Part 3 Flashcards
Azure IoT Central
Very similar for IoT Hub, but a delivery platform for IoT
- SaaS
- Companies can use pre-built templates for their IoT devices without needing to know the code on it
- Built ontop of IoT Hub
IoT Hub
Takes data from IoT and gain analysis or insight into them
- PaaS
- Secure/scalable/reliable
Azure Sphere
Allows you to build secure IoT network
- Devices have a chip and then the Sphere connents to it making sure it has the latest patch
- made to build secure IoT solutions
Azure Synapse Analytics
Used to ingest -> trasnform -> store - Serve data
- Has data stored in Data Lake Storage Gen 2 that then
- Apache Spark/Synapse SQL takes, feeds it into a pipeline that Azure Synapse Studio manages
- PaaS
Big Data
large or complex to deal with
- velocity - how fast we are getting it
- volume - how large the data is
- variety - what type of data format it is
What does Apache Spark do
efficently take in large data sets and transform them into usable data
What does Synapse SQL do?
Process data
What is Synapse pipeline?
Data factory
Takes all the Synapse features and makes it a easy to use unified experience
Azure HDInsight
- PaaS
- Allows you to use many of the data transfer third party tools to manage data
- Open source analytic service
Azure Databricks
Like Azure HDInsight but uses Apache Spark solely for data analysit
- Provide unified noteboook for data transformation and collaborative analytics
- Based on Spark
- PaaS
- integrates very well with common Azure services
Azure Machine Learning
Used to train, package, validate, deploy, monitor, repeat
- Azure provides us with allowing us to do this and train our AI
- Feature of pipelines/auto ML
- PaaS
Serverless Computing
Hosting what you would typically run on your own server but in the cloud
Azure Functions
Allows users to make apps with small functions(code), package it and ship it
- Serverless coding platform
- Function as a Service (FaaS)
Azure Logic Apps
Used to build workflows
- condtions, loops, or triggers based on events