Part 2 - Health Information Management, Concepts, Principles, and Practice Flashcards
- the state of being arranged in a line or in proper position
- the state or condition of agreeing with or matching something else
- the state of being joined with others in supporting or opposing something
Direct Exchange
A simple, secure, scalable, standards-based way for participants to send (push) authenticated, encrypted health information directly to known, trusted recipients over the internet.
scalable, scalability
capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demand
text mining
the process of transforming unstructured text into a structured format to identify meaningful patterns and new insights
acronym for admission and discharge
cluster sampling
A sampling method where the population is divided into subsets, called clusters, which are then randomly selected, and all units within the randomly selected clusters are included in the sample.
Type I error vs Type II error
In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is the mistaken rejection of an actually true null hypothesis. For example: “Person A is innocent. Person is then found guilty, but actually WAS innocent.”
A type II error is the mistaken acceptance of an actually false null hypothesis. For example: “Person B is not guilty. Person B is not convicted, but actually WAS guilty.”
null hypothesis
The commonly accepted fact; it is the opposite of the alternate hypothesis. Researchers work to reject, nullify or disprove the null hypothesis. Researchers come up with an alternate hypothesis, one that they think explains a phenomenon, and then work to reject the null hypothesis.
physiological signal processing system
A system that stores data based on the body’s signals (such as heart activity and brain waves) and creates output based on the lines plotted between the signals’ points.
A statistical package offered by the Office of the Inspector General that is free to download and can be used for both sample size determination and the generation of the random numbers required for sampling.
A CMS website that provides information about quality measurement and serves as the basis for communication between CMS, their contractors, and healthcare providers regarding quality data and metrics.
pay for performance (P4P)
Payment programs that are based on data-driven metrics to measure both the quality and efficiency of a healthcare provider.
vector graphics vs raster graphics
Vector graphics are digital art that is rendered by a computer using a mathematical formula. Vector graphics are also known as scalable vector graphics (SVG). These graphics consist of anchored dots that are connected by lines and curves. Because these graphics are not based on pixels, they are known as resolution independent, which makes them infinitely scalable. Their lines are sharp, without any loss in quality or detail, no matter what their size.
Because they consist of lines and anchor points, the size of the files are relatively small.
Raster graphics are made up of tiny pixels, making them resolution dependent and best used for creating photos. Pixels appear like little squares on graph paper when the image is zoomed in or enlarged. Each image can only contain a fixed number of pixels; the amount of pixels determines the quality of the image. This is known as resolution. More pixels results in better quality at the same or larger sizes of the original, but this also increases the size of the file and the amount of space it takes to store the file. The lower the number of pixels, the lower the resolution.
Resolution limits the size the raster image can be scaled up without being able to see pixels. However, a high resolution image printed at a small size will cause the pixels to “cram” together and will make the image look as unprofessional as not having enough pixels in a large image.
Systematic ovals are a graphical technique that displays stacked ovals with the height of the stack corresponding to the maximum of the scale.
spatial representation vs symbolic representation
Spatial representation allows information to be viewed at a glance utilizing perceptual processes without needing to address the individual elements of the information separately or analytically. (e.g. pie chart)
Symbolic representation requires analytical processes where information is extracted from specific data values. (e.g. excel table)
social determinants of health
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.
SDOH can be grouped into 5 domains:
- Economic stability
- Education access and quality
- Health care access and quality
- Neighborhood and local environment
- The social context in which they exist in (e.g. black slave in antebellum South)
interrater reliability
the degree of agreement among independent observers who rate, code, or assess the same phenomenon
attributable risk (AR)
Proportion of a disease in exposed individuals that can be attributed to an exposure.
relative risk (RR)
A measurement calculated from cohort studies that compares the risk of some disease in two groups differentiated by some demographic variable such as sex or race.
odds ratio
the probability that a certain outcome will occur if an individual is exposed to a certain variable or risk factor
principal investigator (PI)
the director of a research project that has full responsibility for all parts of the research conducted
vulnerable subject
a test subject that has limited mental capacity or is unable to freely volunteer (e.g. children, the uneducated, mentally retarded, prisoners)
case-control studies
also called retrospective studies
Case-control (retrospective) studies are a major component of epidemiological research.
In them, persons with a certain condition (cases) and persons without the condition (controls) are studied by looking back in time. The objective is to determine the frequency of the risk factor among the cases and the frequency of the risk factor among the controls in order to determine possible causes of the disease. In a case-control study, if there is an association between exposure and disease, the prevalence of history of exposure will be higher in persons with the disease (cases) than in those without it (controls).
tacit knowledge
The actions, experiences, ideals, values, and emotions of an individual that tend to be highly personal and difficult to communicate.