Part 170 - Federal Worker protection Standard Read this entire section and underline each time you see Agricultural Employer to see his responsibilities Flashcards
Does the Worker Protection Standard govern both employers of farm workers and
noncommercial or commercial applicators who employ handlers on agricultural establishments. (scope)(170.7)
The _________ ________ is the primary person responsible for knowing or having access to the trade and common chemical name of the pesticide, the product label and other safety requirements and for promptly making such information available to workers, persons alleging pesticide exposure and to treating medical personnel upon request. ( Did you do as instructed under Part 170? )
Review the definitions of Owner, Handler employer, Worker, and Handler.
The period between an application of a pesticide and the time when people may enter the field without wearing personal protective equipment and/or clothing required by the label is called the ______________________.
If a pesticide of any kind has a restricted entry interval of 48 hours printed on the label will this REI change due to climate without this being on the label?
Who is the person ultimately responsible for compliance with requirements governing worker reentry into treated?fields?
Can an agricultural employer or supervisor direct an agricultural worker to perform
pesticide-handling tasks.
Review the list of exceptions to the Worker Protection Standard. /170.103
Can a employer order an employee (who has been trained as a worker under the WPS) to engage in an activity that may involve substantial contact with a pesticide? (see 170.1 10.a/b)
The Worker Protection Standard requires that before a commercial applicator applies pesticides to an agricultural employer’s establishment, the applicator and/or the agricultural employer must communicate the following to each other so that employees do not enter restricted areas: A commercial applicator must inform the grower about I) the location and description of the treated area, 2) time and date of application, 3) product name, EPA registration number and active ingredient(s), 4) restricted entry interval, 5) any posting and oral notification requirements and 6) any other safety information from the label. Also, the agricultural employer (grower) must inform the commercial applicator about 1) the specific location and description of treated areas in his/her establishment and 2) restrictions about entering those areas, if the commercial applicator will have his employees entering those areas or walking within 1/4 mile of them during the RET or application. (170.124) (170.224)
WHO is responsible for assuring that direct spray or drift does not contact persons not wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. (170.210a - two individuals)
Under the Worker Protection Standard, are commercial applicators required to present safety training to non-certified pesticide handlers who can read labels? (170.230)
Are the employers of handlers covered by the Worker Protection Standard required both to provide personal protective equipment specified on the pesticide label or in the Standards and to assure that the equipment is used. (170.2.40)
Are the NIOSH classifications for respirators found on the pesticide label mandatory for cartridge selection.
Is it the responsibility of the handler employer or the handler (the employee) to assure that personal protective equipment is cleaned properly? (170.240 (f))
Are the employers of pesticide handlers required to furnish each of the following: clean water for washing the entire body and emergency eye flushing, soap and single use towels, and a clean change of clothing such as coveralls at decontamination site(s)? (1 12 - 113 - worker)
Remember the LABEL is the LAW even though Right-of-Way is not covered by WPS
specifically, if a pesticide is used with WPS labeling requirements, those requirements MUST be followed. Any person applying pesticides to a right-of-way must be licensed with the department regardless of the use classification of the pesticide. (§7.21 (c)(2))