Part 2 Flashcards
an involuntary reaction in response to a stimulus applied to the periphery and transmitted to the CNS.
neuronal pathway by which relex occurs.
Reflex Arc
involves synapses of two or more neurons.
polysynaptic reflex
two or more neurons synapse with the same
postsynaptic neuron.
Converging Pathway
the axon from one neuron divides and synapses
with more than one other postsynaptic neuron
Diverging Pathway
We are unaware of much of the input, but it is vital to our survival.
Sensory Functions
Under the sensory functions are the:
⚬ Ascending Tracts
⚬ Sensory Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
project to specific regions of the cerebral cortex_____ where sensations are perceived.
primary sensory areas
located in the parietal lobe posterior to the central sulcus.
primary somatic sensory cortex
in the occipital lobe
visual cortex
in the temporal lobe
primary auditory cortex
in the insula.
taste area
include involuntary and voluntary movements.
Somatic Motor Functions
posterior portion of the frontal lobe, directly anterior to the central sulcus
primary motor cortex
where motor functions are organized before they are actually initiated in the primary motor cortex
premotor area
foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, called the____
pre-frontal area
project directly from upper motor neurons in the
cerebral cortex to lower motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem;
Descending Tracts
help plan, organize, and coordinate motor movements and posture.
Basal nuclei
involved in balance, muscle tone, and muscle
receives sensory input from and controls
muscular activity in the left half of the body
Right cerebral hemisphere
receives sensory input from and controls
muscular activity in the right half of the body
Left cerebral hemisphere
connection between two hemisphere.
The largest commissure is the
corpus callosum
The crossing of the right and left corticospinal tract
located in the parietal lobe. Responsible for understanding speech
Sensory speech (Wernicke’s) area
located in the frontal lobe. Responsible for
producing speech.
Motor (Broca’s) speech area
Damage to these parts of the brain or to associated brain regions may result in _____
a recording device which records brain’s electrical
Delta wave
Theta wave
Alpha wave
present when awake & relaxed
Beta wave
intense activity & awake
Can be divided into three stages of memory:
Working Memory, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory
lasts only a few second to minutes
Working Memory
can be retained for few minutes to few days
Short-term Memory
can be retained permanently.
Long-term Memory
Has two (2) subdivisions:
The olfactory cortex and certain deep cortical regions and nuclei of the cerebrum and the diencephalon are grouped together under the title limbic system.
There are _______ of cranial nerves
12 pairs
Designated by ________
Roman numerals (I-XII)
special senses, such as vision, and the more general senses, such as touch and pain in the face
somatic motor and parasympathetic
CN 1
Cn 2
CN 3
CN 4
CN 5
CN 6
Cn 7
CN 8
CN 9
CN 10
CN 11
CN 12
innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands. _______ functions are largely controlled unconsciously.
Autonomic Nervous System
In ANS, two neurons in series extend from the CNS to the effectors
⚬ Pre-ganglionic neuron
⚬ Pos-ganglionic neuron
Further, the ANS is composed of two divisions
⚬ Sympathetic Division
⚬ Parasympathetic division
is located near the spinal cord.
• Fight or flight responses
• Increases heart rate, respiratory rate, glucose, pupil dilation
Sympathetic Division
• Rest and Digest
• SLUDD: Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation and Digestion
Parasympathetic Division