Part 3 Flashcards
Safer drivers tend to look how many seconds ahead of their car?
12 seconds
A 16-year-old or 17-year-old driver who received their license on or after August 1, 2008 must not operate a vehicle between the hours of what, unless it is for certain activities.
11 pm and 5 am
Before making a right turn at an intersection, you should make sure that:
There is no traffic approaching from your left.
Pavement markings with dashed lines on the inside and solid yellow lines on the outside means?
Vehicles traveling in both directions can take left turns.
The correct hand signal indicating a right turn is
Hand and arm extended upward.
What should you do when you approach a horse being ridden on the highway?
Reduce your speed
When driving on icy roads with the speed limit being 50mph what should you do?
Drivers slower than 50 Mph
When turning sharp corners, turn the steering wheel using the:
Hand over hand technique
A new drivers license is valid 5 1/2 to 7 years and will expire when of the last year?
The drivers birthday.
A street sign that has two arrows, one pointing to the left and one pointing straight means?
Left or through sign
What are three types of intersections on the road?
Controlled, uncontrolled, and blind
When making a right turn from a 4 Lane Divided Highway, enter the right lane well in advance of the turn and make:
A tight turn into the right lane and cross the street.
On the four-lane divided roadway or a one-way road, a solid yellow line usually marks:
The left edge of the pavement
When making a left turn at an intersection, or into an alley or driveway, you must yield the right of way to
All traffic coming from the opposite direction.
When entering and exiting around about, you must always:
Keep right
A solid white line between lines of traffic means
You should stay in your lane.
Trucks/buses often need to move to what lane to make right turns?
To the left lane
If you are preparing for a right turn behind a bicyclist, miss judgment can result in the broadside crash called a:
Right hook
When a driver has their hand and arm extended downward what does this indicate?
Slow down or stop.
On a 3 Lane Highway, a driver towing a trailer keeps to the right while driving because:
It is a slow moving vehicle
Steam coming from under your vehicle hood may mean that:
Your cooling system has over heated
When entering an interstate highway from the acceleration lane, you must:
Keep pace with other traffic of obey posted speed limits.
A double solid white line marks the edge of the traffic lane where:
Travel in the same direction is permitted on both sides of the line, but crossing the line is prohibited.
What lanes are the smoothest, in terms of the flow of traffic when three or more lanes are going in the same Direction on the highway.
The middle lanes.
A Vehicle’s stopping distance is equal to
The sum of the breaking distance and reaction distance.
When driving a vehicle, unbalanced tires low tire pressure can cause
Faster tire wear