Part 5 Flashcards
The maximum friction in the moldboard plow is
At the point of share
Between the share and the moldboard
At the moldboard
None of the above
Answer: At the point of share
A secondary tillage implement consisting of one or two in-line gang rollers used for crushing soil clods and compacting the soil.
Roller tiller
Roller harrow
None of the above
Answer: Packer
A primary or secondary tillage implement used for broadcast or for strip tillage and also used as chemical incorporators prior to planting.
Roller tiller
Roller harrow
None of the above
Answer: Roller tiller
It is a plow consisting of a strongly constructed frame and a vertical leg drawn to a subsoil and the bullet-shape attachments creates a tube like cavity acting as a drainage channel.
Bullet plow
Mole plow
All of the above
Answer: Mole plow
In designing a rice thresher, the most important factors affecting threshing efficiency is
rpm of the cylinder
Peripheral speed of the cylinder
Diameter of the cylinder
None of the above
Answer: Peripheral speed of the cylinder
A kind of chemical used for spraying which form finely divided solid particles when mixed with water.
All of the above
Answer - Suspension
A kind of chemical used for spraying which form finely divided solid particles when mixed with water.
All of the above
Answer - Suspension
An insecticide that kills insects when insects suck on plant tissues.
All of the above
Answer - Systemic
A hitch system for a tractor suitable for large, heavy implement for trailer.
Three-point hitch system
Drawbar hitch system
Semi-mounted system
All of the above
Answer - Drawbar hitch system
Growing of more than one crop on the same land in one year
Mixed crop
Multiple cropping
None of the above
Answer - Multiple cropping
Growing of two or more crops simultaneously and intermingled with no row arrangement.
Mixed cropping
Multiple cropping
None of the above
Answer - Mixed cropping
Growing of two or more crops in alternate rows.
All of the above
Answer - Inter-cropping
It is a practice of planting short-term annual crop with long-term annual or biennial crops.
All of the above
Answer - Inter-planting
It is the cultivation of one crop underneath a perennial crop.
All of the above
Answer - Inter-culture
Application of chemical to a small restricted area, usually to control the spread of pest.
Spot treatment
Space application
Direct application
All of the above
Answer - Spot treatment
Dispersion of liquid or dry particles in air in such a manner that target pest is exposed to chemical.
Spot treatment
Space treatment
Direct application
All of the above
Answer - Space treatment
Application of chemical to the steam, fruit, leaves, needles, or blades of the plant.
Direct application
Foliar application
Space application
All of the above
Answer - Foliar application
Application of chemical to a specific area such as row, bed, or base of the plant.
Direct application
Spot treatment
Space application
None of the above
Answer - Direct application
Application of chemical over entire area to be treated.
Basal application
Band application
Broadcast application
None of the above
Answer – Broadcast application
Application of chemical to the base of a tree around the trunk or by injection into slasher or cuts.
Basal application
Broadcast application
Band application
None of the above
Answer - Basal application
Application of chemical in parallel strips leaving the area between strips free of chemicals.
Basal application
Broadcast application
Band application
None of the above
Answer - Band application
Solid blocks or masses that are cut, sheared or broken loose by tillage tool.
Furrow slice
Loose soil
None of the above
Answer - Clod
It is a change in the value of a machine.
Cost reduction
Lost of value
None of the above
Answer - Depreciation
Actual rate performance of machine on land or crop processed in a given time based upon total field time.
Theoretical field capacity
Effective field capacity
Field efficiency
All of the above
Answer - Effective field capacity
The rate of performance obtained if a machine performs its function 100 % of the time of a given operating speed using 100 % of its theoretical width.
Theoretical field capacity
Effective field capacity
Field capacity
None of the above
Answer - Theoretical field capacity
The amount paid for hiring equipment and operating services to perform a certain task.
Custom cost
Operating cost
Variable cost
None of the above
Answer - Custom cost
The ratio of engine power used in performing an operation to engine power available.
Field load factor
Engine efficiency
Engine performance ratio
All of the above
Answer - Field load factor
The amount of any material applied per unit treated by a sprayer.
Through put rate
Application capacity
Application rate
All of the above
Answer - Application rate
A sprayer designed to charge the spray droplet so that there is a powerful attraction between the plants and the charged droplet.
Electromagnetic sprayer
Electrolytic sprayer
Electrostatic sprayer
All of the above
Answer - Electrostatic sprayer
It is used to protect tractor operator from dust, noise, rain and heat.
Operator’s shield
None of the above
Answer - Cab
A device that transfer seed from the seedbox to the coulter tube at a fixed rate
Seed feeder
Seed distributor
Seed metering device
All of the above
Answer - Seed metering device
A device at a header of a combine for severing the plant stalk.
Cutting mechanism
Star wheel
None of the above
Answer - Cutting mechanism
A device for gathering crops on a window of a combine.
Star wheel
None of the above
Answer - Pickup
A transport machine used in agriculture suitably designed for coupling to an agricultural tractor or self-propelled combine.
Agricultural wagon
Agricultural loader
Agricultural trailer
None of the above
Answer - Agricultural trailer
A harvest residue discharged from cleaning devices of a combine.
Foreign matters
Cut straw
None of the above
Answer - Chaffs
An external shaft on an agricultural tractor other than the PTO which provides rotational power to implements that are usually front and side mounted.
Belt drive shaft
Secondary PTO
Auxiliary PTO
None of the above
Answer - Auxiliary PTO
A rotating device located inside the hopper of gravity flow applicator and broadcast spreaders to enhance delivery of granules to the adjustable orifice of the machine.
None of the above
Answer - Agitator
In ASAE, safety code for laboratory equipment and typical application, the safety yellow color stands for
Danger stop
None of the above
Answer - Caution
A safety gray color at the ASAE safety code is code for
Floor or work area around machines and Equipment
Areas with radiation hazard
Traffic and housekeeping areas
All of the above
Answer - Floor or work area around machines and Equipment
When pipeline is painted with green and white color, the safety code means that the pipe contains
Liquid of inherently low hazard
Flammable or explosion materials
Fire extinguishing materials
All of the above
Answer - Liquid of inherently low hazard
The standard length of stroke of hydraulic remote control cylinders for trailing-type agricultural implement is
6 to 12 inches
8 to 16 inches
10 to 20 inches
None of the above
Answer - 8 to 16 inches
Minimum thrust per drawbar horsepower of hydraulic remote control cylinder for trailing type agricultural implement.
68 kg
78 kg
88 kg
None of the above
Answer - 68 kg
The perpendicular distance between the upper hitch point and the common axis of the lower hitch point of a tractor.
Mast height
Hitch vertical height
Stud height
None of the above
Answer - Mast height
The distance between lower hitch point measured at the base of the lower hitch stud, or the distance between the inner most restraining means provided on the implement.
Lower hitch-point spread
Lower hitch point distance
Lower hitch point clearance
None of the above
Answer - Lower hitch-point spread
ASAE classification for slow moving vehicle such as animal-drawn or motorize conveyance, including implements in tow should not be exceeded a travel speed of
30 kph
40 kph
50 kph
None of the above
Answer - 40 kph
For safety purposes, slow-moving vehicle such as agricultural machines must be provided with
Rear bumper to protect the machine from impact
Identification emblem to guide motorist that the machine is slow-moving
Signal light when traveling
None of the above
Answer - Identification emblem to guide motorist that the machine is slow-moving
The identification of the given tire with its maximum recommended load when used in specific type service.
Tire rating
Tire lug rating
Ply rating
All of the above
Answer - Ply rating
A machine that is used with small plow and harrow designed for rice farming operation.
Puddling-type floating tiller
Power tiller
Hydro tiller
All of the above
Answer - Power tiller
It is part of moldboard plow that is used to cut the soil.
None of the above
Answer - Share
The center of resistance of moldboard plow is located
At the center of moldboard
At the center of share
At the intersection of moldboard and share
None of the above
Answer - At the intersection of moldboard and share
ASAE stands for
American Society of Automotive Engineers
American Society of Air-conditioning Engineers
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
All of the above
Answer - American Society of Agricultural Engineers
The optimum puddler speed for puddling-type floating tiller is
100-150 rpm
200-250 rpm
300-350 rpm
None of the above
Answer - 200-250 rpm
Part of soil profile exploited by the roots of the plant.
Root bed
Root zone
Tillage zone
None of the above
Answer - Root zone
The soil profile modified by tillage or amendments for use by plant roots.
Root bed
Root zone
Tillage zone
None of the above
Answer - Root zone
When plowing requires for the soil to be incorporated or mixed with grasses and weeds, as an Agricultural Engineer you will recommend
Disc plow
Rotary plow
Moldboard plow
All of the above
Answer - Rotary plow
Manual transplanting of rice is advantageous over mechanical rice transplanter in terms of
None of the above
Answer - Dexterity
If soil clods are needed to be inverted during plowing, the agricultural engineer will recommend a
Disc plow
Moldboard plow
All of the above
Answer – Moldboard plow
An agricultural engineer will recommend a _______ in order to loosen the soil during plowing
Field cultivator
Chisel plow
None of the above
Answer - Chisel plow
It is a factor which consider the physical condition, heart-beat ratio, and body weight of a person when operating a machine.
Humanistic factor
Mechanical operation factor
Ergonomic factor
All of the above
Answer - Ergonomic factor
It is a part of seeder that eventually distributes seed in rows.
Metering device
Drive wheel
Seed hopper
None of the above
Answer - Metering device
It is a machine which has one or more elements that rotates about a vertical axis and cut grass by impact.
Rotary mower
Grass cutter
Power scythe
All of the above
Answer - Rotary mower
The pivotal point of connection of hitch to the tractor or a center of the articulated connection between link and the implement
Link point
Hitch pin
Hitch point
All of the above
Answer - Hitch point
A part of mechanism that they may be added to a functional power unit, not utilizing its mechanical power for the purpose of enhancing the performance of that unit.
Auxiliary unit
Spare parts
None of the above
Answer - Accessory
Power take-off of lawn mower and garden ride-on tractors.
1000 rpm
540 rpm
2000 rpm
None of the above
Answer - 2000 rpm
A frame for protection of operators of compact utility tractors to minimize the possibility of serious crushing injury to the operator resulting from accidental upset.
Roll bar
Tractor shield frame
Roll-over protection structure
None of the above
Answer - Roll-over protection structure
Maximum tire inflation pressure for agricultural implement.
40 psi
60 psi
100 psi
None of the above
Answer - 60 psi
It is a structural member of an implement where tillage tool is to the beam attached.
None of the above
Answer - Shank
When a disk plow is set on a vertical position, the plow will
Will not penetrate
Remain in position
None of the above
Answer - Penetrate
It is a metallic or synthetic lining for a hole which reduces or prevents abrasion between components of a machine.
All of the above
Answer - Bushing
A steel containing 0.035 – 0.4% carbon and is widely used for production of steel plate, structural steel, bars, etc.
Mild steel
Hard steel
Soft centered steel
All of the above
Answer - Mild steel
A heat treatment method to increase the hardness of steel by rapid cooling.
None of the above
Answer - Quenching
A gas-metallic arc welding which uses inert gas shielding to produce a cleaner and sounder weld compare with conventional welding.
Gas welding
MIG welding
TIG welding
All of the above
Answer - MIG welding
A widely used method of welding aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and other difficult-to-weld metals.
TIG welding
MIG welding
Gas welding
All of the above
Answer - TIG welding
A device suitable for cutting stainless steel plate.
Shear cutter
Plasma cutter
Acetylene gas cutter
All of the above
Answer - Plasma cutter
Ductility which is one of the properties of metals refers to:
Its resistance to penetration
How much the material absorb impact before it breaks
How much the material is deformed
All of the above
Answer - How much the material is deformed
A type of bearing used to restrain endwise motion of a turning shaft or withstand axial load.
Ball bearing
Thrust bearing
Roller bearing
None of the above
Answer - Thrust bearing
A drive suitable for counter clockwise direction of shafts.
Open drive belt
Chain and sprocket
All of the above
Answer - Gears
A belt transmission suitable for cross-drive system.
Timing v-belt
Flat belt
None of the above
Answer - Flat belt
If the pulley to be driven requires to be turned in counterclockwise direction, what drive system would you recommend?
Open drive
Quarter-turn drive
All of the above
Answer - Cross-drive
When one pulley is to be driven horizontally and the other pulley is to be driven vertically, what drive system would you recommend?
Open drive
Quarter-turn drive
Cross drive
All of the above
Answer - Quarter-turn drive
It is a power transmission device used to deliver misaligned shaft.
Sprocket and chain
Universal joint
All of the above
Answer - Universal joint
It is a kind of steel used in making disk plow bottom.
Tool steel
Soft-centered steel
Molybdenum steel
None of the above
Answer - Soft-centered steel