Part B Flashcards
- Instructions for the movement of trains under the Train Control system
a)Personnel to co-operate
A rail operator, its rail personnel, and any person authorised to access a railway line must:
with respect to the entry onto, occupancy of, or movement of rail vehicles on a railway line; unless that person believes on reasonable grounds that complying with the instructions would imminently cause an accident or incident.
comply with instructions given by Train Control
- Instructions for the movement of trains under the Train Control system
b) Rail Personnel Communication with Train Control
Rail personnel may communicate direct with Train Control when circumstances warrant by:
Handheld radio
Vehicle Radio
- Instructions for the movement of trains under the Train Control system
c) Train Control Radio
Immediate attention must be given to radio calls from Train Control.
In an emergency any rail personnel may interrupt by giving their name or other identification and saying…….
making sure the radio is on the correct channel for the area.
- Instructions for the movement of trains under the Train Control system
e) Voice recording
Voice recording equipment is used for……..
and for some Signal Box and Traction Control communications.
all Train Control communications
- Train / Shunting Movements Disabled In Station Limits
Where a proceed signal indication cannot be obtained to authorise a relief movement onto the main line in station limits, what must occur:
The Locomotive Engineers of the disabled movement, relief locomotive and the Signaller must all confer and come to a clear understanding as to how the line will be cleared.
Once the above requirements have been completed the Signaller will then give authority to the Locomotive Engineer of the relief locomotive to pass the signal concerned at Stop.
- Locomotive Engineer in Charge of the Train
The Locomotive Engineer is in charge of the train and is responsible for…….
All personnel of the train crew must obey the Locomotive Engineer’s instructions as to the working of the train.
its safe running.
- Locomotive Engineer to Identify Signal
(a) When a signal is placed at “Proceed” the Locomotive Engineer must be satisfied that it refers to their train and the line it is on, and must
understand the movement being authorised.
- Signals in Connection with Starting of Trains
(a) A Locomotive Engineer of a passenger service must not start the train until they have received:
- Correct movement authority from Train Control or the Signaller.
- Right of Way (Two Bells) from the Train Manager
- Train Stopping Clear of Bridges or in Tunnels
Where practical a train conveying passengers must not be stopped:
• on any bridge which is not…….
completely decked with foot walks on both sides of the line.
In a tunnel
- Prevention of Locomotive Engineer Distraction
• Locomotive Engineers must not …..
• Conversations must be brief …..
• Persons authorized to ride in the cab must ensure…..
participate in a conversation where it is unsafe to do so.
and confined to essential or urgent operating matters.
They do not interrupt the drivers vigilance by conversing when approaching signals, temporary speed restrictions and Compulsory Stop protection boards. Locomotive engineers must inform such persons when conversation is not appropriate
- Coupling / Uncoupling of Assist Locomotives
When a locomotive is assisting a disabled train, what must take place before the units are moved?
- Any locomotive assisting a train from the rear must be coupled to the train before starting
- The air brake must be coupled between the train and rear locomotive
- A brake test must be carried out before moving
- on completion of brake test , obtain permission to move (rule 27)
- Motive Power Units Running in Reverse
Except in an emergency, MPU’s must be driven from…..
The leading cab in the direction of travel
- Propelling of Vehicles on Main Line
Maximum speed when propelling is restricted to…..
- Propelling of Vehicles on Main Line
A pilot must be used. After completing a radio check, the Driver and Pilot must ……
commence and maintain radio
- Propelling of Vehicles on Main Line
Before obstructing any level crossing the pilot must
Stop the movement before obstructing any level crossing.
• Check pedestrian and road traffic are clear or stopped clear before calling the movement onto the
- Propelling of Vehicles on Main Line
Max speed of….
the crossing is fully obstructed
- Propelling of Vehicles on Main Line
Before passing a platform the pilot must:
- Stop the movement
* Check people are clear before calling the movement past the platform.
- Hazardous Substances
Only hazardous substances…….. may be conveyed on passenger trains
required in connection with the operation of the train
- Automatic Warning Devices at Level Crossings
• When approaching level crossings at which warning devices are installed the train crew must observe whether they are working.
• Failure of Warning Devices Rail personnel who become aware of the failure of warning devices must:
Immediately advise Train Control
- Automatic Warning Devices at Level Crossings
• Immediate arrangements must be made for the protection of the crossing, which may take the form of a …..speed restriction.
• Once completely on the level crossing the rail movement may resume normal line speed.
- Disabled Trains
Relief Train to be sent into a block section
The Operator Disabled Train must:
advise Train Control of the failure and agree the direction relief will arrive from.
- Disabled Trains
The Operator Disabled Train must then:
Proceed on foot in the direction from which relief will arrive from and locate the first of the following beyond the train.
143. Disabled Trains F T SPIM L T S
Full or 1⁄2 kilometre peg Tunnel portal Signal, Points Indicator or Intermediate Board, or Main line points Level crossing meterage Traction pole meterage Station platform.
- Disabled trains
This will….
become the disabled train location
- Disabled trains
Once the location has been set
• Continue a further 200 metres beyond this location and place 3 detonators 10 metres apart on both rails.
• Advise Train Control details of the train location and confirm whether detonator protection has been
• Remain at the detonator protection, maintaining a safe distance of least 50 metres, until the relief train
• Pilot the relief train to the disabled train.
- Protection of MPU and personnel performing maintenance
What does the do not touch sign indicate.
This indicates to non maintenance personnel eg LE, Remote control operators) that they must not enliven, start or move a locomotive while the sign is attached
- Disabled trains
A train is disabled when…
It is unable to continue to the next station or set back to the station in the rear unassisted
The train has parted and cannot be re-coupled
- Disabled trains
Operator of disabled train:
The locomotive engineer , remote control operator or mobile track maintenance operator who is in charge of the disabled train
- Disabled trains
Operator of the relief train :
The locomotive engineer , remote control operator or mobile track maintenance vehicle operator who is in charge of the relief locomotive or train