Part I: Omnigame Fundamentals The Game of Life Flashcards


What is the omnigame?


There’s a game that everybody is playing all of the time. It’s the game of trying to get what you want, or if you prefer, trying to want what you already have In other words, it’s the game of trying to move away from suffering and achieve satisfaction. (dopamine pulling/reward survival mechanism)

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Describe omnigame with desires


In every moment, you have either a conscious or unconscious desire. Your mental and emotional state is predominantly a result of how those desires are mapped and ultimately fulfilled. The problem is that most of us lack skill in playing this game and subsequently end up dissatisfied with our results.

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Problem and solution omnigame


When your omnigame is weak, you constantly feel like you are losing, missing out, are not good enough, and frustrated. If you can improve your omnigame, then you can increase the frequency of success and satisfaction you feel and achieve in all areas of life.
If you can develop mastery over the core mechanics of the omnigame that I’ll be showing you, you’ll be able to cultivate anabolic optimism and start exponentially increasing your level of progress and satisfaction in any domain you wish.

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What are the mechanics/ concepts we’ll need to examine for improving our omnigame?

Catabolic/ anabolic resonance 
Shifting states 
Beliefs are the foundation 
Psychomagnetic Activation 
Three-Piece Machine 
The anabolic Axioms
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What is resonance?


Resonance is an alignment between head and heart. It is when your rational and emotional mind are either a state of conscious or unconscious “agreement.”
So when someone asks if something “resonates” with you, they are asking if something both feels right and sounds rationally acceptable as well.

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What is pos and neg Resonance?


Positive resonance is when the feelings are pleasant. This is an “attractive” motivational force that draws you toward something that is both rationally and emotionally deemed “good.”
Negative resonance is when feelings are unpleasant. This is a “repellant” motivational force that drives you away from something deemed rationally and emotionally “bad.”

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What is passive resonance state?


A passive resonance is when you think and feel something, but are not currently acting on it. So for example, perhaps your opinion of a particular politician is held passively inside you the majority of the time. It only becomes a state of active resonance when you engage in political discussion about that politician or vote for/against them at the ballot box.
Passive resonance, especially when strong, rarely stays passive for long unless it is shifted.

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What is active resonance state?


an active state is when your body enters into the resonance as well and you ACT according to the resonant impulse. So if you feel like eating, think it is a good idea TO eat, and then go about the act of eating, then you are in a state of active resonance.
Active resonance is the “effortless action” that flows through our mental, emotional, and physical activity as a result of synergistic alignment in our psyche. Autopilot, flow, being in the zone, trance, reactivity, entrainment, hyperfocus etc. are all forms of resonance.

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What is psychomagnetism?


The most important characteristic of resonance is what I’m

calling psychomagnetism, which refers to the principle that whatever you resonate with, YOU GET MORE OF.

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Explain psychomagnetism with magnet term


It’s like your consciousness is a special magnet, depending upon how you tune your psychomagnetic field determines what sorts of experiences and results you ultimately attract.
We all intuitively understand this. If you resonate with hate, conflict, and resentment, you’ll get MORE hate conflict and resentment in your life, not less. If you resonate with love, cooperation, and gratitude, you’ll get MORE love, cooperation, and gratitude.

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What is the core of psychomagnetic theory?

  • Your thoughts are instructions for what you WANT MORE OF (the configuration of the psychomagnetic circuit).
  • Your emotions are like electricity that AMPLIFY and CHARGE those instructions with power.
  • Your actions are when you connect your charged instructions to the physical world to create a mutually affective feedback loop (the circuit) between you and reality.

So basically the thoughts you think are instructions for what you want, your emotions are the battery to power those instructions, and your actions are the way you plug those instructions into omnigame of life.

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Purpose of psychomagnetic skill (playlist)


When practiced effectively, psychomagnetic skill allows you to consciously SHIFT your active resonance. This lets you go from unproductive states of reacting poorly, to productive states where you fall into a flow of beneficial behavior.

In other words, you gain control over your own psychological “playlist” that controls the rhythm and flow of your thoughts, emotions and actions. So if the “song” you’re currently resonating at causes you to dance to a beat that leads to undesirable results, then you can change the track to a better tune and get better results

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Catabolic vs Anabolic Resonance (goal)


If our goal is to shift from less desirable states of resonance to more desirable states, then the first thing we need to do is figure out which states are the ones to be avoided and which ones are to be pursued.

they are the two poles of psychomagnetism

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What is Catabolic Resonance (def)


Pattern of activity which leads to a net breakdown of things, devolution or withering.

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Anabolic Resonance (def)


Pattern of activity which leads to a net build up of things, evolution or thriving.

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Explain yin-yang between ana and cata resonance


each has a bit of the other in them. So for example, a state of catabolic resonance might actually build something up (like an addiction, or cancerous growth) that ultimately leads to a greater breakdown.
Likewise, an anabolic process might require a smaller breakdown for a greater gain like how you must tear down muscle fibers if you wish ultimately to build them up and make them stronger, or destruction of old and dysfunctional ways of doing things in order to adopt better methods.

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What is the big issue of catabolic resonance for most? and what should we do


The big issue is that many people habitually fall into states of catabolic resonance that break them down and hold them back from thriving in life in a sustainable and authentic manner.

Our goal here is to abolish all net catabolic patterns and learn how to function purely in the realm of net anabolic resonance.

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A catabolic resonance in laymans term


We have all been in states of catabolic resonance before. Any time you have been “stuck in a rut,” caught in a “negative spiral,” or just caught acting out undesirably, you were in a state of catabolic resonance.

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Problem interaction catabolic res and psy magn


Unless a shift is made to counter this state, the psychomagnetic law of “you will get more of what you put out” demands that one catabolic response to a negative event will attract MORE catabolic activity and MORE negative events.


The catabolic resonance issue explained


A catabolic resonance usually starts with some kind of ‘bad’ event. This perception of ‘badness’ is the frequency that begins resonating in the mind, the emotions and ultimately the actions. As this resonance goes unchecked, it creates a psychomagnetic charge that attracts more experiences of the same frequency.


Give a real life example of catabolic resonance


So for example, let’s say you showed up in a way that was less than ideal – maybe you unintentionally made a social gaffe at work and drew some criticism from those around you. This sort of event is usually followed by a negative emotion such as shame, embarrassment or stress.

Remember how the psychomagnetic formula works: the thought (instruction) in your mind is “I screwed up and I’ve lost status” and the negative feelings associated with that thought charge it with power. If that charged thought gets plugged into the omnigame via action to complete the circuit, then there’s an extremely high chance it will lead to a feedback loop of MORE screw ups and status loss.
This doesn’t happen instantaneously or magically - it’s just plain old cause and effect: If you do not adjust your thinking around the ‘bad’ event, then your consciousness will do what it does best: expand out into a network of associated thinking and feeling which will ultimately affect your actions and experiences.

So if you are holding the emotion of shame and embarrassment, then your thoughts will follow that psychomagnetic frequency. This might look like replaying the situation over and over again from worse and worse angles or perhaps bringing up all the other times you’ve made similar mistakes. This just making that core negative emotion stronger and stronger.
As the negative emotion burns stronger, the thoughts will spiral darker and before you know it, you can end up feeling like the biggest loser in the world, with all of your life’s mistakes playing through your mind as evidence of your buffoonery.
Instead of just being concerned with the little gaffe, you now are worried that you’re the biggest joke of a person and no one takes you seriously. As these thoughts and feelings bounce around in your head and heart, they will eventually find a way out through your body in the form of an action.
If you think you’re a fool and also feel like a fool, how do you think you’ll act?
When you have a highly emotionally charged thought, it takes a massive amount of willpower to prevent that from being acted out and ultimately plugged into the omnigame as an instruction for what you want.
So for example, if you worked yourself up internally as we’ve described, then the next time you’re in a social situation all you’ll be focused on is avoiding making another mistake. You’ll be nervous, tense, and more likely to hold back and unable to be present and focused.
The net result is that this will lead to a higher probability that you MAKE another gaffe or come across as less likable than if your thoughts and feelings were resonating on a different frequency. By resonating with the thought of “I’ve screwed up and lost status,” you’ve psychomagnetically attracted MORE of that very thing.
This is a simple example of how social anxiety and poor social skills manifest for people worldwide. Of course, it can get much more complex as people adopt different coping
mechanisms, but the fundamental principle is that your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and experiences, and these actions and experiences feed into your future actions and experiences.
This is just one example but it can show up in a bunch of other ways:
• If you are worried about being rejected by women, you’re more likely to show up as needy/insecure etc. and end up getting rejected more
• If you are constantly worried about not having enough money, your mind will filter the world through the perception of scarcity and you will be blind to opportunities to tap into financial abundance.
• If you are angry with yourself for being unproductive (with no supplemental & corrective thinking) then you’ll just want to escape the “slave driver” experience of yourself which just leads to more escapism and lost productivity.


Catabolic resonance summary


refers to states of automatic activity where you use your psychomagnetic power to attract the experiences which break you down and limit you.
If you start with negative thoughts and negative feelings, you will ultimately take negative actions and experience negative results.
If left unchecked, these results create a negative feedback loop that will simply create more and more negative results that break you down further.


Catabolic resonance trends (lack and desire, victimhood and resentment, conflict and discord)

  • If you resonate lack and desire, you just get more lack and desire: If you never feel like you have enough or have what you want, then getting more things won’t change that. You’ll just need more and more, never feeling satisfied.
  • If you resonate with victimhood and resentment, you will get more victimhood and resentment: If you view yourself as a helpless victim and your negative state as someone else’s fault, then you’ll ALWAYS feel that way and find someone to blame for your unsatisfying life and live perpetually in a state of powerlessness.
  • If you resonate with conflict and discord, you will get more conflict and discord. If you go around looking for fights, you’ll find them, and very quickly these fights will come around trying to find YOU.

What should we do instead of resonating catabolically ? How do these people act


Instead of catabolic resonance, we want to be in a state of anabolic resonance where we are thinking good thoughts, feeling good things, and getting good results.
Perhaps you know some people like this - they are almost always in a good mood, they seem to flow through life and everything seems to work out for them. These are people who have learned how to put good energy out so that they get good things back.
Bad things don’t seem happen to these people because these people don’t let themselves SEE their experiences as bad. They just see opportunities and wins.


Examples of anabolic resonance (woman, wealth, productive)

  • If you are happy with yourself regardless of what women think, you’re more likely to show up as confident, interesting, and strong and ultimately have more romantic success.
  • If you hold yourself as someone who is already wealthy, then you’ll think and act like a wealthy person. Guess how wealthy people act? In the ways that generate more money.
  • If you run off the thoughts of as someone who is already a productive person, then your emotions and actions will follow suite.

Anabolic resonance global principles (abundance and fullfillment, ownership and opportunity, peace and cooperation

  • If you resonate with abundance and fulfillment, you get more abundance and fulfillment: If you learn how to cultivate gratitude and satisfaction, then you’ll get more and more things to be grateful and fulfilled by. The people who embrace what they have as an awesome gift use it as such, and therefore get the best results they possibly can.
  • If you resonate with ownership and opportunity then you get more ownership and opportunity: If you embrace the fact that you always have the ability to choose your RESPONSE to your situation then you can make sure that you use that response to the best of your ability. The people who consistently honor this power successively unlock MORE power.
  • If you resonate with peace and cooperation then you get more peace and cooperation: When you try to work with people rather than against them, you will tend to find people automatically flocking to your side. And even if you can’t find alignment on a particular issue, the disagreement tends to be far more amicable and perhaps even lead to greater respect and connection down the line on other matters.

“That all sounds nice, but how the heck am I supposed to resonate positively all the time? Isn’t it inevitable that I’m going to experience negative emotions and act out catabolically?”


Two points to make about this:
First, catabolic resonance tends to only get truly bad when you don’t address it. One catabolic action does not usually create a massive breakdown (barring extremely bad edge cases). Simply developing self-awareness and baseline resonance shifting skills will be enough to keep a catabolic feedback loop from spiraling out of control.
Second, we need to remember that point we made about the yin-yang earlier. You can make any negative situation into a smaller catabolic experience that ultimately serves a larger anabolic aim.
My point here is that you don’t need to have perfect self-control in order to live a life of predominantly anabolic resonance. Just a basic understanding of the skills and the will to use those skills.


What is the core point of control we have in the psychomagnetic model


The narrative we operate on


How would you describe narrative ( you operate on in a psychomagnetism)


The narrative refers to the story we are telling about the facts of a situation. This narrative forms the “music” of our “emotional magnet”.
There’s a glass of water on the table. Will you tell the story that the glass is half full, or that it’s half empty and probably filled with poison?
As we mentioned previously, you can think of your narrative as the circuit that your emotional energies flow through and are manipulated by. This flow creates your psychomagnetic resonance, which is either anabolic or catabolic depending on whether it builds you up or breaks you down over time.


Who are the two main players inside you vying for control on the story you operate on


Your terminal self is the logical and higher-level thinking aspect of your being. This part can be quite intelligent and directive, but alone, it lacks power.
Your primal self is the emotional aspect of your being. This part can be incredibly powerful, but it can be very irrational and self-destructive if left to it’s own devices.


Explain primal and terminal self with elephant example


You can compare these aspects to the classic image of the elephant (primal/emotional self) and the elephant tamer (terminal/rational self) who rides on top the elephant.
Who is really in control, the elephant or the trainer? It kind of depends:
• How well trained is the elephant?
• How much do the desires of the elephant and the trainer align?
• How skilled/educated is the trainer?
• How good is the relationship between the elephant and trainer?


Issue catabolic resonance (primal/terminal)


The general issue we run into that leads to catabolic resonance is when our primal self runs off of unhelpful and emotionally reactive narratives, and our terminal self is not skilled or present enough to steer the primal self in a better direction.


Explain catabolic resonance issue (primal/terminal self) car break down


So for example, let’s say you get into your car to head out to work, but your car won’t start. Your immediate primal narrative might be something along the lines of:
“This sucks! I’ll be late and that’s bad! Something is probably broken and that will cost money and THAT’s bad. My boss will be so mad at me and that’s bad too! I probably won’t get that promotion now too, and that’s SUPER bad!”
This narrative is likely not experienced as a clear voice speaking these words. For primal narratives, you’ll experience them as emotional sensations - i.e. you’ll just feel pissed off and anxious. However, if you were to translate those feelings into words (which is a very powerful skill) you’ll find out the story your primal self is telling.
Now unless your terminal self can step in and offer a better perspective, you’ll resonate internally with this narrative and it’s only a matter of time before it slips out into your actions in the form of cursing, yelling, etc.

If this resonance isn’t shifted, you’ll be in a crappy mood and displaying crappy behavior all day. Later that day you might find yourself in a screaming match with your significant other, being an anonymous asshole to someone online, or perhaps acting out some addiction to escape your own miserable experience.


Problem catabolic resonance (greenglasses) and the solution


All this is because once you’re in a catabolic resonance, you’ll be more likely to apply that same filter to everything else you experience as well. It’s kind of like if you were to wear a pair of green tinted sunglasses, everything you look at would look green. Same thing can be said of a narrative. If you resonate with a negative narrative, everything you experience will be affected.
The solution to these reactive, catabolic, emotional narratives is that our terminal mind must come in and offer a different perspective. We need to be able to tell a BETTER story about the situation.


What is the heart of a catabolic resonance (primal narrative)? shift solution


is a primal narrative of “this situation is bad because X”. In order to shift to an anabolic resonance, our terminal selves need to be able to present an alternative narrative of “this situation is good because Y.”


What is both the obstacle and key in a narrative shift? (answer + explanation)


BELIEF SYSTEM. Your beliefs act as the foundation upon which you build your mental stories about the world. If your beliefs are incompatible with your new narrative, then it will be like trying to build a brick house on sand - it won’t hold up.
If you want to be able to constantly shift into a narrative of anabolic optimism, then you’ll need to internalize the beliefs that can support such a resonance.
There are a particular set of such beliefs that I believe allow for the GREATEST support of anabolic optimism. I refer to these beliefs as the anabolic axioms


What’s the goal of narrative shift


The goal will be to use these thought patterns to construct a new narrative so that you can shift into an anabolic resonance any time you find yourself struggling with bad vibes.


What’s the big challenge to utilizing new beliefs to create new narratives?


The big challenge to utilizing new beliefs to create new narratives about your experience is the emotional resistance to adopting new patterns of thinking. You probably have a part of you that looks at that first axiom of “Everything that happens to you is the best possible thing that could EVER happen to you” and immediately says “yeah right, no way I buy that!”


Instead of forcing a new narrative to achieve better resonance you can use?


the better option is to follow the path of psychomagnetic activation:


What is psychomagnetic activation?


It’s a tool to help shift the narrative and reducing emotional resistance

  1. Shift your self-talk to change your operating narrative
  2. ACT on your new narrative by doing SOMETHING in alignment with the new narrative
  3. Adjust talk/action based on inner and outer feedback

Explain the three steps to psychomagnetic activation (1. Shift your self-talk to change your operating narrative

  1. ACT on your new narrative by doing SOMETHING in alignment with the new narrative
  2. Adjust talk/action based on inner and outer feedback)

Step one is for your terminal (rational) self to show up as a strong leader and good friend to your primal self. It first starts by speaking to your primal self - feeding it the new perspective.

So either with a mental voice or actually out loud, you must talk to yourself in a “head to heart” fashion. To be clear, talking to yourself doesn’t mean feeling to yourself. You must actually create and hear the words of the new story in your head.
In the second step, you’ll want to take some kind of action in alignment with the new narrative. This action can be either internal or external. The action can be big and powerful as quitting your job, or asking out a long-time crush - but more often it’s something small like writing a to-do list, doing a visualization, or perhaps even just
physically relaxing and adjusting your posture to align your physical body with a state of confidence and ease.

what internal or external action can I take that is in alignment with the narrative I want to shift into?”
In the third step, you simply need to monitor what happens and adjust accordingly. Once you act, you’ve created a circuit that plugs the new narrative into the omnigame. This will create a feedback loop. Your job then is to pay attention to and work with what comes up in your emotions and circumstances as a result of your action.
So for example, say you’re feeling really tired and are trying to shift into a state of productivity. You might inspire yourself with some good self-talk (step 1) and then go active by beginning to work on a project (step 2).
Now, maybe after a few minutes you get into the zone and you’re resonating where you want to be - awesome. For step three you just need to ride that wave.


What is the three piece machine (connect to narrative)


Basically you can think of yourself as a three-piece machine: head (rationality/terminal self), heart (emotional/primal self), and body (circuit creator/activator). If you can get two out of three of these pieces running on a new narrative, the third will generally follow.


Three piece machine sticking point for most guys ?


Basically you can think of yourself as a three-piece machine: head (rationality/terminal self), heart (emotional/primal self), and body (circuit creator/activator). If you can get two out of three of these pieces running on a new narrative, the third will generally follow.


Important caveat

Before we start looking at the first anabolic axiom of “everything that happens to you is the best possible thing that could EVER happen to you” I need to take a second make a few important points to properly frame this rather radical notion. First:
The anabolic axiom is something that you can ONLY apply to YOURSELF and you must recognize that it’s a perspective about MINDSET not a moral judgment of events.
I believe evil exists.


I believe that evil things can happen to you (and probably have). The anabolic axioms are NOT saying that evil you experience is actually good. However, it IS saying that you can turn all evil TO SERVE the good through the way that you respond to it.
The main thing I want to make crystal clear is that I do NOT think it is good that anyone gets abused, raped, assaulted, killed or suffers any other kind of horrible thing. I condemn evil as evil, and tragedy as tragic. However, the brave soul who is accosted by such challenges can choose to use the perspective of anabolic optimism to turn that hardship into an exponentially greater gain.
Evil only wins when it reigns victorious in our hearts and minds. Tragedy is only truly a tragedy if that is where the story ends. The hero who perseveres in these trials can turn any evil or tragedy into growth points that strengthen him on his journey to victory.


Important caveat self and other (everything that happens to you is the best possible thing that could EVER happen to you)


With that being said, I need to reiterate that you should focus on only applying this perspective to YOURSELF. I do not recommend telling someone who is upset over getting dumped, fired, or being dealt some other challenge that this was the best thing that could ever happen to them (at least not immediately).
People who do not share this mentality and are suffering should be extended appropriate levels of pity and compassion. Chances are you’ve been there, and callous indifference helps no one. You can help hold the space for someone to step into an more positive way of thinking, which is what I’m trying to do here, but you cannot force someone to embrace this way of thinking. To try to do so would likely cause more harm than good.


Important caveat hero story/ hardship


Just think about every good story ever told - there MUST be hardship or else there’s no meaning. Without challenge, there is nothing for the protagonist to use to fuel growth. For the person who accepts this principle, life becomes like an epic adventure filled with amazing characters to meet, puzzles to solve, monsters to defeat, and treasure to collect (more on this in axiom #2).


Caveat note on pain


The most challenging part of life and practicing anabolic optimism is dealing with pain. Obviously, we want to remove as much unnecessary pain as we possibly can.
However, I want to be clear that our goal isn’t to remove ALL pain. This is what the addict attempts to do, which only leads to exponentially MORE pain. Instead, we want to embrace all necessary pain and it and USE in a helpful manner. When you understand how to deal with pain it can be incredibly valuable, adding depth, breadth, and intensity of the omnigame of life.