Part 4, Going dark Flashcards
how would law enforcement use the Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF) if they were investigating alice or bob
- Intercept the LEAF and the encrypted message
- Arrange with a judge that their unit key be released by the US treasury and the national institute of standards and technology (NIST)
- Decrypt the first layer of encryption using the family key
- Decrypt the second layer of the LEAF using the unit key revealing bob and alices symmetric key
- Decrypt the message using the symmetric key
unit key of the clipper chip
was held in key escrow but how exactly was it held
this was split in half and split between:
- The US treasury
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
the keys this held were:
- An 80 bit unit key - a unique key for each device
- A family key - a generic key, held by government
what two keys were held by the
clipper chip
this is a claim or statement that you would like your audience to believe
what is the
main claim
within an argument
what is a
TOR node
this is a computer that is currently connected to the TOR network and is able to relay messages and be part of a TOR circuit
this used the
skipjack symmetric algorithm
what encryption algorith did the
clipper chip
why did the
clipper chip fail
- Weaknesses were found with the hash authentication of the LEAF being that collisions were present
- Later it was found that skipjack itself was not strong as it was cracked just days after the documents for it were published
Since collisions existed within clipper it was possible to find a collision for the symmetric key with a fake symmetric key
this was created because the U.S government needed a way to keep the communications from intelligence agents anonymous while overseas
why was
what is the
Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF)
generated by the clipper chip and what does it allow
this is a session key that has been:
- encrypted by said users unit key
- a hash of the encrypted session key generated
- the hash and encrypted session key combined and encrypted using the family key
this allows authoritys to decrypt communications of anyone they are investigating
what are four
problems with banning the importation of encryption software
- Many everyday applications such as payment apps require encryption in order to work
- Encryption software can be easily smuggled in to a country
- The source code of encryption software is widely available on the internet
- The underlying mathematics of encryption is widely available and if one so wished could be used to mimic a specific type of encryption
this is a computer that is currently connected to the TOR network and is able to relay messages and be part of a TOR circuit
what is a
TOR node
this was split in half and split between:
- The US treasury
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
unit key of the clipper chip
was held in key escrow but how exactly was it held
- Intercept the LEAF and the encrypted message
- Arrange with a judge that their unit key be released by the US treasury and the national institute of standards and technology (NIST)
- Decrypt the first layer of encryption using the family key
- Decrypt the second layer of the LEAF using the unit key revealing bob and alices symmetric key
- Decrypt the message using the symmetric key
how would law enforcement use the Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF) if they were investigating alice or bob
this was created by the
united states naval research laboratory
where was
TOR created
this is a servers public key that has been hashed and then appended with .onion
how is a
.onion address created
these make up most of the internet and are areas of the internet that either cannot be indexed or have had indexing restricted. These pages will probably exist only for authorised users such as existing behind a login screen
what is the
deep web
you should keep the argument balanced that means creating a supporting claim that supports and opposes your main claim

when constructing an argument what is one important aspect that should be followed
- Alice wishes to have secure and anonymous communication with bob so alice starts by building a circuit
- Alice contacts the directory node which holds a list of every node currently connected to the tor network
- Alice then selects at random a list of nodes from the directory node
- The nodes are then used to create a circuit
what are the four steps of building a
TOR circuit
once alice has created an onion what are the three steps involved in sending it to bob
- alice sends the onion to the guard node in her tor circuit
- alices guard node decrypts the first layer of encryption to reavel a ciphertext and the next address to send the onion
- this process repeats until the exit node is reached which will decrypt the last layer of encryption to reveal alices message
what two keys were held by the
clipper chip
the keys this held were:
- An 80 bit unit key - a unique key for each device
- A family key - a generic key, held by government
- Single use addresses - addresses that are linked to one transaction only
- Multisignature bitcoins - these require the permission from multiple users to be spent
- Bitcoin tumblers - This mixes groups of bitcoin transactions and redistributes coins amongst users in theory making it impossible to link a single transaction
what are three
strategies that bitcoin has implemented to further protect the identity of those using bitcoin
name three reasons that
key escrow failed
some reasons that this failed are:
- Can it be guaranteed that employees cannot steal keys
- Can it be guaranteed that there will be no misuse by government
- Can it be guaranteed that theft by hacking will not occur
these are sites that cannot be visited by standard web browsers and rely on the tor network to exist. In essence a darknet is any site/page that is hidden from unauthorised users or requires specialist software to access
what is the
dark web / dark net
this is a session key that has been:
- encrypted by said users unit key
- a hash of the encrypted session key generated
- the hash and encrypted session key combined and encrypted using the family key
this allows authoritys to decrypt communications of anyone they are investigating
what is the
Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF)
generated by the clipper chip and what does it allow
what is the
surface web
this only accounts for a fraction of the material that exists on the web and can be indexed by search engines and accessed by anyone
why could TOR not be kept a secret and be used solely by the united states
keeping this a secret would mean that any communication on it would be linked back to america. instead it was made public
to alice what is an
exit node
the node furthest from alice and the last node of alices tor circuit and where data leaves the tor network
the node closest to alice and the first node of alices tor circuit where data enters the tor network
to alice what is the
guard node
what is another form of
controlling the use of encryption software
that has historically proposed
Another form of control that has been proposed is to allow citizens to use encryption but limit the key length meaning that there are less key values and it is possible to brute force the encryption
The suggestion is that the key length should be long enough that everyday hackers cannot brute force the key but short enough so that governments can
this stands for
The Onion Router
what does
stand for
how is a
.onion address created
this is a servers public key that has been hashed and then appended with .onion
what are the four steps of building a
TOR circuit
- Alice wishes to have secure and anonymous communication with bob so alice starts by building a circuit
- Alice contacts the directory node which holds a list of every node currently connected to the tor network
- Alice then selects at random a list of nodes from the directory node
- The nodes are then used to create a circuit
what is a
TOR circuit
this is a chain or path of computers (NODES) that allow a client and server to communicate with each other anonymously
what does
stand for
this stands for
The Onion Router
what does the TOR browser produce upon
when this activity occurs the TOR browser will
generates an asymmetric key pair and stores them in a secure vault on the hard drive
- Alices tor browser requests the public key of each node in her circuit in exchange for her own public key
- After receiving alices public key Each node in alices circuit then creates a symmetric session key and creates a copy as well as creating a copy of their own public key
- Each node then encrypts the copy of the session key and their public key using alices public key and forwards their message to alice
- Alice now has the public key of each node in her circuit as well as a session key for each node
what are the four steps which involve alice and her tor circuit nodes
creating and exchanging keys for encryption
in five points when alice sends an onion message to bob what information is known by:
- each of the nodes (3 points)
- bobs computer (1 point)
- eve monitoring connections to bobs computer (1 point)
- The guard node cannot tell if alice was a relay or if the message originated from her
- Each node stores the address of the node that it receives the message from
- Each node is only aware of the address before it and the address after it
- Bobs computer only knows the address of alices exit node
- If eve is monitoring the connection to bobs computer it will look as though the exit node has made the request to bobs computer
to alice what is the
guard node
the node closest to alice and the first node of alices tor circuit where data enters the tor network
when constructing an argument what is one important aspect that should be followed
you should keep the argument balanced that means creating a supporting claim that supports and opposes your main claim

- When bob reply s to the message that Alice sent is he will first send his message to the exit node in Alice’s circuit
- The exit node will then use the symmetric key it shared with Alice to encrypt bobs message
- The exit node will then pass the encrypted message on to the address it has stored for the original request
- The next node then carries out steps 2 and three and so on until the message reaches Alice
- When Alice receives the message from her guard node she will decrypt the onion using each of the symmetric keys that she has stored for each of the nodes
explain in five steps the process of bob replying to alices message via the
TOR network
why was
this was created because the U.S government needed a way to keep the communications from intelligence agents anonymous while overseas
what is a
TOR directory node
this is a computer that holds and maintains a directory of every node currently connected to the TOR network
this only accounts for a fraction of the material that exists on the web and can be indexed by search engines and accessed by anyone
what is the
surface web
what two components MUST an
made up of
this MUST contain:
- a main claim
- a supporting claim or reason
if alices TOR circuit nodes are 2, 5, 8, 17, 22
how does alice go about encrypting her message to bob and
creating an onion
- The first round of encryption will encrypt the message using the exit node (22) public key
- The second round of encryption will encrypt the ciphertext from step 1 with the address of the exit node (22) using the relay node (17) public key
- The third round of encryption will encrypt the ciphertext from step 2 with the address of the relay node (17) using the relay node (8) public key
- And so on…
who is involved in
funding the maintenance of the TOR network
the following are involved in which activity:
- US state department
- national science foundation
- swedish government
- individual donors who wish to donate
what are the names of the three mathematicians that were
tasked with creating TOR
what were these three mathematicians tasked with
- paul syverson
- micheal reed
- david goldschlag
what were these three mathematicians tasked with
- paul syverson
- micheal reed
- david goldschlag
what are the names of the three mathematicians that were
tasked with creating TOR
what was the
clipper chip
this was a chip that america wanted installed inside every machine that was manufactured or imported into the US.
the chip would enable authoritys to decrypt any communications if they so wished
- The guard node cannot tell if alice was a relay or if the message originated from her
- Each node stores the address of the node that it receives the message from
- Each node is only aware of the address before it and the address after it
- Bobs computer only knows the address of alices exit node
- If eve is monitoring the connection to bobs computer it will look as though the exit node has made the request to bobs computer
in five points when alice sends an onion message to bob what information is known by:
- each of the nodes (3 points)
- bobs computer (1 point)
- eve monitoring connections to bobs computer (1 point)
- alice sends the onion to the guard node in her tor circuit
- alices guard node decrypts the first layer of encryption to reavel a ciphertext and the next address to send the onion
- this process repeats until the exit node is reached which will decrypt the last layer of encryption to reveal alices message
once alice has created an onion what are the three steps involved in sending it to bob
these are nodes between the first node and the last node of the circuit
what are
Relay nodes / intermediate nodes
- The first round of encryption will encrypt the message using the exit node (22) public key
- The second round of encryption will encrypt the ciphertext from step 1 with the address of the exit node (22) using the relay node (17) public key
- The third round of encryption will encrypt the ciphertext from step 2 with the address of the relay node (17) using the relay node (8) public key
- And so on…
if alices TOR circuit nodes are 2, 5, 8, 17, 22
how does alice go about encrypting her message to bob and
creating an onion
this is maintained by
the tor project inc
who maintains the
TOR network
what are the four steps which involve alice and her tor circuit nodes
creating and exchanging keys for encryption
- Alices tor browser requests the public key of each node in her circuit in exchange for her own public key
- After receiving alices public key Each node in alices circuit then creates a symmetric session key and creates a copy as well as creating a copy of their own public key
- Each node then encrypts the copy of the session key and their public key using alices public key and forwards their message to alice
- Alice now has the public key of each node in her circuit as well as a session key for each node
this is an idea that was proposed in both the US and UK and involves having a third party hold a copy of all encryption keys used by software
what is a
key escrow
what are
Relay nodes / intermediate nodes
these are nodes between the first node and the last node of the circuit
- Alice and bobs clipper chips negotiate a symmetric key
- Alice encrypts her message using the symmetric key
- Alice encrypts the symmetric key using her unit key
- The encrypted session key is combined with a hash and re encrypted with the family key generating what is called a Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF)
- Alice sends the encrypted message and LEAF to bob
- Bob discards the LEAF and decrypts alices message using the agreed symmetric key
describe the six steps of how secure communication is acheived using the clipper chip
when this activity occurs the TOR browser will
generates an asymmetric key pair and stores them in a secure vault on the hard drive
what does the TOR browser produce upon
describe the six steps of how secure communication is acheived using the clipper chip
- Alice and bobs clipper chips negotiate a symmetric key
- Alice encrypts her message using the symmetric key
- Alice encrypts the symmetric key using her unit key
- The encrypted session key is combined with a hash and re encrypted with the family key generating what is called a Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF)
- Alice sends the encrypted message and LEAF to bob
- Bob discards the LEAF and decrypts alices message using the agreed symmetric key
what is the
main claim
within an argument
this is a claim or statement that you would like your audience to believe
this is a chain or path of computers (NODES) that allow a client and server to communicate with each other anonymously
what is a
TOR circuit
this is a computer that holds and maintains a directory of every node currently connected to the TOR network
what is a
TOR directory node
what encryption algorith did the
clipper chip
this used the
skipjack symmetric algorithm
some reasons that this failed are:
- Can it be guaranteed that employees cannot steal keys
- Can it be guaranteed that there will be no misuse by government
- Can it be guaranteed that theft by hacking will not occur
name three reasons that
key escrow failed
this was a chip that america wanted installed inside every machine that was manufactured or imported into the US.
the chip would enable authoritys to decrypt any communications if they so wished
what was the
clipper chip
- Many everyday applications such as payment apps require encryption in order to work
- Encryption software can be easily smuggled in to a country
- The source code of encryption software is widely available on the internet
- The underlying mathematics of encryption is widely available and if one so wished could be used to mimic a specific type of encryption
what are four
problems with banning the importation of encryption software
keeping this a secret would mean that any communication on it would be linked back to america. instead it was made public
why could TOR not be kept a secret and be used solely by the united states
where was
TOR created
this was created by the
united states naval research laboratory
the following are involved in which activity:
- US state department
- national science foundation
- swedish government
- individual donors who wish to donate
who is involved in
funding the maintenance of the TOR network
explain in five steps the process of bob replying to alices message via the
TOR network
- When bob reply s to the message that Alice sent is he will first send his message to the exit node in Alice’s circuit
- The exit node will then use the symmetric key it shared with Alice to encrypt bobs message
- The exit node will then pass the encrypted message on to the address it has stored for the original request
- The next node then carries out steps 2 and three and so on until the message reaches Alice
- When Alice receives the message from her guard node she will decrypt the onion using each of the symmetric keys that she has stored for each of the nodes
what are three
strategies that bitcoin has implemented to further protect the identity of those using bitcoin
- Single use addresses - addresses that are linked to one transaction only
- Multisignature bitcoins - these require the permission from multiple users to be spent
- Bitcoin tumblers - This mixes groups of bitcoin transactions and redistributes coins amongst users in theory making it impossible to link a single transaction
who maintains the
TOR network
this is maintained by
the tor project inc
what is a
key escrow
this is an idea that was proposed in both the US and UK and involves having a third party hold a copy of all encryption keys used by software
what is the
dark web / dark net
these are sites that cannot be visited by standard web browsers and rely on the tor network to exist. In essence a darknet is any site/page that is hidden from unauthorised users or requires specialist software to access
what is the
deep web
these make up most of the internet and are areas of the internet that either cannot be indexed or have had indexing restricted. These pages will probably exist only for authorised users such as existing behind a login screen
this is a statement that will support your main claim it is often the why of your claim and may start with words such as (for example, because, therefore, so)
what is a
supporting claim or reason
within an argument
what is a
supporting claim or reason
within an argument
this is a statement that will support your main claim it is often the why of your claim and may start with words such as (for example, because, therefore, so)
Another form of control that has been proposed is to allow citizens to use encryption but limit the key length meaning that there are less key values and it is possible to brute force the encryption
The suggestion is that the key length should be long enough that everyday hackers cannot brute force the key but short enough so that governments can
what is another form of
controlling the use of encryption software
that has historically proposed
this MUST contain:
- a main claim
- a supporting claim or reason
what two components MUST an
made up of
- Weaknesses were found with the hash authentication of the LEAF being that collisions were present
- Later it was found that skipjack itself was not strong as it was cracked just days after the documents for it were published
Since collisions existed within clipper it was possible to find a collision for the symmetric key with a fake symmetric key
why did the
clipper chip fail
the node furthest from alice and the last node of alices tor circuit and where data leaves the tor network
to alice what is an
exit node