PART 2 - REVENUE Flashcards
It is the direct exchange of finished goods or services for cash in a single transaction between a seller and a buyer.
Revenue Cycle
2 Major Sub-systems of Revenue Cycle: SC
● Sales order processing subsystem
● Cash receipts subsystem
2 Main Section of Revenue cycle: CP
● Conceptual Revenue Cycle System
● Physical System
Is the overview of movement of accounting information through organization. It also reviews the
internal control issues
The Conceptual System
Three processes that constitute the revenue cycle: SSC
- Sales order procedures
- Sales return procedures
- Cash receipts procedures
_____ - involved receiving and processing a customer order, filling the order and shipping products to the customer at the proper time, and correctly accounting for the transaction. Examples: RCPSB
Sales order procedure
- Receive order
- Check credit
- Pick goods
- Ship goods
- Bill’s customer
_____ - An organization can expect that a certain percentage of its sales will be returned.
—-This occurs for a number of reasons, some of which may be:
- Shipped wrong merchandise
- Goods were defective
- Product was damaged in shipment
- Buyer refused delivery because the seller shipped the goods too late or they were delayed in transit.
Sales Return
- involve receiving and securing the cash; depositing the cash in bank; matching the payment with the customer and adjusting the correct accounts; and properly accounting for and reconciling the financial details of the transaction.
Cash Receipts Procedure
- Open mail and prepare remittance advice
- Record and deposit checks
- Update Accounts Receivable
- Update general ledger
- Reconcile cash receipts and deposits
these are internal control activities that will guide us in designing and evaluating transaction processing controls.
Revenue Cycle Controls
Begins with a review of manual procedures and then moves to deal with several forms of compute-based systems.
The Physical System
the purpose of this section is to support the system concepts presented in the previous section with models depicting people, organizational units, and physical documents and files.
Manual Systems
4 Sales Order Processing: SCTB
- Sales Department
- Credit Department Approval
- The Shipping Department
- Billing Department
3 Sales Return Procedures: RSP
Receiving Department
Sales Department
Processing the Credit Memo
5 Cash Receipt Procedure: MCAGC
Mail Room
Cash Receipt
Accounts Receivable
General Ledger
Controller’s Office
We can view technological innovation in AIS as a continuum with automation at one end and
reengineering at the other.
Automation involves using technology to improve the efficiency andeffectiveness of a task. Reengineering on the other hand, involves radically rethinking the business process and workflow.
Computer Based Systems
4 Automating Sales Order Processing with Batch Technology: SCWS
Sales Department
Credit Department Approval
Warehouse Procedure
Shipping Department
It begins with the arrival of batches of shipping notice. ____ clerk converts the hard copy of shipping notice to digital form to produce a transaction file of sales order.
The resulting transaction file will thus contain many separate batches of records. For each batch stored on the file, the batch control totals are automatically calculated
The edit program first validates all transaction records in the batch by performing clerical and logical tests on the data. After validating, it recalculates the batch control totals to reflect anychanges due to removal of error records. The edited sales order file is then passed to the file update run.
Edit Run
This system generates a number of management reports, including sales summaries, inventory status reports, transaction listings, journal voucher listings, and budget and
performance reports.
Update Procedure
3 Reengineering Sales Order Processing with Real-Time Technology: SWS
Sales Procedure
Warehouse Procedure
Shipping Department
It is a batch update program searches the open sales files for records marked closes and updates the following general ledger accounts: ISAC
General Ledger Update Procedure
● Inventory-control,
● Sales,
● AR-control,
● Cost of Goods Sold.
4 Automated Cash-Receipt Procedure: MCAD
- Mail Room
- Cash Receipts Department
- AR Department
- Data Processing Department
_________ are used extensively in grocery stores, department stores, and other types of retail organization. The organization doesn’t maintain customer AR
Point-of-sale (POS) Systems -