Part I: Introduction and general concepts Flashcards
What is international tax law?
- Definition: “all rules that determine where and how, in a cross border context, specific income of a taxpayer may be taxed and how this tax must be assessed and recovered”
- No separate set of rules, but various sources of law:
- Basic general principles of internation tax law
- National tax laws
- Bilateral tax treaties (based on Model Conventions)
- EU law
- International guidelines (in particular OECD material)
What are the basic principles of international tax law?
- Fiscal sovereignty of the states: the right of a state to regulate its own tax matters and to legislate for everyone within its territory
Territoriality: requirement of personal (taxpayer) or “objective” income link with the territory or both
- Determined under national tax law
- Nationality principle: USA
- Residence principle: Belgium
- Territoriality principle: Hong Kong: only income that is sourced on HK territory: also for resident taxpayers is taxed in HK
- Determined under national tax law
What are the relevant provisions in TFEU?
- General non-discrimination principle: article 18
- Fundamental freedoms:
- Free movement within internal market: art. 26, §2
- Goods: art. 28
- Persons: art. 21
- Employment: art. 45
- Establishment: art. 49
- Services: art. 56
- Capital: art. 63
- Prohibition on (fiscal) state aid: art. 107-108
- Increasing impact of European Court of Justice case law, also in the field of tax treaties
What are the income tax directives?
- Examples:
- Directive on Mutual assistance between tax authorities (1977) replaced by new Directive adopted 15 Feb 2011 (many recent amendments to allow (i) automatic exchange of bank info on investment income (ii) rulings) etc..
- Parent-Subsidiary Directive (1990, recast 2011 with later amendments)
- Anti Tax Avoidance Directive I and II (2016/2017)
- Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Directive (2017)
- Impact of Tax Directives on Tax Treaties
- Impact of the Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Directive on the resolution of economic double taxation resulting from transfer pricing adjustments
What is the soft law in international taxation?
- International guidelines or recommendations
- OECD Guidelines:
- Transfer Pricing Guidelines (1995-1999-2010-2017)
- Base Erosion & Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) of October 2015: 15 Reports
- EU Commission: a few examples
- Code of conduct against harmful tax competition (1998)
- Recommendation on Fair & Efficient corporate tax system (June 2015)
- There is a competition going on between OECD & EU Commission
What are bilateral tax treaties?
- Bilateral tax treaties are based on 2 main types of model treaties: OECD and UN
- Many other national Model tax treaties: US model, Dutch model, Belgian model,…
- Main focus: OECD Model Tax Convention + Commentary
What is the concept of sovereignty?
- Basis for taxation
- Personal sovereignty: based on residence / nationality
- Territorial sovereignty: objective connection of income with a state’s territory -> source rules
- Functional sovereingty = continental shelf
What is tax jurisdiction?
- “The limits of the competence of a State to prescribe norms in a specific field of law (i.e. tax law) that are valid for a given territory and person” → law that can be enforced and is recognised by other States”
- Criteria in tax law: nationality, residence, territorial: source, destination or consumption, functional (continental shelf)
What is the difference between limited and unlimited tax liability?
- Unlimited: someone gets taxed on their world-wide income: Principles
- Nationality
- Residence
- Limited: part of income link to territory or to functional link
- Territorial link
- Functional link
What is international double taxation or double non-taxation?
- Multiple applications of sovereignty + different types of tax liability lead to international double (non) taxation
- International double taxation does not mean the different layers of taxation within one state (eg. within federal state)
- It is concurring taxing rights exercised by 2 or more States
What are the forms of double taxation?
Economic double taxation
- 2 taxpayers - 2 states - Same tax - same object - same taxable year
- Eg. dividend distributions, transfer pricing adjustments
Juridical (legal) double taxation
- One taxpayer - 2 states - same tax - same object - same taxable year
- Examples/causes:
- Concurrence of personal sovereignty and territorial sovereignty (residence vs. source);
- Concurrence of two different criteria of personal sovereignty (residence vs. nationality);
- Concurrence of two different criteria to determine territorial sovereignty (i.e. conflicting source rules);
- Different interpretation of same test (e.g. residence)
What is international double non taxation and its causes?
- Neither of two relevant States exercises taxing rights over item of income
- Examples/causes:
- Tax havens (the well known, but also UAE, countries with territorial tax regimes (HK) etc.
- States intentionally or unintentionally do not tax a certain item of income:
- Eg. Swiss cantons on certain types of companies, Uruguay with tax free zones
- Tax incentives to attract foreign investors or certain businesses
- Individuals earning income below a threshold do not pay tax (tax free bracket, PIT is progressive)
- Domestic laws of States are not harmonized
- Causes hybrid mismatches
- eg. profit participating loan between Lux and borrower’s States
- At the origin of the BEPS action plans (trying to restore coherence of the international tax system) and the amendment of the EU Parent/Subsidiary Directive per 1/1/16
- Causes hybrid mismatches
- OECD Model: allocates taxing rights, does not impose an obligation to tax
What are patent boxes?
- 15 patent box regimes in the EU: very favourable tax regimes for income derived from patents
What is the purpose of the OECD Model Tax Convention of 2017?
- Prevention of international juridical (and economic?) double taxation
- Prevention of tax evasion (= fraud)
- Non discrimination
- Assistance (in particular exchange of information) between tax authorities
- Assistance in collection of taxes
* Purpose is not in the title but this must all be seen against the broader objective of a bilateral tax treaty = fostering international trade and investment
What are some recent developments as a result of BEPS Action Plans October 2015?
- Action 6 (“Preventing the granting of treaty benefits in inappropriate circumstances”)
- Amendment to title of OECD Model
- New title: “Convention between State A and State B for the elimination of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance”
- New preamble:
- “Desiring to further develop their economic relationship and to enhance their co-operation in tax matters”
- Intending to conclude a Convention for the elimination of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and on capital without creating opportunities for non-taxation or reduced taxation through tax evasion or avoidance (including through treaty shopping arrangements aimed at obtaining reliefs provided in this Convention for the indirect benefit of 3rd States)”
What is the effect of the OECD Model Tax Convention?
- OECD Model Convention is a non-binding model treaty which is highly influential on the conclusion of binding bilateral tax treaties
- Vast majority of the more than 3500 bilateral tax treaties around the world currently follow the OECD Model:
- Exceptions: US treaties following US Model (but to a large extent US Model follows OECD Model) and treaties with developing countries following UN Model
- Because of the BEPS Actions several amendments are made to the OECD Model
- Amendments are essential to realize the BEPS actions: combating international tax avoidance and double non taxation
- How to achieve this goal with 3500 bilateral treaties that need to be amended? Time lag to (re)negotiate a treaty is several years
- The Multilateral Instrument adopted on 7 June 2017
What are the general characteristics of tax treaties? The 6 cardinal rules?
- Two core notions in distributive rules
- Tax treaties restrict the application of domestic law in Residence and in Source State > supremacy of international law over domestic law
- Assessment of tax is based on national tax law (not on tax treaty)
- Terms may have different meaning in tax treaties and in national law = relative effect of tax treaties
- Usually tax treaties improve taxpayer’s situation; sometimes they do not
- The relationship between tax treaties and conflicting subsequent domestic tax law = treaty override
What are the two core notions in distributive rules?
- Residence state: one single concept: art. 4 OECD MC
- Source State: variety of rules in function of type of income