Part I: Basic Science Flashcards
From inferior to superior (i.e. ascending), what is the 4th branch of the external carotid artery in the neck?
a. Maxillary artery
b. Occipital artery
c. Facial artery
d. Lingual artery
e. Posterior auricular artery
The pathway best describing how sympa- thetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system exit the spinal cord is:
a. Via the dorsal roots and white rami communicans
b. Via the ventral roots and white rami communicans
c. Via the dorsal roots and gray rami communicans
d. Via the ventral roots and gray rami communicans
e. Via the ventral roots and spinal nerves
The left vertebral artery usually arises from the:
a. Arch of the aorta
b. Brachiocephalic trunk c. Left common carotid
d. Left subclavian artery
e. Costocervical trunk
Hemiballismus results from lesioning which basal ganglia target?
a. Globus pallidus interna
b. Subthalamic nucleus
c. Substantia nigra pars reticularis d. Striatum
e. Pedunculopontine nucleus
Lesion of which structure increases extensor tone?
a. Dentate nucleus
b. Pedunculopontine nucleus c. Red nucleus
d. Ventral tegmentum
e. Superior olive
Which one of the following drain into the cavernous sinus?
a. Superior ophthalmic vein
b. Superior petrosal sinus
c. Inferior petrosal sinus
d. Basal vein of Rosenthal
e. Vein of Labbe
Persistent trigeminal artery is commonly:
a. Found in 3-5% of people
b. Found to connect to the proximal basilar
c. Found to branch off from the ICA just
proximal to the meningohypophyseal
d. Found to have a vascular abnormality in
approximately 50% of cases
e. Found in conjunction with internalcarotid artery aplasia
The afferent loop of the Hering-Breuer inflation and deflation reflexes is mediated by:
c. CN X
e. C2
Which one of the following nerves is outside the annulus of Zinn?
a. Abducens
b. Nasociliary
c. Trochlear
d. Oculomotor (superior division)
e. Oculomotor (inferior division)
The C2 vertebra has how many secondary ossification centers?
a. 2
c. 4
e. 6
A line drawn between the highest point of the iliac crests across the back usually denotes:
a. L1/2 interspace b. L2/3 interspace c. L3/4 interspace d. L4/5 interspace e. L5/S1 interspace
Which one of the following is labeled X in the image below?
a. Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
b. Meckel’s cave
c. Oculomotor nerve
d. Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
e. Abducens nerve
Which one of the following statements about the sympathetic nervous system is FALSE?
a. Innervation of thoracic viscera rises from T1-T4 spinal segments
b. Splanchnic nerves are unmyelinated
c. Preganglionic fibers enter the sympathetic chain via white rami communicans
d. Sensory afferent fibers are important for visceral pain sensation
e. Preganglionic fibers synapse in either the sympathetic chain or prevertebral ganglia
Nervi erigentes are responsible for:
a. Inhibition of the external anal sphincter
b. Inhibition of the internal vesicle sphincter
c. Inhibition of the internal anal sphincter
d. Inhibition of the external vesicle sphincter
e. Inhibition of the rectal muscles
Parasympathetic sensory afferents terminate in which one of the following?
a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. Solitary nucleus
c. Edinger-Westphal nucleus d. Red nucleus
e. Superior colliculus
Which one of the labels in the diagram below of the internal auditory canal identifies the facial nerve?
Blood supply to the posterior pituitary gland arises from branches of which internal carotid artery segment?
a. C1 (Cervical)
b. C2 (Petrous)
c. C3 (Lacerum)
d. C4 (Cavernous)
e. C5 (Clinoid)
f. C6 (ophthalmic/supraclinoid) g. C7 (communicating)
For each of the following descriptions, select the most appropriate answers from the diagram above. Each answer may be used once, more than once or not at all.
1. ACA
2. Maxillary division of CN V (V2) 3. Oculomotor nerve (III)
Which one of the following correctly describes the order of embryological stages of CNS development?
a. Blastogenesis, gastrulation, dorsal induction, ventral induction, neural proliferation, neuronal migration, and axonal myelination
b. Dorsal induction, ventral induction, gas- trulation, neural proliferation, neuronal migration, and axonal myelination
c. Gastrulation ventral induction, dorsal induction, neural proliferation, neuronal migration, and axonal myelination
d. Neural proliferation, gastrulation dorsal induction, ventral induction, neuronal migration, and axonal myelination
e. Ventral induction, gastrulation, dorsal induction, neural proliferation, axonal myelination, and neuronal migration
Which one of the following statements regarding gastrulation is most accurate?
a. It is the process by which the bilaminar
disc is converted into a trilaminar disc
b. It can result in lipomyelomeningocele if
c. It is not dependent on bone morphogenetic protein expression
d. It starts with closure of the cranial neuropore
e. It occurs from embryonic days 10-12
Which one of the following statements about primary neurulation is most accurate?
a. Anterior neuropore closure approximately occurs on D19
b. Disjunction results in formation of the spi- nal canal below the posterior neuropore
c. Fusion of the neural folds starts at the anterior neuropore and proceeds caudally in a zip-like fashion until it reaches the posterior neuropore
d. Notochord induces the overlying ecto- derm to differentiate into a flat area of specialized neuroectoderm called the neural plate
e. SHH/morphogen secretion on D14 causes the neural plate to form median hinge points and start invaginating along its central axis to form a neural groove (with neural folds on either side)
Which one of the following statements about secondary neurulation and retrogressive differentiation is most accurate?
a. Important for the formation of the conus medullaris but not the filum terminale
b. Involves canalization of a caudal men-
senchymal cell mass
c. Is completed by days 24-26 of embryonic
d. Responsible for the formation of thoracic,
lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal neural tube e. Retrogressive differentiation is a mitotic
Which one of the following statements about ventral induction is most accurate?
a. It includes development of the primary brain fissure
b. It includes development of the secondary brain vesicles and brain flexures
c. It includes formation of the neural plate
d. It includes formation of the notochord
e. It includes primary neurulation
The disencephalon does not give rise to which one of the following?
a. 3rd ventricle
b. Mamillary bodies
c. Optic vesicle
d. Posterior pituitary
e. Superior colliculus
Mesencephalon does NOT give rise to which one of the following?
a. Cerebral aqueduct
b. Edinger-Westphal nucleus
c. Pineal body
d. Red nucleus
e. Substantia nigra
Which one of the following statements about the rhombencephalon is most accurate?
a. It contains the cerebral aqueduct at its center
b. It gives rise to diencephalon and myelencephalon secondary brain vesicles
c. It gives rise to the inferior colliculi and pons
d. Itisseparatedfromthemesencephalonby
the isthmus rhombencephalii
e. Pontine flexure indents the rhomben-
cephalon ventrally
Which one of the following statements about cerebellar development is most accurate?
a. Brainstem input to the cerebellum is via parallel and climbing fibers
b. Commences at week 15
c. Golgi cells come to reside in the
molecular layer
d. Granule cells develop axons called Mossy
e. Granule cells migrate inward past Purkinje cells with the help of Bergmann glia
Which one of the following is important in dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube?
a. BF-1
b. BMP-4 and BMP-7
c. EMX1 and EMX2
d. FGF-8
e. HOX
f. SHH
Which one of the following best describes cells forming the mantle layer in the develop- ing neural tube?
a. Ependymal cells
b. Glioblasts
c. Neuroblasts
d. Postmitotic young neurons
e. Radial cells
Whichoneofthefollowingstatementsabout cerebral cortex formation is most accurate?
a. Cortical layers are laid down from most superficial to deep
b. Germinal matrix zone is superficial to the ventricular zone
c. Intermediate zone contains axons of cortical pyramidal neurons
d. Migration of cortical pyramidal neurons occurs tangentially
e. The neocortex usually has four layers in the adult
Which one of the following is the first to form in the developing brain?
a. Anterior commissure
b. Genu of corpus callosum
c. Hippocampal commissure
d. Posterior commissure
e. Splenium of corpus callosum
Which one of the following statements about the developing spinal cord are most accurate?
a. Alar columns form the intermediolateral
b. Alar columns form the ventral horns
c. Dorsally the floor plate marks where the
paired basal columns meet
d. Laterally, the alar and basal plates abut at a
groove called the sulcus limitans
e. Ventrally the roof plate marks where the
paired alar columns meet
Which one of the following is NOT a component of the blood-brain barrier?
a. Capillary endothelial cells
b. Astrocytic foot processes
c. Basement membrane
d. Tight junctions
e. Microglia
Which one of the following regions has an intact blood-brain barrier?
a. Subforniceal organ
b. Area postrema
c. Median eminence
d. Posterior pituitary
e. Pineal gland
f. Subcommissural organ
g. Organum vasculosum of lamina terminalis
Which one of the following statements regarding the area postrema is LEAST accurate?
a. It is located in the dorsomedial medulla in the caudal part of the fourth ventricle
b. Its blood supply is mostly from the ante-
rior inferior cerebellar artery
c. It is a circumventricular organ
d. It plays a role as a chemoreceptor
trigger zone
e. It expresses 5-HT3 receptors
Which one of the following statements regarding the production of CSF by choroid plexus cells is LEAST accurate?
a. Requires ultrafiltration of plasma to form extracellular fluid at basolateral membrane
b. Formation is primarily generated by net secretion of Na+, Cl, and HCO3 into ventricles
c. Water is actively pumped into the ventri- cles via Aquaporin 1 channels in the apical membrane
d. Active transport of Na+ into the ventricles via Na+/K+ ATPase occurs at the basolat- eral membrane
e. Basolateral membrane Na influx via Na+/H+ exchange and Na+/HCO3 cotransport channels.