Part 1 - Vehicles Flashcards
Vehicle Assignment:
Vehicles shall be assigned to departmental elements or individual employees only by the _____ **or the Fleet Management Section. **
Vehicle Assignment:
Transfer of vehicles between types of assignment, regardless of approving authority, shall be effected through the ________ Section
Fleet Management
Vehicle Modification:
Departmental vehicles will not be modified or altered in any manner without approval of the _________.
Chief Financial Officer
Vehicle Maintenance:
Employees are responsible for maintenance of their assigned vehicles including timely submission for preventive maintenance (normally every ____ miles for marked and _____ miles for unmarked vehicles).
Vehicle Maintenance:
Inspection of the normal vehicular operating fluids shall be conducted at least once a ___ by authorized Miami-Dade County maintenance employees or the assigned vehicle driver.
Vehicle Maintenance:
Except for the changing of ___, departmental vehicles shall not be repaired by anyone other than an authorized Miami-Dade County mechanic.
flat tires
Vehicle Maintenance:
At least _____, vehicle interior and exterior will be thoroughly cleaned.
Line Inspection of Vehicles:
Vehicles will be inspected ______ for equipment, cleanliness, proper maintenance, and the existence of any unauthorized equipment.
Results of the inspection will be recorded on the **Vehicle Inspection Form. **
Speedometer Calibration Certificates:
A file for the calibration certificates will be maintained in the glove box or saddlebags of the vehicle and is considered _______ equipment.
Speedometer Calibration Certificates:
Certificates will be kept on file for at least ___ years after the expiration date.
Vehicles will be calibrated at least every ______ or sooner, if circumstances warrant a calibration test.
two/six months
Officers are prohibited from transporting homeless individuals to locations other than the Miami- Dade County Homeless Trust, in situations where the individual is not in police custody for a crime or being taken into ** _______** under the **Baker Act. **
protective custody
PPV Assignment:
The ____ has the authority to determine the eligibility of personnel in the program and the assignment and retraction of vehicles in the PPVP.
PPV Assignment:
Neither a _____ police officer nor an officer being trained in the Field Training and Evaluation Program is eligible.
PPV Assignment:
Employees assigned a PPV are permitted to travel within the geographical boundaries of **Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe and Collier Counties. **
The employee must not have had more than one preventable vehicle crash during the __- **month period preceding personalized patrol vehicle (PPV) assignment. **
PPV Assignment:
Employees who are assigned to light duty or are on leave for a period of _____ or more will have PPVP privileges temporarily withdrawn for the duration of the event.
40 hours
If the employee has been placed on light duty or authorized leave for a period of 40 hours or more, or if privileges are otherwise withdrawn for a period of __ days or less, t**he unit of assignment shall retain the vehicle in a secure location to prevent unauthorized use. **
Disposition of vehicle upon withdrawal of PPVP privileges:
The concerned major organizational element commander may approve use of a PPV on days when the employee will work an off-regular-duty job during a period of _____ leave.
Disposition of vehicle upon withdrawal of PPVP privileges:
The concerned unit of assignment shall ensure that the vehicle is turned in to the Fleet Management Section if PPVP privileges are withdrawn for having two or more preventable accidents during the preceding 24 months, or having privileges withdrawn when suspended for a period of more than ___ days.
Off-Duty Intervention:
Employees are restricted to intervening only in the case of emergencies and hazardous situations.
They will not routinely respond to the scene of incidents **unless they are the initial arriving unit or specifically authorized by an ____ supervisor. **
Off-Duty Intervention:
Actual overtime compensation will only be authorized for ____ or more.
All overtime compensation must be approved by a departmental supervisor during such self-initiated action.
Employees will only be compensated for the actual time expended, i.e., hour for hour, which will be **rounded off to the nearest quarter-hour. **
15 minutes
Permanent Twenty-Four Hour Assignment:
With approval of the _____, the Director may authorize permanent vehicle assignments to individuals whose duties require them to conduct official business after normal working hours.
County Mayor
Temporary Twenty-Four Hour Assignment:
The ____ may authorize the use of County vehicles for temporary twenty-four hour use, but in no instance shall the assignment exceed __ working days per month.
A vehicle assigned to and controlled by the Internal Services Department (ISD) that is used to temporarily replace a vehicle in specified types of departmental assignments.
Shop Loaner Vehicle
Equipment and Safety Check:
At the beginning of each shift, the vehicle operator shall inspect the vehicle to ensure that it is safe and **equipped with a spare tire, ___, and lug wrench. **
Equipment and Safety Check:
____ vehicles assigned to sworn personnel will carry, as a minimum, a fire extinguisher and first aid kit in the vehicle trunk _unless an undercover operation could be compromised by the equipment. _
Documentation of Vehicle Use:
Unmarked Vehicles: Except for permanently assigned vehicles, the Vehicle Check-Out Record or _________ will be used to document use of **unmarked County-owned or leased vehicles. **
Daily Activity Report
Monitoring of Usage:
Supervisors who exercise authority over County-owned and leased vehicles assigned to MDPD are responsible to ensure that usage is properly ____, **monitored, and reported. **
The Monthly Vehicle Report, prepared as indicated below, shall be submitted by memorandum through the chain-of-command to the concerned assistant director by the _______ of each month.
**A copy of the Report will be forwarded to the Professional Compliance Bureau (PCB) and the Fiscal Administration Bureau. **
first working day
A “No Smoking” decal will be posted on the dashboard of all County-owned vehicles except for vehicles used in __________.
undercover investigations
Confidential license plates are issued to unmarked County owned vehicles by the ___________.
Requests for a confidential license plate will be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer.
Fleet Management Section
The _____ Bureau is responsible for enforcing parking regulations within the Headquarters Complex.
Warrants Bureau
Issue, Exchange, or Loss of Authorization Cards:
An action memorandum containing a recommendation and background information with a copy of the case report attached will be submitted to the appropriate division chief or supervisor of an element reporting to an assistant director or the Director within __ hours of the incident.
Reporting Investigation Results:
The results of the investigation will be reported by memorandum from the concerned commander to the concerned division chief or assistant director, or the Director, as appropriate, **within ___ working days of the crash. **
Reporting Investigation Results:
If the crash is reported on a County Vehicle Damage Report, a copy of the Vehicle Damage Report shall be sent to the concerned _____ or assistant director, or the Director, as appropriate.
division chief
A Crash Review Panel will review crashes which involve Miami-Dade County vehicles within __ days of occurrence, unless extenuating circumstances necessitate an extension.
Selection of Panel Members:
For crashes involving MDPD vehicles from one unit:
Police officer or civilian employee driver: The panel shall consist of a district, bureau, section, or unit commander or appointed designee (chairperson); a sergeant or civilian supervisor (when applicable); a police officer from _____, unit, or section, or a civilian employee.
another squad
Selection of Panel Members:
Sergeant, lieutenant, or civilian supervisor driver: The panel shall consist of a district, bureau, section, or unit commander or appointed designee (chairperson); one member with a classification equal to or higher than that of the driver; and one member of ____ classification.
For crashes involving MDPD vehicles from more than one unit:
________ (chairperson); one member from each unit with a higher classification than that of their respective driver; and one member from each unit with equal classification of their respective driver.
Departmental Safety Officer
Scheduling of Panels:
The affected commander/supervisor shall convene a panel, utilizing personnel from the concerned unit, within __ days of a County motor vehicle crash involving a driver assigned to his command.
Duties of Panel:
The Crash Review Panel shall not review or base its finding on the information contained in the ________ Report or on information obtained for completing the ________ Report.
Florida Traffic Crash
Reporting Panel Findings and Supervisory Action:
Within ___ days of the panel hearing, the affected commander/supervisor shall submit his findings utilizing the **Crash Review and Supervisory Action memorandum. **
When Appropriate: County vehicle not at fault for one of the following reasons:
- The County vehicle was ____ and legally parked.
- The County vehicle was lawfully stopped and struck.
- The concerned employee was driving lawfully and the circumstances were beyond his control; e.g., falling objects or vehicle fire.
Time Limit and Format: Within __ days of occurrence, the affected commander/supervisor shall prepare an Administrative Crash Review memorandum.
**A copy shall be sent to the Office of Safety, Risk Management Division, Internal Services Department **
Monthly Vehicle Report
Marked Vehicles PPV & Pool:
**Report is due to the concerned assistant director by the first working day of each month. **
The report contains:
- Deletions/Additions from previous monthly report.
- Transfers, reassignments, ______, and address changes.