Part 2 Flashcards
Definition of 4th Ground:
“The definition of the fourth ground is a Superior Bodhisattva’s path that has abandoned small-big innate true-grasping, its principal object of abandonment, and that has attained a surpassing practice of the perfection of effort from within the ten perfections.”
Definition of 5th Ground:
“The definition of the fifth ground is a Superior Bodhisattva’s path that has abandoned big-middling innate true-grasping, its principal object of abandonment, and that has attained a surpassing practice of the perfection of mental stabilization from within the ten perfections.”
Definition and description of true suffering:
“The definition of true suffering is a contaminated aggregate that is principally caused by deluded action. They are called ‘true sufferings’ because Superior beings, who see things as they really are, directly see them to have the nature of suffering.
There are four types of true suffering – contaminated bodies, contaminated minds, contaminated environments and contaminated enjoyments. The first two are internal true sufferings because they are in the continuum of a person and the second two are external true sufferings because they are not in the continuum of a person.”
true origin definition and description:
“The definition of true origin is a delusion or action that is the main cause of true sufferings. They are called ‘true origins’ because they are the real source of all suffering and fear. There are two types of true origin – delusion true origins and action true origins. Delusion true origins are the first, eighth and ninth of the twelve dependent-related links, and action true origins are the second and tenth dependent-related links.”
definition and description of true cessation:
“The definition of true cessation is the ultimate nature of a mind that has abandoned any obstruction through the force of true paths. True cessations are like the effects of true paths, but they are not actual effects because they are permanent.
There are two types of true cessation – Hinayana true cessations and Mahayana true cessations. There are two types of Hinayana true cessation – Hinayana true cessations of intellectually-formed delusions and Hinayana true cessations of innate delusions. There are three types of Mahayana true cessation – Mahayana true cessations of intellectually-formed delusions, Mahayana true cessations of innate delusions and Mahayana true cessations of obstructions to omniscience.”
definition and description of true paths:
“The definition of true path is a Superior being’s realization held by the wisdom directly realizing emptiness. There are two types of true path – Hinayana true paths and Mahayana true paths. Each of these has three types – the path of seeing, the path of meditation and the Path of No More Learning. The ultimate true path is the Mahayana Path of No More Learning, which is actual Buddhahood.”
4 aspects of true sufferings:
“impermanence, suffering, emptiness and selflessness. By contemplating the first aspect we overcome our attachment to samsaric places, bodies and enjoyments, and by contemplating the second we realize that because the very nature of samsaric objects is suffering they are all objects to be abandoned. By contemplating the third we realize gross selflessness, and by contemplating the fourth we realize subtle selflessness. In Commentary to Valid Cognition Dharmakirti says:
Seeing selflessness liberates us from samsara. All the other aspects are taught for the sake of this.
This means that Buddha taught the first three aspects of true sufferings as a foundation for meditating on and realizing the fourth aspect. It is the realization of subtle selflessness that liberates us from samsara.”
4 aspects of true origins:
“cause, origin, strong production and condition. By contemplating the first we gain a deep conviction that all suffering has a cause, and by contemplating the second we realize that delusions and deluded actions are the origin of all suffering. By contemplating the third we realize that true origins are capable of producing strong suffering such as the suffering of the hells, and by contemplating the fourth we realize that it is true origins that create the conditions for all adversity such as sickness, poverty, famine and war. Contemplating these four aspects strengthens our determination to abandon true origins.”
4 aspects of true cessations:
“cessation, peace, supreme attainment and definite abandonment. By contemplating the first we realize that liberation is a true cessation of all true origins and therefore of all true sufferings, and by contemplating the second we realize that liberation is real peace because it is the abandonment of all delusions. By contemplating the third we realize that liberation is a supreme attainment because it is completely non-deceptive, and by contemplating the fourth we realize that it is a definite abandonment because it is an irreversible release from samsaric faults. Contemplating these four aspects encourages us to strive to attain true cessations.”
4 aspects of true paths:
“path, antidote, accomplishment and definite abandoner. The principal true path is the wisdom directly realizing emptiness. By contemplating the first aspect we realize that this wisdom is a path because it leads us to the destination of liberation, and by contemplating the second we realize that it is the antidote because it directly eliminates delusions. By contemplating the third we realize that it is an accomplishment because it leads to perfect attainments, and by contemplating the fourth we realize that it is a definite abandoner because it is the principal method for abandoning all suffering and all faults. Contemplating these four aspects encourages us to meditate on true paths.”
(6th ground) definition of absorption of cessation:
“an uncontaminated wisdom focused single-pointedly on emptiness in dependence on the actual absorption of peak of samsara.”
Mara of the aggregates
Our appropriated, contaminated aggregates.
“Generally, an aggregate is a assembly of parts produced by causes and conditions…A contaminated aggregate is an aggregate that is produced from contaminated causes - delusions and actions motivated by delusions - and that functions to stimulate further delusions. All the places, bodies, minds, and enjoyments of Samaria beings are contaminated aggregates. Contaminated aggregates and true sufferings are synonymous.”
Internal (imp. Person), external (not for input. Person)
Definition of ultimate truth
Is the principal object of a valid cognizer that apprehend a truth.
The definition of conventional truth
Is the principal object of a valid cognizer that apprehends a false object.
[they are] false objects because they do not exist in the way that they appear…They are called ‘truths’ because they are true for the true-grasping mind. Thus, conventional truths appear as truly existent and for the true-grasping mind this appearance is true.
The definition of an object-possessor that is correct with respect to the awareness of worldly people
Is a mind that is such that a person who has not realized emptiness does not realize that it is a mistaken awareness.
The definition of an object that is correct with respect to the awareness of worldly people
Is a phenomenon that is only an object and us such that a person who has not realized emptiness does not realize that it does not exist as it appears.
The definition of an object-possessor that is incorrect with respect…
Is a mind that is such that a person who has not realized emptiness realizes that it is a wrong awareness.
The definition of an object that is incorrect…
Is a phenomenon that is only an object and is such that a person who has not realized emptiness realizes that it does not exist as it appears. (Eg, face in mirror).
Truth for an obscurer
Obscurer is t-g mind.
True grasping is a form of ignorance that superimposes on phen a fabrication of true existence thereby obstructing the view of their ultimate nature, or emptiness.
B said that whatever is distorted by true grasping in this way but appears as true to living beings is a conventional truth.
Def of ultimate truth
Is the principal object of a valid cognizer that apprehends a truth. is a truth because it exists just as it appears to a non-conceptual direct perceiver.
Def of conventional truth
Is the principal object of a valid cognizer that apprehends a false object