Part 2 - Defects, extended structures and ordered vacancy structures Flashcards
What types of point defects can there be in crystalline elemental solids?
Vacancies, interstitials or substitutional disorder.
C, N, O and H are often found as impurities in transition metals. What kind of defects are they typically found as?
Name a couple of technological uses of interstitial impurities.
Interstitial carbon in iron increases mechanical strength.
Interstitial hydrogen in Pd can be used as hydrogen storage.
What is an aliovalent atom?
A dopant atom of a different valence than the atom that originally occupied whichever site it is substituted to.
What is an isovalent atom?
A dopant atom of the same valence as the atom that originally occupied the site it is substituted to.
Name a technological use of substitutional doping.
Doping of elemental Si with Al or P leading to p- and n-type semiconductors.
What is the difference between point defects in crystalline elemental solids and in crystalline ionic compounds?
In ionic compounds there is the added constraint of total electroneutrality in the crystal.
What are intrinsic defects?
Defects that can occur in pure materials (nothing coming in from the outside)
What is a Schottky defect?
A Schottky defect is a cation vacancy compensated with the appropriate amount of anion vacancies.
Upon creation of a Schottky defect, what could happen with the structure?
The negative and positive charges will attract each other, which can lead to vancacy clustering.
The surrounding structure may also relax or distort to accommodate the defect.
What is a Frenkel defect?
A Frenkel defect is a vacancy and a corresponding interstitial ion (of the same charge).
What types of ions can Frenkel defects occur?
For both cations (cation-Frenkel) and anions (anion-Frenkel).
What is a colour centre?
A colour centre can be described as electrons trapped on vacant anion sites (trapped by the positive charge of the vacancy).
What kind of colour centres are there?
F-centre: isolated trapped electron
M-centre: pair of electrons trapped
R-centre: triplet of electrons trapped
Why are colour centres called colour centres?
Because the potential holding the electrons trapped give rise to s- and p-like states. Upon excitation and relaxation of these electrons from one state to another they frequently give rise to characteristic colours.
Some examples of this are blue kinds of calcite and feldspar and green diamonds.
How can we with a simple lattice model consider the formation of a vacancy?
We can consider a simple lattice with N_0 lattice sites. We then look at the formation of the vacancy by moving one atom from the bulk to the surface, so that we now have N_0 + 1 lattice points. We then consider what the Gibbs free energy of creating n such isolated, non-interacting vacancies.
What is the main driving force behind vacancy creation?
Increase in configurational entropy.
What is the configurational entropy term of the Gibbs free energy, and how does it look for n vacancies?
-kT lnΩ per n vacancies, where Ω is the number of ways to arrange n vacancies of N_0 + n sites.
Ω = (N_0 + n)! / (N_0!n!)
What happens to the total ΔH during vacancy formation?
Formation of each vacancy costs energy, and the more vacancies formed, the greater the enthalpy increase is. This is counteracted by the increase in entropy (ΔG = ΔH - TΔS), and an equilibrium is found for the intrinsic number of vacancies.
The positive enthalpy change comes from the fact that the chemical bonds broken during formation of vacancies are only partly compensated by the fewer bonds created at the surface.
How is the dependence of n for ΔH, ΔS_vib and ΔS_conf for low vacancy concentrations?
For ΔH and ΔS_vib, it is linearly dependent on n. ΔS_conf is not linearly dependent, but dependent through -kt ln Ω where Ω = (N_0 + n)! / (N_0!n!)
What is the consequence of the non-linear dependence on n of ΔS_conf?
That the equilibrium number of vacancies will always be non-zero (alternatively, that ΔG always occurs at non-zero value of n).
How can we calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies (n_eq) formed by thermodynamic considerations?
We differentiate the term for ΔG wrt n and solve for dΔG/dn = 0. We use the following formula:
d/dn [nΔH - nTΔS - kTln( (N_0+n)! / N_0! n!)]
To differentiate this, we use Stirling’s apporximation, that says ln(x!) ≈ xlnx - x.
How is the fractional concentration of vacancies dependent on temperature, ΔH and ΔS_vib? What favours a large concentration of defects?
It depends solely on these through the relation:
x_v = n_eq / (N_0 + n_eq) = exp(ΔS_vib / k) exp(-ΔH/kT)
A not too large ΔH (weak bonding) and large T would favour vacancy formations.
How does the thermodynamic expression for the formation of isolated interstitials compare to the expression for the formation of vacancies?
It is similar.
How does the thermodynamic expression for the formation of Schottky defects compare to the expression for the formation of vacancies?
Schottky defects would need to take into considerations the number of ways to rearrange the cation vacancies and the anion vacancies (the configurational entropy term would be -2kTlnΩ).
We thus get the same expression, but the fraction of Schottky defects would go as:
x_S = exp(ΔS_vib / 2k) exp(-ΔH_S/2kT)
(extra factor of 1/2 in each exponential)
What is an extrinsic defect?
An extrinsic defect is a defect involving new chemical species.
What kind of charge compensation mechanism could we have from an donor dopant?
A donor dopant would have a higher valence, and we would need additional negative charge to compensate. This could be acheived either through formation of cation vacancies (1), addition of anions (2) or by redox compensation (3)
1) Ca2+ in NaCl -> Na1_2x Cax []x Cl
2) Y3+ in CaF2 -> Ca1-x Yx F2+x
3) La3+ in CaMnO3 -> Ca1-x Lax Mn4+1-x Mn3+x O3
What is a donor dopant?
A donor dopant is a dopant with a higher valence. It refers to the elemental state, in that it can donate an extra electron.
What is an acceptor dopant?
An acceptor dopant is a dopant with a lower valence. It refers to the elemental state, in that it can accept an extra electron.