Part 3 Flashcards
Which themes introduced in the Classical Period?
a) A focus on balance and reason
b) A focus on humanism and truth
A sculpture emphasizing the renewed learning from classical sources that focused on ideal human forms.
Michelangelo’s David
Renaissance political dissertation on government that advocates the idea that the end justifies the means.
The Prince
A work of Reformation art, this watercolor signifies an interest in the natural world, depicting the subject in fine detail with almost photographic accuracy.
Young Hare
Unaccompanied coal works that employed the polyphonic use of 3-6 voices and were secular in nature.
Dialogue that emphasized how members of a Renaissance court could portray their own unique personalities and self-fashioning.
The Courtier
What is true of society during the Renaissance period?
a) Religious reformers such as Martin Luther split with the Catholic church, ultimately resulting in the formation of Protestantism.
b) Many intellectuals broadened their perspectives beyond Church teachings after the discovery and spread of previously “lost” Classical writings.
What was emphasized by Renaissance humanism?
Humanists sought to educate the whole person, including the physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of human beings.
How does the following speech from Shakespeare’s Hamlet reflect the themes of the Renaissance?
“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!”
The speech reflects the values of humanism by emphasizing the power of learning an an individual’s use of it.
What was Martin Luther’s role in advocating Christian doctrine during the Renaissance?
Martin Luther was a priest and theologian who challenged papal infallibility.
Which of the following is NOT an example of Cultural Exchange in the Renaissance?
Egyptian idiograms influenced European sculptors with their symmetrical forms.
Which of the following is an example of a “Renaissance man or woman”?
A successful business person who plays the clarinet, rides horses competitively, and publishes articles on scientific and artistic topics.
How did advancements in science lead to innovations in other disciplines during the Renaissance period?
Scientific knowledge about human physiology created greater understanding of how the human eye perceives light and distance, which led painters to experiment with techniques of perspectives and chiaroscuro.
What literary devices were popular during the Renaissance?
a) Soliloquy, in which a character speaks aloud to himself on stage, giving the audience access to his inner thoughts.
b) Blank verse, which is poetic verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter
Who wrote the satirical essay, In Praise of Folly, which criticized the corruption and abuses of Catholic doctrine in parts of the Roman Catholic Church?
How does art from the Renaissance illustrate cultural exchange and diversity?
a) Renaissance artists such as the glass-makers in Italy received inspiration from Muslim artisanal glassware.
b) Carved ivory from Africa was featured in the homes of European royalty during the Renaissance.
Painting by Jacques-Louis David that show three brother swearing their allegiance to Rome and that became an inspiration for French revolutionaries.
Oath of the Horatii
A 35-volume compilation of human knowledge that is viewed as one of the crowning achievements of Enlightenment thinking.
A play by Moliere that utilizes satire to expose hypocrisy and offer religious and social criticism.
Musical composition by Haydn in which the strings create a rhythmic sound that imitates a ticking clock.
Symphony No. 101 in D Major