part 2 Flashcards
Azure VM
Most common type of computer - can choose OS, memory, CPU, storage. Can share hardware with other customers.
Azure Container Instances
Docker as a Service. Run containerised apps on Azure without provisioning servers or VMs.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Kubernetes as a Service. Easy to deploy, manage and scale containerised apps. Uses the open source Kubernetes software.
Azure Service Fabric
Tier 1 enterprise container as a service. For distributed systems platforms. Runs in Azure or on-premises. East to package, deploy and manage scalable and reliable microservices (containers).
Azure functions
Event-driven, serverless compute run code without provisioning or managing servers. Pay only for compute time used.
Azure batch
Plans, schedules and executes batch compute workloads across running 100+ jobs (code) in parallel. Spot VMs (low priority VMs) to save money.
Storage services
Azure blob - object serverless storage. very large amounts of unstructured files. pay for what you store. unlimited storage, no-resizing volumes.
Azure disk - Virtual volume. Choose SSD or HDD. Encryption by default. Attach volume to VMs.
Azure file - Shared volume you can access and manage like a file server e.g. SMB
Azure queue - For queuing and reliably delivering messages between apps
Azure Table - Wide Column NoSQL Database. NoSQL store hosts unstructured data independent of any schema
Azure Data Box - briefcase computer + storage designed to move terabytes or perabytes of data (instead of transferring over internet)
Azure Archive - long term cold storage when need to hold files for years on cheapest option
Azure Data Lake - central repo allows storage of (un)structure data at any scale
Database Services
Azure Cosmos DB - fully managed NoSQL database. designed for scale with guarantee 99.999% availability
Azure SQL Database - fully managed MS SQL database with auto scale, integral intelligence + robust security
Azure DB for MySWL/PSWL/MariaDB - fully managed and scalable with high availability + security
SWL Server on VMs - Host enterprise SQL Server apps in cloud. Lift-and-shift MS SQL servers from on-premise to cloud
Azure Synapse Analytics - fully managed data warehouse with integral security at every level of scale at no extra cost
Azure Database Migration service - migrates db to cloud with no app code changes
Azure Cache for Redis - Caches frequently used + static data
Azure Table Storage - Wide-Column NoSWL hosts unstructured data independent of any schema
App integration services
Azure Notifications Hub - Pub/Sub: send push notif to any platform from any back end
Azure API Apps - API gateway: quickly build and consume APIs in cloud. Route APIs to Azure Services
Azure Service Bus - reliable cloud messaging as a service (MaaS) and simple hybrid integration
Azure Stream Analytics - Severless real-time analytics, from cloud to the edge
Azure Logic apps - schedule, automate, orchestrate tasks. Integration with enterprise SaaS and applications
Azure API mgmt - Hybrid, multi-cloud mgmt platform for APIs across all environments. In front of existing APIs to add additional functionality.
Azure Queue Storage: Messaging queue
Developer and mobile tools
Azure SignalR Service - real time messaging: add real time web functionality to apps.
Azure App Service - Easy service for deploying + scaling web apps with .Net, PHP etc. Focus on building web apps without underlying infrastructure
Visual Studio - Code editor
Xamarin - Mobile app framework to create powerful scalable native mobile apps with .Net and Azure
Developer and mobile tools
Azure SignalR Service - real time messaging: add real time web functionality to apps.
Azure App Service - Easy service for deploying + scaling web apps with .Net, PHP etc. Focus on building web apps without underlying infrastructure
Visual Studio - Code editor
Xamarin - Mobile app framework to create powerful scalable native mobile apps with .Net and Azure
DevOps Services
Azure DevOps - plan smarter, ship faster with modern dev services including:
Azure boards - KanBban
Pipelines - build, test with CI/CD that works with any language, platform, cloud. Connect to Git provider and deploy continuously
Test Plans - test and ship with manual and exploratory testing tools
Artifacts - create, host, share packages with teams. Add artifacts to CI/CD pipelines with single click
DevTest Labs - fast, easy dev-test environments
Azure Resource Manager - Infrastructure as Code
Managing and provisioning computer data centers using scripts rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive tools
ARM - programmatically create Azure resources via JSOn template
Azure QuickStart
library of pre-made ARM templates to help quickly launch projects
logically isolated section of Azure Network where launch Azure resources. Choose a range of IPs using CIDR range. In vNet can have a public subnet (which can connect to internet) and private (e.g. with db)
CIDR range - smaller the number after /, the wider the range of addresses