Part 2 - Pursuits Flashcards
______is defined as an active attempt by an officer in an authorized emergency vehicle to apprehend a subject fleeing in a motor vehicle.
The primary pursuit unit is usually the police unit which initiates the pursuit but is, in all cases, the unit in ______ proximity to the fleeing vehicle.
The support unit is the police unit which trails the primary pursuit unit at a safe distance and which is immediately available to assume the primary role or assist the primary pursuit unit in the event the fleeing vehicle is stopped.
Only ____ departmental units are authorized to actively pursue: the primary pursuit unit and the support unit.
Decision to Pursue and Determination of Maximum Safe Speed:
Officers may only engage in pursuits when they have a ________ belief that the fleeing subject has committed or attempted to commit a felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence to a person.
Decision to Pursue and Determination of Maximum Safe Speed:
The overriding concern must always be for the safety of the officers, the public, and the _____.
Emergency Signal Devices:
A pursuing vehicle must be properly equipped with, and use, the following audible and visible emergency signal devices:
Revolving or flashing red or blue lights.
Emergency flashers.
_________-(day or night).
Primary Pursuit Unit Responsibilities:
Immediately notify the Communications Bureau that a pursuit is underway by advising pursuit. Additionally, provide the following information:
- Unit identification (radio number).
- Location, speed, and direction of travel.
- The specific reason for the pursuit, including known laws violated.
- Vehicle description and _____ number.
As soon as practicable, the number and description of occupants, hazardous traffic and weather conditions, and type of police vehicle being operated **if it is other than a marked police patrol sedan. **
The primary pursuit unit will handle communications relating to the actual pursuit, direction of travel, subjects, and descriptions.
Unmarked and motorcycle units may pursue vehicles as a primary pursuit unit only until the arrival of a ______ unit.
Support Unit Responsibilities:
Should the primary pursuit unit become disabled, the support unit will become the primary pursuit unit. The field ______ will designate a new support unit.
Communications Bureau Responsibilities:
Receive and record all incoming information on the fleeing vehicle.
Advise _______ agencies in the immediate vicinity of the pursuit of the following:
- Nature of the offense.
- Number of subjects.
- Number of police units present.
- Vehicle description and direction.
Aviation Unit Responsibilities:
When the Aviation Unit arrives, it becomes the primary pursuit unit.
Vehicular primary pursuit and support units shall then restrict radio communications, ________, and follow at a safe distance.
decrease speed
Aviation Unit Responsibilities:
The Aviation Unit supervisor shall be responsible for submission of an Aviation Pursuit Report, through the chain-of-command to the North Operations Division Chief, within ___ hours after the incident.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
Upon being notified of the pursuit, the field supervisor shall monitor and attempt to ensure that:
- No more than the required number of units are involved in the pursuit.
- The proper radio frequency is being utilized.
- Affected interjurisdictional agencies are notified.
- The pursuit may be safely accomplished with minimal danger to the officers, the public, or the ________.
The speed of a pursuit will be determined by a number of factors to include ____, weather, and traffic conditions.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
The supervisor of the officer initiating the pursuit shall be responsible for submission of a Vehicle Pursuit Report, through the chain-of-command, to the concerned division chief within ____ hours after the incident.
Major Organizational Element Responsibilities:
Supervisors of all major organizational elements will forward a monthly memorandum to the Professional Compliance Bureau Commander by the ___ of each month, via the chain-of-command.
A memorandum is required whether or not any pursuits occurred during the preceding month.
Professional Compliance Bureau Responsibilities:
The Professional Compliance Bureau will provide a _______ report to include the element, number of pursuits, and names of personnel, to be forwarded to the concerned division chief.
The Professional Compliance Bureau will forward an annual report to the Accreditation Manager by the last day of February of each year.
Prohibited Tactics:
The push bumpers are designed to protect vehicles and passengers, and are not intended to push vehicles from the roadway, or using them for other unsanctioned tactics such as ______, Such tactics are prohibited.
Pit Maneuvering
Prohibited Tactics:
- Pursuing in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic; e.g., sidewalks, shopping centers, _____ zones.
- Forcing the fleeing vehicle into parked cars, ditches, or any other obstacle.
- Driving alongside the fleeing vehicle while it is in motion.
active school
Prohibited Tactics:
Roadblock: Any method, restriction (including a partial restriction), or obstruction (except for the use of ______ devices only by trained and sanctioned officers.
Use of a roadblock to stop a fleeing vehicle **is considered deadly force. **
tire deflation
Specialized police vehicles with emergency signal devices:
Only under extreme circumstances shall unmarked police vehicles, motorcycles, and other specialized police vehicles designated for highway use and equipped with siren and emergency lights engage in pursuits, and then only until such time as assistance can be obtained from a marked police sedan equipped with ________ emergency signal devices.
Interjurisdictional Pursuits:
The agency _____ the pursuit is responsible for the arrest, booking, disposition, and coordination of all reports, citations, and criminal charges.
Interjurisdictional Pursuits:
Requests by other agencies for assistance in a pursuit in their jurisdiction will be relayed to a _______ in the affected district for evaluation, approval, and possible assignment.
Officers shall not become involved in the other agency’s pursuit unless:
- Involvement is specifically authorized by a _____.
- Informal notification by another jurisdiction of a pursuit in progress shall not be construed as a request to join the pursuit.
The following circumstances mandate immediate termination of a pursuit:
- A supervisor orders the pursuit terminated.
- The officer loses visual contact with the fleeing vehicle for an extended period of time (approximately ___ seconds).
When there is an equipment failure involving an emergency signal device, radio, brakes, steering, or other essential mechanical equipment or damage to a patrol vehicle which creates a driving hazard such as a damaged hood or a cracked windshield which obscures the officer’s vision.
The following circumstances mandate immediate termination of a pursuit:
- When there is an equipment failure involving an emergency signal device, ____, brakes, steering, or other essential mechanical equipment or damage to a patrol vehicle which creates a driving hazard such as a damaged hood or a cracked windshield which obscures the officer’s vision.
The following circumstances mandate immediate termination of a pursuit:
When there is a clear and unreasonable danger to the officer, ______, or other persons, and the danger caused by the continued pursuit is greater than the value of apprehending the subject.
Termination of Pursuits:
The decision to terminate Aviation Unit assistance is the responsibility of the concerned field supervisor and will be dictated by the circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
The ____ has authority to terminate the aircraft pursuit at any time.
Radio Transmissions:
Radio transmissions shall be restricted to the primary pursuit or support unit and the ________.
field supervisor
Pre-planned application:
In pre-planned operations requiring the use of the VCTM, a Miami- Dade Police Department ____ or above must be present during all operational phases.
Pre-determined application:
In these situations, a VCTM may be conducted on the orders of a Miami- Dade Police Department ______ or above, if the properly trained personnel and equipment needed to proceed safely, are available.
VCTM Documentation:
Documentation: All incidents involving the VCTM will be documented in an _______ Report and reviewed by the officer’s immediate supervisor.
Tire Deflation Devices:
It is the policy of MDPD to utilize and deploy tire deflation devices whenever and wherever practical for the purpose of terminating ________.
The overriding concern must always be for the safety of the officers, the public, and the subject.
vehicle pursuits
Command Responsibilities:
All police vehicles equipped with tire deflation devices will be distinctly designated on ________.
Tire deflation devices are inspected and maintained **on a daily basis. **
District Line-ups / Platoon
Supervisory Responsibilities:
Utilization and deployment of tire deflation devices and the response between all involved officers will be coordinated and controlled by a supervisor with the rank of _____ or above.
Tire Deflation Devices:
Upon receiving a request from an outside agency, a supervisor with the rank of _____ or above will evaluate the totality of the circumstances for compliance with departmental policy and guidelines prior to authorizing deployment of tire deflation devices.
Tire Deflation Reports:
Supervisor: The concerned supervisor will report the deployment of a tire deflation device in a Supervisor’s Report of Response to Resistance (SRRR) and in a _______.
Vehicle Pursuit Report
Tire Deflation Devices:
Damage to Uninvolved Vehicles or Other Property:
Make expeditious arrangements with the effected driver/owner to have the ______ vehicle towed by a County approved wrecker or a private tow company chosen by the driver/owner.
Tire Deflation Devices:
Damage to Uninvolved Vehicles or Other Property:
- Prepare a detailed memorandum describing the incident.
- The memorandum, with a copy of the Offense-Incident Report and the Vehicle Pursuit Report attached, will be forwarded to Miami-Dade County Internal Services Division, ______Division, Liability Claims Section, for review and processing.
Risk Management