Part 2 ( Laws of Combat) Chapter 7: Prioritize and Execute Flashcards
This is the 3rd law of comabt
Prioritize and Execute
the law of Prioritize and execute means that leaders must effectively learn and take time to observe the ______ prior to making the call
Prioritize and Execute encourages us to remain calm in order to make the ____ ______
best decisions
Regardless of circumstances, leaders are still expected to render decisions almost _____
To overcome pressure, an effective means to prioritize and execute is to make sure that the team is always ahead of the _____ by coming up with a thorough and carefully strategized ________ plan
problem, contingency
An effective ______ _____ can easily lead the team towards victory even when untoward incidents occur. It is necessary that the whole team is briefed on this ____ ___ so that they can still work harmoniously together. This also makes the team ready to execute, even when there are no instructions form their leader
contingency plan
Maintaining the _____ picture also helps the leader prioritize for the team. It develops perspective which helps him to be highly critical and opens his eyes to problems that require immediate attention
strategic picture
Priorities are easily changed in combat. Thus it is incumbent for teams to try to avoid absolute ______ on a single issue.
The leader is expected to ____ changes in combat, while the teammates are expected to have developed a skill to _____ their efforts and adapt to the situation
relay, reprioritze
The 7 following duties of an effective leader are
1) evaluate the problem with the highest priority
2) simply, clearly, and concisely lay out the highest priorities for the team
3) Responsible for developing and determining a solution w/ suggested input from Junior leaders and the team
4) Must direct the execution of such solution, without losing focus on the priority task
5) Move to the next highest priority problem and repeat steps 1-4
6) When priorities shift within the team, key information must be sent to all team members from highest to lowest ranks
7) Target fixation must be avoided
The radio call that let friendly forces know SEALs were on the the high ground was
Frogman on the roof
BTF stood for
Big Tough Frogman
____ was an unofficial mantra adopted by Charlie Platoon. _____ entailed taking on substantial physical exertion and great risk and persevering by simply being big tough frogman
A Big Mix-It-Up was a term for pushing into enemy territory and engaging in a firefight. It was the ___ terminology
LAAW is an acronym for
Light anti-armor weapon - rockets
Chapter 7’s title is _______ South Central Ramadi, Iraq: The hornets nest - By Leif Babin
Prioritize and execute
In chapter 7, ___ was the platoon commander. He was in charge of the entire element. He went room to room on each floor to get a status on his men, gathered situational reports from sniper engagements, and passed situational reports over the radio to US Army TOC
A group of armed insurgents tried to sneak up on the seals using the concealment of a ______ ______ to hide their movement
sheep pen
The final resting place at Camp Ramadi became the final resting place for the charred wreckage of American tanks and armored vehicles that were destroyed
vehicle graveyard
The Seals plan in prioritize and execute was to
Go where the bad guys least expected them so they could
- seriously disrupt their program - kill as many enemy fighters as they could - decrease their ability to attack US Army/Marine outposts
The SEAL platoon chose this particular building for its
- commanding views of the area
- because it was in the enemies back yard
A tactic they learned from the US Marines stationed along the main route through the city was
unless there was an urgent casualty, hold the position and hunker down right there. Don’t call in vehicles or more troops and put them at risk unless you absolutely needed them
The apartment building the SEAL team occupied provided excellent tactical position with a higher vantage point than the buildings around them and the thick concrete walls for protection. The only problem was
there was only 1 entrance/exit from the 2nd story - a narrow stairway leading down into the street. This meant enemy fighters could possibly place IEDs near the exit while the seals were inside and detonate them as they exited
EOD bomb techs saw something out of place which was. They notified Leif that something looked suspicious
an otherwise unobtrusive item laying against the building wall only feet from the exit, covered in a plastic tarp, just a tiny sliver of a smooth cylindrical object peeked out from under the tarp.
From the second story, 3 sides of the building offered a _______ foot drop from a window or balcony straight down
SEALS always carried a ______ to make entry
The EOD bomb techs went to work and uncovered 2 130mm rocket projectiles whose nose cones were packed with ______, a plastic explosive
The command used to ignite the time fuse that would initiate the charge is ______ One EOD ______ and the other started a stopwatch that counted down to detonation
Pop Smoke
Frag is an acronym for
deadly metal fragments
The combat medic was a
SEAL corpsman
The SEAL on the roof got injured by falling through a plastic tarp covered in dust that appeared to be the edge of a roof in darkness. The seal fell ____ feet
Leif recognized his priorities in the situation and he executed them one by one. The priorities were
- Set security
- Find a way down off of the roof and get to the wounded man
- ensure a full head count of all personnel and confirm they exited the building to a safe distance
Fire team leaders reported to squad leaders who reported to the LPO who reported to Leif. They “we’re up” meaning
all accounted for
Things can compound in a snowball effect and its important to stay calm. The SEAL combat leaders utilize prioritize and execute. They verbalize that direction by:
relax, look around, make a call
A particularly effective means to P&E under pressure is to stay at least a ____ or ____ ahead of real-time problems. Through careful contingency planning, a lead can anticipate likely challenges that can arise and map out a response before they happen
step or 2
Staying ahead of the ____ prevents a leader from being overwhelmed when pressure is applied and enables greater decisiveness
It is crucial, particularly for leaders at the top of the organization to “____________”, step back, and maintain the strategic picture. With this perspective, it becomes far easier to determine the highest priority effort and focus all energies towards its execution.
Pull themselves off the firing line
The application to business section is Chapter 7 Prioritize and execute is written by
The application to business section is Chapter 7 Prioritize and execute story is about a CEO in a ________ company that their one major problem was that they were losing money
pharmaceutical industry
This is a term used to describe a battle in which a unit locked in a tough combat situation cannot maneuver or extricate themselves. In other words, they could not retreat. The must win
Decisively engaged