Part A - Section 8 Flashcards
What does Perf Class A mean
- Multi engine,
- 9+ seating
- 5700kg+,
- Must be able to climb on one engine
-Driftdown clear of terrain to an aerodrome where a landing can be made
What is an isolated aerodrome
For Diversion
Alternate airfield - 2 hours away
(Alternate fuel + reserve fuel is greater than 2 hours flying time for a turbine engine)
What is contingent fuel
Fuel required to compensate for unforeseen factors
5% (or 3%) or 5 mins
Lowest MOCA / MORA
Below 6000ft - Highest obstacle + 1000 ft
Above 6000ft - Highest obstacle +2000
What factors can affect MOCA/MORA
Temperature and wind
What is a take-off alternate and what is criteria
Nominated alternate if weather precludes return to departure aerodrome..
1 hour S/E cruse speed - Actual T/O mass
Non precision - RVR and cloud base must be taken into account
Precision - only RVR must be taken into account
When is more than 1 destination alternate required
When the weather at destination is lower than minima for 1 hour before and 1 hour after scheduled arrival time.
No met information available
What is required at destination for a Perf A aircraft to land
-ATC / VHF radio
-At least one of NDB, VOR, Radar
-Have suitable level of Crash response
(NAV aids do not have to be available at time of arrival)
What is a destination alternate and requirements
-Suitable airfield to be used in case of being unable to get into destination.
-Weather must be suitable with alternate minima for 1 hour before and 1 hour after scheduled arrival time.
Approach type must be downgraded,
Cat 2 -> Cat 1
Cat 1 -> Non precision
Non Precision - Non Precision +200ft/1000m
Circling - Circling
If Primary is RNAV, Alternate cannot be RNAV
If approach is Non precision - RVR and cloud base must be taken into account
If approach is precision - only RVR must be taken into account
1 to always be specified unless:
-less than six hours flight AND two separate runways with separate approach aids, separate landing surfaces and separate approach procedures.
-The destination is remote and no alternate exists
Destination alternate minima criteria and caveats
Cat 2 -> Cat 1
Cat 1 -> Non precision
Non Precision - Non Precision +200ft/1000m
Circling - Circling
Non P - Cloud base must be taken into account
GNSS must not be used for destination and alternate
What is categorisation of aircraft based on
Vat (Speed over threashold)
ERJ cat C - 121KTS - 140 KTS
Take-off minima RVR
(And Caveats)
Minima depends on ground equipment
-Edge light and runway markings = 300m
-Edge and centre lights = 200m
-Edge and centre lights with multiple RVRs = 150
-HALS system - 125
-Take-off cannot commence if minima precludes return unless a take-off alternate is nominated
- Commander can determine minima even if official RVR is below limits or an RVR does not exist
When can we use 125 RVR for take-off
Full HALS system
centre line lights spaced at least 15m apart
edge line lights spaced at least 60m apart
Approach light categories
FALS (Full approach light system )
IALS (Intermediate approach light system)
BALS (Basic approach light system)
NALS (No Approach light system)
System minima, RVR and light and equipment downgrades.
Found in Part A section 8.13
Converting MET VIZ to RVR
- Day 1.5 x viz
- Night 2 x viz
Any other lighting
-Day 1 x viz
-Night 1.5 x viz
What is an approach ban
Before 1000ft if RVR drops below minima you may not continue below 1000ft .
After 1000ft if RVR drops below minima you may continue the approach.
min RVR for visual approach
Loganair use 3000m
Night visual approach criteria
- Allowed with and without radar services, without…..
Do not go below MSA outwith 4.2NM (Cat C) of airfield
What factors can affect operating minima
Above what distance will RVR not be reported
How often are TAFs and METARs issued
+ validity?
TAF - 4 x daily 2340, 0540, 1140, and 1740 UTC
Usually valid 9-24 hours
METAR - every 30 mins 20s and 50s , unless a significant update occurs
Composition of Fuel
What is Taxi Fuel in Logan
May be upped in certain airfields, for example Dublin is 140
What is Trip Fuel
Fuel for
Expected departure
Top of climb to top of decent
Top of descent expected arrival
Approach and landing
What is contingent fuel, can it be changed
The greater of
-5% of total trip fuel
-5 minutes flying time at 1500ft
Can be reduced to 3% using the 20% / 25% rule
Can contingent fuel be reduced from 5%
yes , to 3%
Providing an en-route alternate exists within a circle size radius 20% of total flight distance from a point 25% from destination.
(or 20% + 50NM) which ever is greater
What is alternate fuel
Missed approach + procedure
climb to level off
Top of climb to top of descent (+ routing)
Top of descent and arrival routing
Fuel for executing approach and and landing
What is final reserve fuel
Fuel to fly for 30 mins (turbine engine) holding at 1500ft
What is extra fuel
Any other fuel the commander wishes to carry
What is DOM
Mass of plane minus fuel for a particular operation
(basically everything minus trafic load and fuel)
Pax classification
(Ages of PAX)
Adult - older than 12
Child - Younger than 12 older than 2
Infant - younger than 2
Standard mass of Jet A1
Rules for tripping and resetting CBs
- Trip and reset max of twice
- Reset tripped CB once
Standard mass for cabin baggage
When can a commander restrain a pax
In the air, but NOT the ground
only if it is considered that restraining will NOT cause a safety issue
What is the difference between P-RNAV, B-RNAV , RNP approach
P-RNAV - accuracy to 1 NM 95% of the time
B-RNAV - accuracy to 5 NM 95% of the time
RNP - accuracy to .3 NM 95 % of the time
What defines a level bust
What does the term “Minimum Fuel” mean?
Any undue delay will cause the plane to enter min reserves.
If it is apparent that the A/C may land with less than min reserves (30 mins) , this call has to be used. Also if any undue delay will cause it to enter min reserves
What calls should me made if it is suspected or known that the A/C will go below min reserve fuel
Suspect - Min Fuel
Known - Mayday
What UK category of wake turbulence is the ERJ
Small (1700kg - 40000)
With reference to runway, what does the term
“Relevant” mean
A section of the runway where the A/C will still be travelling above 60kts (high speed sections)
When can an A/C descent below the safety altitude
- By using an approve procedure or routing
- When under positive radar control
- When in visual contact with the ground
How many approach and go arounds can be made consecutively?
- 2 approaches and go arounds
A significant improvement in weather must be seen before another is attempted.