Part 2 - Lecture 5/6 - Substitution Scoring Matrices Flashcards
What gives us an alignment and a score for similarity for an entire sequence?
global pairwise alignment
What gives us the alignment and score for parts of sequences?
local pairwise alignment
What can precisely indicate interesting residues of nucleotides and amino acids?
Multiple sequence alignment MSA
What does MSA depend on?
accuracy in pairwise alignment - which depends on scoring
What are the desirable features of a scoring matrix?
-we can think in terms of mutation and selection
-should we think about these differently - nucleotides and amino acids and what properties matter the most
If you start with a high confidence alignment what do you get?
-have no gaps or spaces
-hopefully see very few mismatches
-can call these sequences related sequences
How do you calculate the ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements?
nCk = (n!)/k!(n-k)!
How do you move from substitution counts to probabilities?
take the number of pairs of nucleotides in column, and multiple by the number of columns and divide the counts by that calculated product
Which exons are important?
the first and last exons
What happens to the part of a gene after a stop codon?
it will be part of the mRNA post splicing but will not be expressed
Why make a substitution scoring matrix?
had to do this because there was not way to make databases of genes to a single nucelotide of DNA position
Why could you have a long untranslated part of a gene?
tRNA polymerase not starting at some position
What happens more frequently and has less of an effect on function and is less penalized in a scoring matrix than translation?
In a real scoring matrix why are values scaled so that the highest entry is 100?
makes things easier to calculate
How do amino acids affect protein structure?
hydrophobic residues go inside and hydrophilic outside which affects shape and not all parts of the protein are important; need to pay attention to H bonding, acidic, basic, polar, nonpolar; will amino acids be able to same role in chemical sense