part 3 Flashcards
What effects can increase tone in the tensor tympani have and what nerve is involved
1.loss of low tone hearing because increased tone will decrease the mobility of the ossicular chain 2.CN V mandibular branch
What effect does dysfunction of the tensor veli palatini have and what nerve is involved?
1.since it opens the eustachian tube you could get symptoms such as hissing sounds, fullness in the ears, increase pressure in the ear and/or hearing loss 2.CN V
What muscle on CN V can contribute to barohypoacusis?
1.tensor tympani 2.tensor veli palatini 3.medial pterygoid
How can the medial pterygoid contribute to symptoms of hypoacusis? order for the tensor veli palatini to open the eustachian tube it must push the medial pterygoid to the side 2.if the tone of the medial pterygoid is increased then it may not be able to push it to the side (1964 theory, Rameryiez 2011 references) 3. MP assists in ventilation and chronic tone can keep it open subjecting it to irritation (mcDonald 2012)
What impact does premature contact of the posterior teeth have on the disc of the TMJ?
premature contact posteriorly brings the condyles forward compressing the disc against the articular eminence
What impact will a lack of molars have on the TMJ disc?
late posterior contact will cause posterior compress of the disc
How can posterior compression of the TMJ led to reciprocal clicking?
1.the posterior portion of the TMJ is rich in aveolar tissue and will be painful to compress 2.pain increases tone of the TMJ stabilizers 3.the tone of the lateral pterygoid superior fibers pulls the disc forward 4.forward disc results in clicking with opening and closing
At what point does stabilizing clicking TMJ disc become very difficult?
1.the average reciprical clicking is greater than 3 cm 2.this point is indicative of high chronicity and severity of the problem
How would you diagnosis a complete anterior dislocation of the TMJ disc?
1.there is no reciprical click 2.there is extreme limitation in mouth opening
What is significant about clicking with lateral deviation of the jaw?
if the ipsalateral joint clicks this could be indicative of anterioromedial dislocation of the disc
How would you differentiate a TMJ capsule injury?
1.typically secondary to trauma 2.painful active ROM in all directions opening will demonstrate an ipsalateral “c” curve 4.ipsalateral deviation with protrusion 5.decreased lateral deviation
How would you differentiate TMJ adhesive capsulitis?
1.Same as capsule injury -typically secondary to trauma -painful active ROM in all directions -active opening will demonstrate an ipsalateral “c” curve -ipsalateral deviation with protrusion -decreased lateral deviation 2.decreased mobility 3.length of pathological state
What is goal of TMJ splints?
improve the vertical dimension of the joint by separating the condyle from the fossa
What impact does a maxillary splint have on breathing patterns?
1.the maxillary splint will cause the tongue to drop off the roof of the mouth 2.with the tongue off the roof of the mouth you develop mouth breathing and forward head position 3.the change in tongue position also increases tension on the TMJ
What impact can TMJ splinting have on the cervical spine?
1.Tension through the TMJ capsule will facilitate upper cervical extension tone can also get a secondary increase in compensatory mid cervical flexion