Part 2 - ISU Reviewer Flashcards
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: Using current meter in getting the velocity of stream, what is the
value of a in v = a + bn?
Starting Velocity
Soil Science: What is the most abundant microorganism found in the soil?
Hydrometeorology: Water retained about individual soil particles by molecular action and can be
removed only by heating.
Hygroscopic Water
Hydrometeorology: Geologic formation arranged in decreasing economic considerations.
Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquitard, Aquifuge
Hydrometeorology: Volume of voids over total soil volume.
Hydrometeorology: Moisture content of the soil when the gravitational water has been removed.
Field Capacity
Hydrometeorology: It is the ratio of the dry weight of soil particles to the weight of an equal
volume of water
Apparent Specific Gravity
Hydrometeorology: 75% of available moisture is called:
Readily Available Moisture
Hydrometeorology: Ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the weight of the water with volume
equal to the soil bulk volume.
Apparent Specific Gravity
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: Which of the following is the most economic type of drainage
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: One hundred thousand two hundred and fifty cubic meters (this
must be 12,500 m3) of water was delivered to a 10 ha farm for the month of June in which
consumptive use is estimated at 8 mm/day. The effective rainfall for the period was 150 mm.
What is the irrigation efficiency?
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: What is the discharge in each sprinkler nozzle to irrigate a
rectangular piece of land 150m x 180m if the laterals are set parallel to the longer side of the
field? Sprinkler spacing is 6m x 6m, irrigation water requirement is 150 mm and irrigation period
is 6 hours.
0.250 lps
. Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: One liter per second is equal to?
0.001 m3/sec
Hydrometeorology: Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films around the soil
Capillary Water
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: Amount of drainage water to be removed per unit time per unit
Drainage Coefficient
. Hydrometeorology: The sum total of head above the vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped
at a given pumping temperature.
Total Dynamic Head
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: A concrete lined canal is to convey water over a distance of 250 m
from the well to a tomato farm. Drop in elevation is 0.5 m over the 250 m canal length and
roughness coefficient, n, is 0.018.the bottom width of a rectangular canal with a depth of flowing
water of 0.25 m if the hydraulic radius is equal to the area of flow. The velocity of water in the
canal is?
0.62 m/sec
Hydrometeorology: The moisture content of the soil when the tension is 15 atmosphere.
Permanent Wilting Point
Wastewater Engineering: Agency that controls the re-use of wastewater.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: The simplest form of open channel flow computation.
Steady Uniform Flow
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: It is a gate placed across a stream from which it is desired to divert
Check gate
Hydrometeorology: Change in phase from water vapor to ice.
Irrigation and Drainage Eng’g: Most commonly used type of irrigation.
Furrow Irrigation
Soil and Water Conservation Eng’g: A principle of English Common Law which recognizes the right
of riparian owner to make reasonable use of streamflow provided the water is used on riparian
Riparian Right