Part 3: Medicine in the Industrial Period 1800-1900 Flashcards
how did the Franco Prussian War help medicine develop and what year
between France and Germany drives on Koch and Pasteur
how did the crimean war help medicine develop
Florence nightingale improved conditions in the crimean war, cut the death rate from 40% to 2% (cleaned hospital wards)
wrote a book after crimean war ‘notes on nursing’ and explained how nurses should be trained to treat the sick
set up Britains first training school at St Thomas Hospital
raised £44,000 to fund it herself
in 1863 set principles for running a clean safe well ventilated hospital
who was Louis Pasteur
Discovered germ theory 1861 (disease was spread by germs)
1850s discovered pasteurisation (if liquid was boiled it killed germs)
he put a sterile flask in the street and opened it to let in germs, bacteria grew
filled one flask w sterile air one with ordinary air, first had no decay second was normal, heated flask to make it sterile, drove air out then sealed, stayed sterile for 100plus years
1879-helped develop chicken cholera vaccine
1881- used similar technique for anthrax which was killing up to 10% sheep/cattle every year
1884-85- rabies vaccine used same technique
who was Robert Koch
1878 identifies blood poisoning germ using methyl violet dye and disproved germ theory
1882 identifies tuberculosis germ
1883 identifies cholera germ
Bacteriology- identification and study of germs that cause disease
helped to identify many killer diseases in Britain with germ theory
like: - diphtheria, -pneumonia, tetnus typhoid, plague, whooping cough
who was Paul ehrlich
1910 discovered arsenic compound Salvarsan606 could be used for syphillis
- used for chemotherapy known as ‘magic bullet’
was the 606 drug tried
used staining techniques to study blood and worked on immunity and developed an anti diphtheria serum
what improvements to communication were made
railways- allowed people to travel quickly and easily
Papers- published results
how were opium and laudanum used
mrs beaten self help book for running a hospital
‘The book of Household Management’
published 1861
recommended every house should opium and laudanum to treat minor ailments
helped children sleep and calm
what pharmaceutical companies were there in c19th
Aspirin was developed in 1890 by German medical company
sold in 1899 in Britain
Boots began in c19th
Thomas Beecham opened his first factory in Wigan in 1859 became very rich
(some products were dangerous and not controlled and had not much control over what was put in medicines, most were made of alcohol)
some were addictive with cocaine and opium
how did surgery mortality rates decrease
beginning of 1800- 40% or higher
end of 1800- 10%
sir Humphrey David
Dr William morton
problems with ether
used nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
American dentist used ether
irritated lungs, vomit, flammable, dosage wasn’t always right, could wake up during surgery
who was James Simpson
what happened when he died
1847 he used chloroform to reduce child birth pain after experimenting on his friends
1870 he died and 30,000 people lined streets
he was the first person in medicine to be knighted
- benefits of chloroform
- impacts of chloroform
- Hannah Greener
- induces dizziness, sleepiness, unconsciousness
- longer operations could be done, started to be used straight away
- died in 1848 from chloroform, was 15
reasons for opposition of chloroform
how did the queen help
wha happened after
interfering with gods plan (child birth should be painful)
some doctors thought it easier if patients conscious
queen Victoria in 1853 used chloroform for her last baby and chloroform was accepted
in 1850s coca was used as anaesthetic and was produced chemically after 1890 sugeries were no longer painful
Bransby Blake Cooper
what was the general medical council
1828- operated to remove bladder stone, should take 6 minutes it took an hour and the patient died the next day, was suggested he was only as surgeon because of relatives
was a libel trial exposing the whole case and public scrutiny
gmc then made in 1858 controlling the profession
who was ignas Semmelweis
in 1847 in charge of maternity ward in vienne hospital in Austria
he reduced the death rate on the ward from 35 to 1% by getting doctors to wash hands in calcium chloride (ideas didn’t catch on)
who was Joseph Lister
how much did mortality rates drop
what did he invent
experimented on frogs (cold blooded so impact easier to see)
used carbolic acid for sterilisation, soaked wounds, sterilised dressings and surgical instruments
surgeons were initially reluctant (wanted clear proof)
mortality rates went from 46% to 15% in 3 years
in 1871 invented a machine to spray carbolic acid over whole room (became father of antiseptic surgery)
aseptic surgery: Robert Koch Charles Chamberland Gustav Neuber William Halsted
1878- discovered disease spread by air not surfaces
1881- sterilised instruments by heating at 140 for 20
1886- first sterile operating centre
1890- made team wear surgical gloves (nurse allergic to carbolic acid)
what was the life expectancy in industrial towns
hazards in towns
the great stink
poor people (16) Rich people (45)
scrotal cancer (chimney boys),
phossy jaw-from fumes used to make match heads, caused brain damage (young girls)
pneumoconiosis- lung disease (coal miners)
textile factories had machines without guards hands and arms were caught
few regulations and no compensation
from dry weather, sewage waste, miasma theory
contagious diseases
Prince Albert
children deaths
typhus, diarrhoea, small pox, tb, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles etc spread easily in crowded poor conditions
died of typhoid in 1861 from sewers at Windsor castle
57% children died before 5
and many children had rickets from malnutrition
cholera deaths
1831 50,000
1848 60,000
1854 20,000
who was John snow
1849 wrote article arguing cholera spread by dirty water not air, his idea was ignored
in 1854 epidemic 700 died in his locality
he found all the deaths came from people who collected water from broad street pump and those drinking beer weren’t effected
he got permission to remove the pump so people drank from elsewhere, the disease left and they later realised a cess pit was leaking into the pump
laissez faire attitude
William Farr
Thomas Southwood Smith
the govt wouldn’t get involved in daily life, public health wasn’t there concern
force to get compulsory registration of marriages, births and deaths in 1837
1842 was appointed physician to London fever hospital, made link between poverty and disease
who was Edwin Chadwick
the dirty party
was secretary to poor law commission in 1834, in 1842 used statistical methods to link poor living conditions, disease and life expectancy called for urgent improvement in 1844 him and softwood smith set up health of towns association and the clean party (pushed for govt to improve conditions)
mps opposed to any action, based on cost, rich people were keen to keep taxes low so favoured this
who was dr barnado and what year
what did they teach
what funs were there
came to London 1866 was appalled by poverty
set up ragged school where children were given cheap breakfast
during times of unemployment meals were served
evening classes and Sunday school for those who worked
boys- wood chopping and city messengers
girls- maid and servant skills
fresh air fund and children’s country holiday fund and themes fir boys to go to Canada or Australia for a better life
government action 1848 1866 1875 x2 what effect on death rate did this have
public health act - councils to improve town conditions if wished, towns with high death rate were forced take water supply and sewage action
sanitary act
food and drugs- regulated these, people were putting chalk in flour or paint in chocolate
Public health act- forced to provide clean water and have medical officers of health and sanitary (slaughterhouses)
1868- 716 from typhus
1885- 28
1900- none
govt action continued
new sewers built
public housing act (knockdown bad and rebuild)
flush toilets, soap was cheaper
sophia jex blake
studied medicine in edinburgh 1869
led campaign to ensure women university education
physician and teacher
infant mortality
before 1899 number of babies dying before 1 was 142 out of 1000
children were neglected