transformation: Variables to consider (2)
(Hint: variables to consider in the el. grid overall)
- Time: Temporal matching of generation with demand for electricity
- Space: Spatial matching of generation with demand for electricity
What’s a high-value generation technology?
Generation technologies that match consumer preferences (time, spatial).
Options to mitigate the RE value drop
- Renewables-friendly power system
- Electricity storage
- Interconnection
- Reduce thermal must-run - system-friendly renewables
- geographic distribution of RE
Diversification of RE mix
Incentivizing change through:
- wholesale market design
- balancing market design
- policy (support scheme) design
What is known as “the silent revolution”?
Development of wind turbine technology thus yield through higher towers & longer blades
- smoother generation throughout the day
- higher capacity factor
What is system-friendly solar PV?
Improving solar market value through
- west facing (shifting generation further off-peak)
- bifacial
Steps of the electricity market from generation to consumption
+ monopoly or competition
Generation (competition), Transmission (monop.), distribution (monop.), retail supply (comp.), consumption
Is there “the” market for electricity? Why?
There isn’t. There are distinct markets for electricity products: Wholesale, retail, system services.
Difference of OTC & PX
OTC: One transaction. There’s no middleman, only a broker. Thus, counterparty (credit) risk.
PX: Legally, two independent transactions, no counterparty risk.
What are ID markets there for, abstractly spoken?
Trading new information: Forecast deviations of production (esp. VRE) or consumption (e.g. it’s colder than expected).
Which power exchanges (platforms) are there, serving Germany?
Nord Pool