Part C: Life, Death & The Soul Flashcards
Wheel of Becoming: Different Interpretations: LITERAL (2)
Realms are real places
Physically reborn depending on karma
Wheel of Becoming: Different Interpretations: PSYCHOLOGICAL (3)
Each realm is a psychological state of mind
Can experience 6 states in here and now
Can experience these so strongly seem to live in another realm
Wheel of Becoming: Different Interpretations: METAPHORICAL (3)
Not all realms exist, instead metaphor for Samsara
Realms show visual representation of how good and bad karma leads to good and bad things
Can only be reborn as human/ animal
What is Samsara? (3)
Cycle of life, death, rebirth
In samsara, subject to suffering
Bound by 3 poisons as we create negative karma
How do we escape Samsara? (2)
Follow Buddha’s teachings (4 Noble Truths)
Overcome ignorance and see things for what they are
What is the Mahayana belief about Samsara? (3)
Samsara is nirvana
Both empty, so have same nature so are the same
Just need to realise nirvana is purified version of samsara
What is the Theravada belief about Samsara? (1)
Samsara and nirvana are opposites
What is the Wheel of Becoming? (2)
Depicts different characteristics of samsara
Also called Tibetan Wheel of Life
What are the key parts of the Wheel of Becoming? (5)
1) Yama- Lord of Death- devoted to protecting Buddhists and represents anatta & death
2) Buddha- hope for liberation
3) Moon, Door, Hare- liberation of nirvana
4) Three Poisons- Cockerel, Snake, Pig
5) Realms of… Gods (good karma), Asura (hate & jealousy), Preta (greed), Hell (anger), Animal (ignorance), Humans (best realm)
What do the different rings of the Wheel of Becoming represent? (4)
Centre: 3 Poisons
Second layer: contented people moving up and opposite
Third layer: Realms
Fourth layer: Twelve Nikayas
What is karma? (2)
‘Action’ driven by intention
Realised by Buddha during Second Watch of the Night
What is Vipaka? (1)
The consequence of karma
What form does Vipaka take? (2)
Mentally or physically
Can affect the 4th aggregate (mental formations)
What makes an action good or bad? (2)
Intention and result
Skilful actions result in good Vipaka
When can we experience karmic results? (2)
1) this life
2) future life