Part 2 Fall Semester 2021 Flashcards
Asigibii’iganan Nagamon (Song)
Number Song
Asigibii’iganan Nagamon:
- bezhig, niizh, niswi, niiwin, naanan (2xs)
- ingodwaaswi, niizhwaaswi, nishwaaswi, zhaangaswi
- mi, mi, mi midaaswi
Numbers Song:
- one, two, three, four, five (2xs)
- six, seven, eight, nine
- mi, mi, mi 10
Niswi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Naanan Ingodwaaswi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Nishwaaswi Zhaangaswi Mi, mi, mi \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Niswi 3 NIIWIN 4 Naanan 5 Ingodwaaswi 6 NIIZHWAASWI 7 Nishwaaswi 8 Zhaangaswi 9 MI, MI, MI MIDWAASWI 10
What similarities are you seeing in these numbers?
- NIIZH • NIIZHwaaswi
- NISwi • NIShwaaswi
- NIIZH = 2 • NIIZHwaaswi = 2+5
* NISwi = 3 • NIShwaaswi = 3+5
Some more similarities:
- INGO • INGOdwaaswi
- NIIZH • NIIZHwaaswi
- NISwi • NIShwaaswi
• INGO = 1 • INGOdwaaswi = 1+5
(for measuring)
• NIIZH = 2 • NIIZHwaaswi = 2+5
• NISwi = 3 • NIShwaaswi = 3+5
ASIGIBII’IGANAN NAGAMON song gives us the base for counting …
- Midaaswi to Niizhtana
- ashi =
- ashi bezhig
- ashi niizh
- NIIZHtana =
- 10 to 20
- equals a “+”
- +1=11
- +2=12
- 2x10 (but sometimes said “dana” for higher numbers)
Complete the following:
- ________ =+
- ________ = 1
- ________ = 20
- ________ = 15
- ________ = 17
- ________ = 14
- ________ = 18
- ashi = +
- bezhig = 1
- niizhtana = 20
- ashi-naanan = 15
- ashi-niizhwaaswi = 17
- ashi-niiwin = 14
- ashi-nishwaaswi = 18
Complete the following math problems:
- ________ + 5 = niizhwaaswi
- ________ + 5 = nishwaaswi
- midaaswi + 8 = __________
- zhaangaswi + 11 = __________
- ________ + 2 = niswi
- naanan + 12 = __________
- niiwin + 8 = __________
- NIIZH + 5 = niizhwaaswi (7)
- NISWI + 5 = nishwaaswi (8)
- midaaswi + 8 = ASHI-NISHWAASWI. (18)
- zhaangaswi + 11 = NIIZHTANA (20)
- BEZHIG + 2 = niswi (3)
- naanan + 12 = ASHI-NIIZHWAASWI (17)
- niiwin + 8 = ASHI-NIIZH (12)
DEPENDENT Numbers for Measuring Things
(Units, like time, cooking cups, dates, lengths,)
Counting (Independent or whole numbers):
- Bezhig • Ingodwaaswi
- Niizh • Niizhwaaswi
- Niswi • Nishwaaswi
- Niiwin • Zhaangaswi
- Naanan • Midaaswi
Measuring/Dependent Form Numbers:
(Always ends in “o”, must be connected to something.)
- Bezhigo- • Ingodwaaso-
- Niizho- • Niizhwaaso-
- Niso- • Nishwaaso-
- Niiyo- • Zhaangaso-
- Naano- • Midaaso-
More Dependent Numbers:
- Ashi-bezhig
- Niizhtana ashi niizh
- Nisimidana
• Ashi-bezhigo- (10+1) 11 dependent form
• Niizhtana ashi niizho- (2x10 + 2) 22 dependent
• Nisimidana-daso- (3x10) 30 dependent/so many
(Daso = dependent form of 20)
Solve the puzzle:
- ashi ________ = the dependent form of 11
- niizhtana ________ = the dependent form of 20
- ________. ________. ________ = the dependent form of 22
- ________. ________. ________ = the dependent form of 47
- ashi BEZHIGO- = the dependent form of 11
- niizhtana DASO- = the dependent form of 20
- NIIZHTANA ASHI NIIZHO- = the dependent form of 22
- NIIMIDANA ASHI NIIZHWAASO- = the dependent form of 47
• Aaniin endaso-diba’iganek?
• Aaniin Endaso- diba’iganek?
How # is it numbered. The O’clock Hour?
Diba’igiiziswaan: (telling time)
Remember you need dependent numbers for measuring time.
1= bezhigo- or ingo- 2= niizho- 3= niso- 6= ingodwaaso- 17= ahsi-niizhwaaso- 20= niizhtana-daso- 30= nisimidana-daso-
- __________ diba’iganed =
* __________ diba’iganek =
- ________ IT IS _____ O’clock
* ________ @ (at) ________ O’clock
- _____Dependent # _____ diba’iganed =
- _____Dependent # _____ diba’iganek =
- It is ________ o’clock
* @ At ________ o’clock
Patterns =
- Niizho-diba’iganed =
- Niizho-diba’iganek =
- It is 2:00
* At (@) 2:00
- 1:00 = __________
- @ 1:00 = __________
- ingo-diba’iganed
- ingo-diba’inganek
(Ingo- OR bezhigo- are used for measurements = 1)
Aaniin endaso-diba’iganek? (3:00)
How is it numbered at the o’clock hour?
It is 3 o’clock.
Aaniin endaso-diba’iganek? (6:00)
How is it numbered at the o’clock hour?
It is 6 o’clock.
Solve the puzzle:
- ________. ________ means “it is 2:00”
- ________. ________ means “@ 2:00”
- ________. ________ means “it is 10:00”
- ________. ________ means “@ 10:00”
- Niizho diba’iganed. Means “it is 2:00”
- Niizho diba’iganek. Means “@ 2:00”
- Midaaso diba’iganed. Means “it is 10:00”
- Midaaso diba’iganek. Means “@ 10:00”
Aainiin ekidog:
________ # minutes
• ________ diba’igaans
Aaniin Ekidog:
- 20 minutes
- 18 minutes
- 5 minutes
- Niizhtana-daso-diba’igaans
- ashi-nishwaaso-diba’igaans
- naano-diba’igaans
Clock is cut “in half” to describe relationship of minutes within/to the hour:
We talk about minutes AFTER & BEFORE the hour
• from the top of the hour to half past = ishkwaa
• from half past to before the top of the hour = jibwaa
_____ diba’igaans jibwaa ____
15 minutes before the 10:00 hour
_____ ishkwaa _______ diba’iganed
10 minutes after 3 o’clock
__ diba’igaans jibwaa- | ishkwaa-__ diba’iganed
Ashi-nishwaaso-diba’igaans ishkwaa-naano-diba’ iganed = 5:18
18 minutes AFTER 5 o’clock (it is)
[using the dependent/measuring form of #s]
Niizhtana-daso-diba’igaans jibwaa-midaaso-diba’ iganed
20 minutes BEFORE the 10 o’clock hour (it is)
[using the dependent/measuring form of #s]
Fill in the missing words:
- ________- diba’igaans ________- zhaaganso- diba’iganed = 9:05
- ________- naano-diba’igaans ________- midaaso-diba’iganed = 9:45
- NAANO- diba’igaans ISHKWAA-zhaaganso-diba’iganed = 9:05. It is 5 minutes after the 9 o’clock hour.
- ASHI-naano-diba’igaans JIBWAA-midaaso-diba’iganed = 9:45. It is 15 minutes before the 10 o’clock hour.
Telling Time: Half Past
• ________ diba’iganed ashi aabitaa
6:30 =
• ingodwasso-diba’iganed ashi aabitaa
It is 6 o’clock plus half past.
Aaniin endaso-diba’iganek?
• 2:30
How is it numbered at the o’clock hour?
• niizho-diba’iganed ashi aabitaa
It is 2 o’clock plus half past.
Aaniin apii waa-maajaayan?
When do. Want to. You leave
• 3:00
- . 3:00 niwii-maaja
- Niso-diba’iganek niwii-maajaa
At 3 o’clock I want to leave.
Aaniin endaso-diba’iganek? (10:45)
How is it numbered AT THE o’clock hour?
Ashi naano-diba’igaans jibwaa ashi bezhigo-diba’iganed.
IT IS 15 minutes before the 11 o’clock hour.
[photo of 3 kittens]
Aaniish minik bizhiinsag wayaabamadwaa?
How many exactly kittens do you see?
- Niso-bizhiinsag niwaabamaag.
- 3 kittens/cats I see them. [plural for animate nouns]. • I see ___ # of them kittens/cats.
Wayaabandaman = NI do you see
niwaabandaanan. I see NI
Wayaabamadwaa = NA do you see
niwaabamaag. I see NA
Aaniindi waa-izhaayan? ____ niwii-izhaa.
Aaniin apii waa-maajaayan? _____ niwii-maajaa.
Where do you want to go? Gakaabikaang niwii-izhaa. (Minneapolis)
When do you want to leave? Bezhigo-diba’iganeg niwii-maajaa. (One o’clock I want to leave.)
Aaniish minik minikwaajiganan (# liquids) wayaabandeman?
☕️☕️☕️☕️ 🐕🦺🐕🦺🐕🦺🐕🦺🐕🦺🐕🦺
Niiwin minikwaajiganan Niwaabandaanan = I see 4 ITS Ningodwaaswi animoshensag niwaabamaag = I see 6 THEMS
NI waabandaan AN = I see 4 its
I. See. Its
Niwaabandaanan. [for inanimate nouns]
NI waabam AA(G) = I see 6 thems.
I. See. Them(s)
Niwaabamaag. [for animate nouns]
Aaniin ekidong … ?
- S/he goes to …
- I go to …
- I’m GONNA GO to …
- S/he returns
- I return
- I’m gonna return
How do we say?
- Izhaa S/he goes to
- nindizhaa I go to
- Inga-izhaa I’m gonna go to
- Bi-azhe-giiwe S/he returns
- Nimbi-azhe-giiwe/imbi-azhe-giiwe (I return)
- Inga-bi-azhe-giiwe/Ninga-bi-azhe-giiwe (I’m gonna return)
Aaniindi ge-izhaayan?
Aaniin apii ge-bi-azhe-giiweyan?
Where is your buddy going?
When is your buddy coming back?
Aaniindi waa-izhaayan? ____ niwii-izhaa.
Aaniin apii waa-maajaayan? ___ niwii maajaa
Where do your mates want to go?
When do they want to leave?
- Gakaabikaang
- Zhingwaako-mishiimin-akiing
- Waashtonong
- Gichi-mishiimin-oodenaang
- Mino-wakiing
- Minneapolis
- Hawaii
- Washington DC
- NY City
- Milwaukee
Numbers continued . . .
- S/he goes to . . .
- I go to . . .
- I’m gonna go to . . .
- S/he returns
- I return
- Izhaa
- Nindizhaa
- Inga-izhaa
- Bi-azhe-giiwe
- Nimbi-azhe-giiwe/imbi-azhe-giiwe
Where is your buddy going? When is he coming back? • Mole Lake • Lac du Flambeau • Red Cliff • Bad River • Round Lake • Lac Courte d’Orielles
Saka’aaganing (Mole Lake) izhaa (he goes to) Niizho-diba’iganek bi-azhe-giiwe (@ 2:00) he returns • Saka’aaganing • Waaswaaganing • Miskwaabikaang • Mashkiziibiing • Waawiyegamaag • Odaawaa-zaaga’iganiing
Waazhaskoonsing Ishkoniganan
Wisconsin Reservations
Place of little muskrat/left over land
VIIs (It is verbs) • Describe non-living objects: - ozhaawashkwaa: it is blue or green - Minikwaajigan ate agijiadoopowining: the cup is on the table • Weather terms: - gimiwan: it is raining - mino-giizhigad: it’s a nice day - Goonikaa: there is snow on the ground
• Geographic descriptions:
- Oshedinaa: There is a ridge/it is a ridge
- Mamaangaashkaa: there are big waves
• Time:
- Niizho-diba’iganed: it is 2:00
- Naawakweg: @ noon
- Nitam-anokii-giizhigad: it is the first day of work