Part 1 - Vehicles Flashcards
Vehicle Assignment:
Vehicles shall be assigned to departmental elements or individual employees only by the _____ **or the Fleet Management Section. **
Vehicle Assignment:
Transfer of vehicles between types of assignment, regardless of approving authority, shall be effected through the ________ Section
Fleet Management
Vehicle Modification:
Departmental vehicles will not be modified or altered in any manner without approval of the _________.
Chief Financial Officer
Vehicle Maintenance:
Employees are responsible for maintenance of their assigned vehicles including timely submission for preventive maintenance (normally every ____ miles for marked and _____ miles for unmarked vehicles).
Vehicle Maintenance:
Inspection of the normal vehicular operating fluids shall be conducted at least once a ___ by authorized Miami-Dade County maintenance employees or the assigned vehicle driver.
Vehicle Maintenance:
Except for the changing of ___, departmental vehicles shall not be repaired by anyone other than an authorized Miami-Dade County mechanic.
flat tires
Vehicle Maintenance:
At least _____, vehicle interior and exterior will be thoroughly cleaned.
Line Inspection of Vehicles:
Vehicles will be inspected ______ for equipment, cleanliness, proper maintenance, and the existence of any unauthorized equipment.
Results of the inspection will be recorded on the **Vehicle Inspection Form. **
Speedometer Calibration Certificates:
A file for the calibration certificates will be maintained in the glove box or saddlebags of the vehicle and is considered _______ equipment.
Speedometer Calibration Certificates:
Certificates will be kept on file for at least ___ years after the expiration date.
Vehicles will be calibrated at least every ______ or sooner, if circumstances warrant a calibration test.
two/six months
Officers are prohibited from transporting homeless individuals to locations other than the Miami- Dade County Homeless Trust, in situations where the individual is not in police custody for a crime or being taken into ** _______** under the **Baker Act. **
protective custody
PPV Assignment:
The ____ has the authority to determine the eligibility of personnel in the program and the assignment and retraction of vehicles in the PPVP.
PPV Assignment:
Neither a _____ police officer nor an officer being trained in the Field Training and Evaluation Program is eligible.
PPV Assignment:
Employees assigned a PPV are permitted to travel within the geographical boundaries of **Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe and Collier Counties. **
The employee must not have had more than one preventable vehicle crash during the __- **month period preceding personalized patrol vehicle (PPV) assignment. **
PPV Assignment:
Employees who are assigned to light duty or are on leave for a period of _____ or more will have PPVP privileges temporarily withdrawn for the duration of the event.
40 hours
If the employee has been placed on light duty or authorized leave for a period of 40 hours or more, or if privileges are otherwise withdrawn for a period of __ days or less, t**he unit of assignment shall retain the vehicle in a secure location to prevent unauthorized use. **
Disposition of vehicle upon withdrawal of PPVP privileges:
The concerned major organizational element commander may approve use of a PPV on days when the employee will work an off-regular-duty job during a period of _____ leave.