Part 8 - Leases / Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Asset / non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations / non-monetary transaction / Note Receivable Flashcards
IAS 17 - Lease, IFRS 16 - Leases ASPE 3065 Leases IAS 37 - Provision, Contingent Liabilities, contingent asset ASPE 3290 - Contingencies IFRS 5 - non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations ASPE 3475 disposal of long-lived asset and discontinued operations
What is finance lease? (ASPE - capital lease)
a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset
When to classify a finance lease?
1) transfer of ownership/bargain purchase option
2) lease for the major part of the economic life of the asset(ASPE use > 75%)
3) PV of minimum lease payment amounts to substantially all of the FV of the lease asset (ASPE use > 90%)
What is the minimum lease payments?
minimum payments per lease + guaranteed residual value + BPO (bargain purchase option)
What’s the accounting for a finance lease? lessee
Record asset and obligation as PV of minimum lease payment (not to exceed FV)
- initial direct costs of the lessee are added to the asset
- allocate payment between principal reduction of liability and interest expense
- amortize asset over lease term
What is an operating lease?
expense lease payments on a straight line basis over lease term
What is the two additional conditions that must be present to be consider a capital lease for the lessor in ASPE?
- credit risk associated with the lease is normal when compared to the risk of collection of similar receivable
- Amount of any unreimbursement cost that are likely to be incurred by the lessor under the lease can be reasonably estimated
What is a sale leaseback?
sale of property with the purchaser leasing the property back to the seller
- for finance lease - profit on sale deferred and amortized over the lease term
- if FV at inception of lease is less than carrying amount, consider if there was been a impairment in value
How to recognize incentives for operating lease?
Lessor - defer and amortize as a reduction of rental income over lease term
Lessee - defer and amortize as a reduction of rental income over lease term
For IFRS 16 leases - a lessee may elect not to apply IFRS 16 to:
- short term lease (lease term of 12 month or less, a lease that contains a purchase option wouldn’t qualify as short term lease)
- lease for which underlying asset is of low value
Should apply for portfolio application for leased asset?
May apply to a portfolio of lease with similar characteristics if effect on FS don’t vary materially from applying on an individual lease basis
Should combine two or more contracts if the following criteria are met:
- contracts are negotiated as a package with an overall commercial objective that can’t be understood without consider the two contracts together
- Amount of consideration paid to 1 contract depends on the price/performance of the other contract
- Rights to use underlying assets conveyed in the contract form a single lease component
Customer doesn’t have the right to use an identified asset if supplier has substantive right to substitute the asset throughout the period of use - what is substantive of rights?
when the following condition exists:
- supplier has practical ability to substitute alternative asset throughout the period of use
- supplier would benefit economically from exercise of its right to substitute the asset
- but not when only to substitute only after a particular date or occurrence of a specified event
What is the right to control?
When the customer has both of the following:
- right to substantially all of the economic benefits from the use of identified asset
- right to direct the use of the identified asset
How to identify there is a lease?
- right to control
- identified asset
- Period of time
Whats the initial measurement for a lessee for right-of-use asset?
At commencement date, measure the right of use asset at cost:
- lease ability
- lease payment made at or before commencement date less any lease incentives received
- initial direct costs
- cost of dismantling, removing, restoring,
How to measure lease liability during initial measurement?
measure the lease liability at the present value of the lease payment, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease (or incremental borrowing rate if not available)
lease payment includes:
- fixed payment less incentives
- variable lease payment
- residual value guarantees
- exercise price of purchase option
- termination penalties
What are the subsequent measurement of right of use asset?
- cost model
- Fair value model if investment property
- may elect revaluation model if belongs to a class of PPE
What are the subsequent measurement for lease liability?
increase carrying amount for interest on lease liability
reduce carrying amount when lease payment made
remeasure carrying amount to reflect any reassessment
include in profit/loss
- interest on lease liability
- variable lease payment not include in the measurement of the lease ability
When to remeasure the lease?
- change in lease term
- change in assessment of a purchase/termination option
- change in expected payments for residual value guarantee
- change in future lease payment result in change in index or rate
How to remeasure lease liability when there is a change in lease term or purchase/termination option?
discounting the revised lease payments, using the revised discount rate