Part 4 Flashcards
What is a sociogram?
Visualization of the structure of a social network.
What are induction-based interventions?
Stimulate or force peer-to-peer (interpersonal) interaction to create cascades in information/behavioral diffusion. Based on word of mouth (WOM)
What is word of mouth (WOM)?
Oral, person-to-person communication between a receiver and communicator whom the receiver perceives as noncommercial, regarding a brand, a product or a service. (Communicator is often a close friend/family -> unambiguous credibility)
What is eWOM?
Any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual, or former customers about a product or company, which is made available to multitude of people and institutions via the internet. (Communicator is often unkown/anonymous -> ambiguous credibility)
What are the characteristics of WOM?
- volume: magnitude
- valence: positive or negative
- Timing: before or after purchase
- Solicitation: with or without
- Intervention (degree of management): spontaneously or created
What are the effects of WOM?
- Provides social validation by the masses
- Facilitates awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, behavioral intentions
- Aids the diffusion of innovations and brand related information among the audience.
- Online wider pool of recommenders
- Powerful marketing communication factor.
What is the role of eWOM in interventions?
- reaching and keeping the target audience (low exposure) is a big challenge.
- behind low exposure there is often low involvement
- eWOM can adress the challenge of low exposure
What was the effect of eWOM in study one?
invitation to an intervention from a friend is more effective than from an institution. Difference is homepage visit, and interaction with homepage.
What does eWOM triggers?
Brandwagon heuristic. (If others think that something is good, then I should too)
Brandwagon heuristic is also called reputed credibility, collective testimonial or wisdom of crowds.
Why do things go viral?
S: social currency - people talk about things that make them seem smart and cool.
T: triggers - top of mind, tip of tong. What we talk is what we think.
E: emotion - when we care, we share. Focus on high arousal emotions.
P: public - built to show, built to grow. The more public something is, the more likely people are to imitate it.
P: practical value - news you can use. Useful things get shared
S: stories - build a Trojan horse, a narrative or story people want to tell, which carries your idea.
What is the persuasive effect of WOM?
The importance of interpersonal influence in persuasion (Aristotle)
How to?
Pathos: emotional appeals of speaker
Logos: logical appeals
Ehtos: ethical and personal appeals (trust and credibility.
What is the difference between credibility of source(s) and credibility of message(s)?
Credibility of source(s): can I trust the person who is talking?
Credibility of message(s): can I trust the evaluation being said?
What is the main idea of network interventions?
People can be persuaded more effectively through people they interact with.
What are network intervention strategies?
- Can be individual, segmentation, induction or alteration based.
- Differ in which component of the social network is targeted.
- Are selected based on the characteristics of the behavior to be changed.
When you design a social media intervention, among many other functionalities, you need to take cognitive load into account. Cognitive load is….
The cognitive investment needed from the users.
What is a necessary step to the diffusion of innovations?
The innovation must be compatible with other technologies.
According to Khamis, Ang & Welling (2017) influencers can be understood as a form of self-branding. Under this lens, what is the unique selling point?
Their public image
What does the social indentity approach explains?
How group membership may affect behavior