Part 3 FRs Flashcards
Art 12
Def of State.
SC: even pvt body or an agency working as an instrument of the State falls under ‘State’
Art 13
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Laws inconsistent with or in derogation with the FRs shall be void.
(Doctrine of Judicial Review)
Laws - permanent/temp(like an ordinance)/Executive Legislations(like order, bye-law, rule etc)
Art 14
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Equality before law (British - negative - no privileges)
Equal protection of laws (American - positive - equal treatment to equals)
Rule of Law - A V Dicey
Art 15
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Prohibition of discrimination - against any citizen - on grounds only of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex or PoB
- bt State as well as Pvt Citizen
Art 16
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Equality of Opportunity in matters of Pub. Employment - on grounds of only Religion, Race, Caste, Sex, Descent, PoB or Residence.
Art 17
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Abolition of Untouchability
- against Pvt individual
- so it is Cnal obligation of the State
Art 18
(Rt to Equality 14-18)
Abolition of Titles (hereditory titles)
no titles - except Military or Academic distinction
Art 19
(Right to Freedom 19-22)
1) All the citizens shall have the right
a) to freedomof Speech and Expression
b) to assemble peaceably and without arms
c) to form associations or unions or cooperatives(97CAA 2011)
d) to move freely throughout the territory of India.
e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India
f) repealed by 44CAA1978 along with A31
g) to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
(originally 7 - property - deleted in 44CAA1978
Art 20
(Right to Freedom 19-22) Protection in Respect of Conviction for Offences no ex-post-facto law no double jeopardy no self-incrimination
Art 21
(Right to Freedom 19-22)
Protection of Life and personal Liberty
(to Citizen as well as NonCitizen)
Art 21 A
(Right to Freedom 19-22)
Right to Education (86CAA2002)
age 6-14 free n compulsory education
(dpsp Art 45)
Art 22
(Right to Freedom 19-22)
Protection against Arrest and Detention
Punitive detention
1 ground of arrest 2 rt to consult n be defended
3 rt to be produced before megistrate in 24 hrs
4 rt to be released after 24hrs if not auth. by Megistrate
- nt for enemy alien and under preventive detention
Preventive Detention(to citizen n Aliens)
1 - 3 months unless Advisory board
2- ground of detention
3 - rt to make a representation against detention
Art 23
(Right against Exploitation 23-24)
Prohibition of Traffic in Human beings and Forced Labour
(few exceptions like Armed forces)
Art 24
(Right against Exploitation 23-24)
Prohibition of Employment of Children in Factories etc
<14 age - harmlesss or innocent work - not in any factory, mine or hazardous activities
2006 - Govt banned Children as domestic servants or workers in business like hotels dhabas etc
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Ammendment Act 2016 No employment for <14 age 14-18 age = no hazardouse occipations and processes
Art 25
(Rt to Freedom of Religion 25-28)
Freedom of Conscience and Free Profession, Practice and Propagation of Religion.
individual right
to Citizen as well as non-citizens
Art 26
(Rt to Freedom of Religion 25-28)
Freedom to manage Religious Affairs
1) Rt to establish and maintain intitutions for religious and charitable purpose
2) Rt to manage its own affairs
3) Rt to own n acquire movable and immovable property
4) Rt to administer these properties
rts of Religious denominations
Art 27
(Rt to Freedom of Religion 25-28)
Freedom from Taxation for promotion of a Religion
no favouring of one religion over another
but tax can be used for all religions
Art 28
(Rt to Freedom of Religion 25-28)
Freedom from attending Religious Instruction
Art 29
(Cultural and Educational Rights 29-30)
Protection of Interests of Minorities
(not just to minorities but to any section)
1) Group rt - Rt to conserve - distinct language, script or culture
2)Individual Rt - rt to admission into any state maintained(or funded) edu insti.
(no discrimination on grounds only of Religion, Race, Caste, Language)
Art 30
Rights of Minorities to establish and administer Educational Institutions
(only to minorities)
Art 32
Right to Constitutional Remedies
- direct to SC
- SC can issue writs
- HCs have powers under A226
- Prez can suspend rt to move any court for enforcement of FRs during emergency(A359)
Art 33
Armed Forces and FRs
Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this part in their application to forces
no power to State Legislature
Art 34
Martial Law and FRs
Restriction on FRs while Martial Law is in force.
Art 35
Parliament shall have (and SLAs shall not have)
power to make laws wrt to certain here specified FRs
A16 A32 A33 A34
A17 A23
Art 31
Right to Property
repealed by 44CAA1978 (along with Art 19(1)(f)