part 4 Flashcards
year after cholecystectomy, 52 yo obese woman has gallstone pain, no jaundice, but elevated ALP and AST/ALT. mild common bile duct dilation. dx and next step?
post-cholecystect syndrome, do ERCP
hyperosmolar hyperketotic state, potassium is 4.8. given fluids and insulin. next step?
give IV potassium, if lower than 5.3
high-voltage QRS complexes, st depression at lateral leads, lateral T wave inversion. and nose bleeding and headaches, BP is high in 29 yo old. dx?
cervical spinal cord atrophy and weakness in limbs, high arching foot. dx?
freiderich’s ataxia- trinucleotide repaet
16 yo boy with fever and sore throat, severe myalgia, mottling of skin of legs, non-suppurative pharyngitis, severe pain. dx?
crohn’s disease, with fractures. what do you expect on calcium, phosphorus, PTH levels?
low low high. vitamin D def
HAGMA with envelope shaped urine crystals. dx?
ethylene glycol poisoing
hypocalcemia and hyper PTH. next step?
vitamin D levels
severe watery diarrhea and flushing and electrolyte abnormality (hypokalemia), 3 cm pancreatic tail mass. dx?
65 yo woman with low bone density, given alendronate then takes antacid for gERD. has hypercalcemia, high HCO3 and hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia., creatinine is slightly higher than before. what is cause of hyper Ca?
milk-alkali syndrome
empyema vs parapnuemonic (uncomplicated) effusion
WBC >50000, pH less than 7.2, glucose less than 60
46 yo man with severe MVA has RUQ pain, pericholecystic fluid, no stones, diestneded bowels. dx?
acalculous cholecystitis (severe injury/disease, presents like gallbladder obstruction/infectino)
baby with umbilical cord cut by kitchen scissors, DIY delivery, and honey mixed in formula. now is hyperreflexic and neck stiffness, and stridor. no vaccinations for mother and child. dx?
PPROM is a/w what other obsetric complication?
placental abruptuion, infection, PTLabour
56 yo man has septic shock, critical condition. now has occult stool blood. dx?
stress ulcer
cervical spine injury and paralysis. respi distress. next step?
35 yo woman with dysphagia, episodic retrosternal pain that radiates to back, lasts 15 mins each time, triggered by hot and cold food or emotion. next step? and dx?
esophageal manometry for diffuse esophageal spasm
cancer related cachexia and HIV cachexia what to give to stimulate appetite
progesterone analog and synthetic cannabinoid, respectively
15 day old baby with bilious vomiting and abdo distension. abdo xray shows no gas. then next step? and dx?
malrotation and volvulus, do a UPPER GI series (barium swallow)
trastuzumab toxicity?
AFib, aflutter where are they generated in the heart
pulmonary vein ostia, tricuspid annulus
painful vesicular hand rash in sexually active person. dx?
herpetic whitlow
PCP pneumonia with o2 92% and PaO2 54, rx?
bactrim and corticosteroids (if below PaO2 below 70, o2 is below 92, or if AA gradient is greater than 35
pregnant woman 36 weeks, has had herpes simplex virus in the past. mx?
give acyclovir prophylaxis until delivery, even without symptoms. if vesicles, then CS