Part 6, Location-based computing Flashcards
what is geolocation
this is a location using longitude and latitude
this may not refer to your position but instead your internet connected devices position
what self identifying information does IBeacon transmit
this transmits
- major
- minor
- Tx power
this becomes personal data when:
- It is used to identify you as an individual
- Tracking the location of a device to single out a single person
in which two cases does location data become personal data
in this use case of geofencing:
when the fence boundary is crossed by either entering or leaving then an action can occur
when implementing geofencing describe the use case of boundary crossing
this is a localisation process used for locating the geolocation of an object
describe the term
when IBeacon transmits this it could hold something like
the identifier of the individual beacon and so its location will be known
what information does the minor hold that Ibeacon transmits
these are imaginary lines parallel to the equator
describe the term
Location based services
this is any service that relies on the location of the person to be useful. It will provide information based on the users current location
these use coordinates that are written in degrees
what are the values of the coordinates used in the latitude longitude system
This is the act of creating a virtual fence in which actions can take place when crossing or being inside or outside the fence
describe what geofencing is
these are two synonymous terms used to describe a device or service that is aware of its location and uses this information to provide services on this positional information
describe what the terms
Location based computing / location aware computing
refer to
this is data sent by the satellite and tells the receiver roughly where all other satellites are in orbit and which are most likely in its line of site
what is the
almanic data
sent by GPS satellites
these are imaginary lines parallel to the equator
describe what geofencing is
This is the act of creating a virtual fence in which actions can take place when crossing or being inside or outside the fence
this transmits
- major
- minor
- Tx power
what self identifying information does IBeacon transmit
what is the
Ephemeris data
sent by GPS satellites
this is data sent by the satellite and tells the receiver where it is in orbit
when the app receives a message from an IBeacon it will carry out an action such as speaking to a central database and then carrying out relevant actions based on whats in the database and what the app was programmed to do
what does the app listening for IBecaons do upon receiving a message
what is the
almanic data
sent by GPS satellites
this is data sent by the satellite and tells the receiver roughly where all other satellites are in orbit and which are most likely in its line of site
what is one protection that the data protection act 1998 provides
this states that if personal data is being collected about you then you must be informed about the data being collected and how it is processed as well as an option to opt out
this is a location using longitude and latitude
this may not refer to your position but instead your internet connected devices position
what is geolocation
- A satellite sends out a constant code
- The receiver has this same code running in sync with the satellite
- When the receiver compares the code it recieves with the code it is running it will see a time delay
- The time delay is used to find its distance from the satellite since radio waves travel at a constant speed and the position of the satellite is known
- When 3 distances from a satellite is known then its possible for the receiver to trilaterate its position
- A fourth satellite may be used for precision since it should meet the same points as all the others. If it does not then the receiver re syncs its own clock until all points meet
in 6 steps give an overview of how
describe the term
this is a localisation process used for locating the geolocation of an object
what two modes might geofencing be used in
this may be used in the following to modes:
1. boundary crossing
2. restrictions
what is trackR and tile and what do they both offer
these are both commercial services
what they offer
- they allow you to attach a bluetooth LE tag to an object.
- the tag then transmits its identifier
- an application will listen out for the tags transmissions
- when the app receives a transmission it will log the identifier and the location of the tag using GPS
what is trilateration
When applied to finding the location of a receiver this works by knowing your distance from 3 or more senders and then determining your location by finding the point where all the signals meet