Part AM Flashcards
AM1.1 Laws of indices for all rational exponents
AM1.2 Use and manipulation of surds.
Simplifying expressions that contain surds, including rationalising the denominator.
AM1.3 Quadratic functions and their graphs; the discriminant of a quadratic function; completing the square; solution of quadratic equations.
AM1.4 Simultaneous equations: analytical solution by substitution, e.g. of one linear and one quadratic equation.
AM1.5 Solution of linear and quadratic inequalities.
AM1.6 Algebraic manipulation of polynomials, including:
a. expanding brackets and collecting like terms
AM1.6 b. factorisation and simple algebraic division (by a linear polynomial, including those of the form ax + b, and by quadratics, including those of the form
ax2 +bx+c)
AM1.6 c. use of the Factor Theorem and the Remainder Theorem
AM1.7 Qualitative understanding that a function is a many-to-one (or sometimes just a one-to- one) mapping.
AM1.7 Familiarity with the properties of common functions, including f (x) = x (which always means the ‘positive square root’) and f (x) = x .
AM2.1 Sequences, including those given by a formula for the nth term and those generated by a simple recurrence relation of the form xn+1 = f (xn)
AM2.2 Arithmetic series, including the formula for the sum of the first n natural numbers.
AM2.3 The sum of a finite geometric series.
The sum to infinity of a convergent geometric series,
AM2.3 The sum to infinity of a convergent geometric series, including the use of r < 1
AM2.4 Binomial expansion of (1 + x)^n for positive integer n, and for expressions of the form
( a + f (x) )^n for positive integer n and simple f (x). The notations n! and (n|r)
AM3.1 Equation of a straight line, including: a. y–y1 =m(x–x1)
b. ax+by+c=0
Conditions for two straight lines to be parallel or perpendicular to each other.
Finding equations of straight lines given information in various forms.
AM3.2 Coordinate geometry of the circle, using the equation of a circle in the forms:
a. (x–a)2 +(y–b)2 =r2
b. x2 +y2 +cx+dy+e=0
AM3.3 Use of the following circle properties:
a. The perpendicular from the centre to a chord bisects the chord.
b. The tangent at any point on a circle is perpendicular to the radius at that point.
c. The angle subtended by an arc at the centre of a circle is twice the angle subtended by the arc at any point on the circumference.
d. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
e. Angles in the same segment are equal.
f. The opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add to 180°.
g. The angle between the tangent and chord at the point of contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment.
AM4.1 The sine and cosine rules, and the area of a triangle in the form 21 ab sin C .
The sine rule includes an understanding of the ‘ambiguous’ case (angle–side–side). Problems might be set in 2 or 3 dimensions.
AM4.2 Radian measure, including use for arc length and area of sector and segment.
AM4.3 The values of sine, cosine and tangent for the angles: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°.
AM4.4 The sine, cosine and tangent functions; their graphs, symmetries, and periodicity.
AM4.5 Knowledge and use of the equations:
a. tanθ= sinθ/cos θ
b. sin^2(θ)+cos^2(θ)=1
AM4.6 Solution of simple trigonometric equations in a given interval (this may involve the use of
the identities in 4.5).